Is the GOP a Cult?

“Trump is really shaping up to be a world-historic figure the likes of which we haven't seen in some time. Thousands of years from now they're going to be treating "Art of The Deal" like the "Meditations" of Marcus Aurelius. This moment will rank with Ceasar being charged by the Senate in Gaul, Antony's denunciation by Augustus, and Napleon's Imprisonment after the Thermidorian coup.”

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I can only report what I saw and that is that people love him. My 80+ year old mom in AZ is all excited that finally a smart businessman will lead the country. She thought Trump was the guy but but too many people didn’t like how he did things. And the farmers in Iowa really like this guy. I won’t be shocked if for some reason Trump is unable to run (although 6-3 215 seems healthy) he is the nominee.

Easy Peasy, Mike

Just get your party to remove him from ALL of his committee assignments by this Tuesday if he does not confirm all of these appointments/backlogs.

Give him an ultimatum; follow thru.

What's more important, Mike? Party? Or Country?