Is Rubio a bridesmaid?


HB King
Feb 4, 2004
is Rubio the Rs second choice? What part of the R base is excited to pick him first? If you are a anti establishment voter, you probably like Trump or Cruz more. If you are a reasonable government voter, Kasich fills that role better. If social issues motivate you, Cruz and Carson speak more clearly. If you want the budget and size of government cut, Rubio has promised to do,the opposite. Who actually wants Rubio for himself rather than just as an alternative to one othe the rest? Is it the guy that wants to spend trillions more building planes to bomb the Mideast sandbox?
is Rubio the Rs second choice? What part of the R base is excited to pick him first? If you are a anti establishment voter, you probably like Trump or Cruz more. If you are a reasonable government voter, Kasich fills that role better. If social issues motivate you, Cruz and Carson speak more clearly. If you want the budget and size of government cut, Rubio has promised to do,the opposite. Who actually wants Rubio for himself rather than just as an alternative to one othe the rest? Is it the guy that wants to spend trillions more building planes to bomb the Mideast sandbox?

Good grief. Rubio has a really great American story to tell. As much as he's told it, I can't believe you act like it's not out there.
People who believe in the American Dream should want him first.
Why? He achieved that dream under a Clinton. If you want to follow in Rubio's footsteps you should be for Hillary. What policy position would make anyone want Rubio as their first option? Tax, budget, anti-establishment and social issues all have better R options. That leaves just the military where Rubio has zero experience but promises to send the MIC a lot more money. If you're an R, what would excite you about this guy?
Why? He achieved that dream under a Clinton. If you want to follow in Rubio's footsteps you should be for Hillary. What policy position would make anyone want Rubio as their first option? Tax, budget, anti-establishment and social issues all have better R options. That leaves just the military where Rubio has zero experience but promises to send the MIC a lot more money. If you're an R, what would excite you about this guy?
he's a rino leftist establishment puke, so no,. he should be the vp with Christie on the dem ticket
Why? He achieved that dream under a Clinton. If you want to follow in Rubio's footsteps you should be for Hillary. What policy position would make anyone want Rubio as their first option? Tax, budget, anti-establishment and social issues all have better R options. That leaves just the military where Rubio has zero experience but promises to send the MIC a lot more money. If you're an R, what would excite you about this guy?

You might want to read up on his positions before asking such silly questions.
Maybe you missed it, but that's why I asked the question. So we could talk about his positions. Maybe you should reference them in your answers.

Federal regulations are out of control. With hundreds of billions of dollars in new costs imposed under the Obama administration, we have a system of regulations and rules that strangles job creation, holds down take-home pay, and puts unelected bureaucrats in charge of huge sectors of our economy.

In 2014, Marco proposed a National Regulatory Budget, which would set a cap on the costs federal regulations could impose on the economy. For every dollar in costs regulators want to impose, they have to find a dollar in existing costs that they’ll repeal.

Marco’s proposal would also impose a cap on each agency, so that Congress would be able to limit new regulation unless agencies, like the EPA, were willing to provide dollar-for-dollar relief.

The budget would limit the costs regulators can impose on the economy, boost wages and job creation, and limit unelected regulators’ power to interfere in the economy.

Marco’s proposal has received praise from conservatives and business organizations.

This proposal is a home-freaking-run. Our nation is strangling in regulatory red tape, nuisance lawsuits, and impossible-to-comply-with rules. Someone has to lop some heads off of this hydra.
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Federal regulations are out of control. With hundreds of billions of dollars in new costs imposed under the Obama administration, we have a system of regulations and rules that strangles job creation, holds down take-home pay, and puts unelected bureaucrats in charge of huge sectors of our economy.

In 2014, Marco proposed a National Regulatory Budget, which would set a cap on the costs federal regulations could impose on the economy. For every dollar in costs regulators want to impose, they have to find a dollar in existing costs that they’ll repeal.

Marco’s proposal would also impose a cap on each agency, so that Congress would be able to limit new regulation unless agencies, like the EPA, were willing to provide dollar-for-dollar relief.

The budget would limit the costs regulators can impose on the economy, boost wages and job creation, and limit unelected regulators’ power to interfere in the economy.

Marco’s proposal has received praise from conservatives and business organizations.

