I declare Iowa BB as #1 and undefeated, because they scored 112 pts against NC A&T, and that number should apply to all their other games!!!
Republican secretary of state’s first act in office: withdrawing Alabama from voter-registration organization
The nonprofit Electronic Registration Information Center links 32 states and the District of Columbia. It has of late been a target of right-wing ire and...www.marketwatch.com
Ranked about similar in education, health care and poverty.Florida is the Mississippi of the East
Holy shit. That's insanity right there.
Holy shit. That's insanity right there.
Yep. These religious nutjobs are deciding for every other parent what their children can or can't read. Doesn't overly seem like freedom to me.
Been telling the faux "konservatives" on here for years, that a vote for any of them, is a vote for fascism. They still haven't learned.
I declare Iowa BB as #1 and undefeated, because they scored 112 pts against NC A&T, and that number should apply to all their other games!!!
It wasn’t the GOP that drank the koolaid with the jab. Good communists the Dems are