Federal regulations are out of control. With hundreds of billions of dollars in new costs imposed under the Obama administration, we have a system of regulations and rules that strangles job creation, holds down take-home pay, and puts unelected bureaucrats in charge of huge sectors of our economy.
In 2014, Marco proposed a National Regulatory Budget, which would set a cap on the costs federal regulations could impose on the economy. For every dollar in costs regulators want to impose, they have to find a dollar in existing costs that they’ll repeal.
Marco’s proposal would also impose a cap on each agency, so that Congress would be able to limit new regulation unless agencies, like the EPA, were willing to provide dollar-for-dollar relief.
The budget would limit the costs regulators can impose on the economy, boost wages and job creation, and limit unelected regulators’ power to interfere in the economy.
Marco’s proposal has received praise from conservatives and business organizations.
This proposal is a home-freaking-run. Our nation is strangling in regulatory red tape, nuisance lawsuits, and impossible-to-comply-with rules. Someone has to lop some heads off of this hydra.