This proposal is a home-freaking-run. Our nation is strangling in regulatory red tape, nuisance lawsuits, and impossible-to-comply-with rules. Someone has to lop some heads off of this hydra.
If cutting government is your issue, Cruz and Carson are better. Rubio's plan is just another opportunity for fuzzy math to mask doing nothing. I'm getting the feeling the boy really doesn't shine in any particular area. The reason he keeps coming in 2nd is because he's just a runner up sort of candidate. He's OK on most things Rs care about, but he isn't great on anything.
If cutting government is your issue, Cruz and Carson are better. Rubio's plan is just another opportunity for fuzzy math to mask doing nothing. I'm getting the feeling the boy really doesn't shine in any particular area. The reason he keeps coming in 2nd is because he's just a runner up sort of candidate. He's OK on most things Rs care about, but he isn't great on anything.
the one thing that's killing him right now with r's is they think he will open the borders, and trump says trump will build the great wall of trump
If cutting government is your issue, Cruz and Carson are better. Rubio's plan is just another opportunity for fuzzy math to mask doing nothing. I'm getting the feeling the boy really doesn't shine in any particular area. The reason he keeps coming in 2nd is because he's just a runner up sort of candidate. He's OK on most things Rs care about, but he isn't great on anything.

How would you know? You're for the do-what-feels-good, everything-should-be-provided-by-government party.
How would you know? You're for the do-what-feels-good, everything-should-be-provided-by-government party.
Being for the government, I know how it works. It would be a simple matter for the EPA to get the GAO to classify their regulation as a cost saving step and completely sidestep the Rubio plan. If you want to actually cut red tape, you would be better going for a candidate that simply wants to eliminate the EPA like Cruz. If you want a moderate governor who can craft a plan that can't be sidelined so easy, Kasich is the proven option. Rubio is just milquetoast.
The last time the GOP ran everybody's 2nd choice, Mittens lost to Obama.

I'm not sure Rubio is the solid 2nd choice yet altho there's a big media and RNC push to get him there.
The last time the GOP ran everybody's 2nd choice, Mittens lost to Obama.

I'm not sure Rubio is the solid 2nd choice yet altho there's a big media and RNC push to get him there.
I think Mitt was the first choice for the Rockefeller wing, so he had a lane to the alter. Rubio is blocked by a better option in every lane as I see it.
And someone from that background is now a United States Senator and candidate for president.

Where else can someone rise up the class ladder so quickly?
And he he uses his position to object to the normalization of trade and other relations that would hugely benefit the people of Cuba today.

If he isn't the poster child for "I've Got Mine - F You" politics, I don't know what is.
And he he uses his position to object to the normalization of trade and other relations that would hugely benefit the people of Cuba today.

If he isn't the poster child of "I've Got Mine - F You" politics, I don't know what is.

The embargo is a red herring. Cuba trades with everyone else and yet they blame the embargo for their misfortunes. It's not America that's to blame, it's communism.

So, I guess lifting the embargo would deny the Castros use of that excuse anymore, but it doesn't mean it would "benefit the people of Cuba," either. I'm sure party bosses would benefit, but not ordinary Cubans.
And someone from that background is now a United States Senator and candidate for president.

Where else can someone rise up the class ladder so quickly?
Probably lots of places. Peru had a Japanese immigrant son as President a few years ago. This story isn't so strange. But this story is pretty hope and change like.
The embargo is a red herring. Cuba trades with everyone else and yet they blame the embargo for their misfortunes. It's not America that's to blame, it's communism.

So, I guess lifting the embargo would deny the Castros use of that excuse anymore, but it doesn't mean it would "benefit the people of Cuba," either. I'm sure party bosses would benefit, but not ordinary Cubans.
Spoken like a good little lemming.
Rubio is the establishment's last hope. The establishment does not want the gravy train to end. They have people in Trump and Rubio that would tell them no. Rubio would cave in to special interests and the establishment. Rubio also supports amnesty.
But, but, Rubio was discriminated against as a child. Other children called him "Dumbo."

Yet, despite that handicap, look how he turned out.

Only in America.
You know why Trump is winning? He's playing the "strong man" role. This is especially attractive Hispanics.
No argument there. But why does Rubes let it happen? How strong of a leader can Marco be if he's letting a douche like Trump kick dirt in his face and steal his lunch money every day?