Is the state of Iowa working on housing at all?

1950s: The average new home sold for $82,098. It had 983 square feet of floor space and a household size of 3.37 people, or 292 square feet per person.

1960s: The average new-home size grew to 1,200 square feet, giving its 3.33 residents a spacious 360 square feet of room apiece.

The average single-family house in the United States has overall increased in size since 2000. It reached its peak of 2,467 square feet in 2015 before falling to 2,299 square feet by 2022.
Yeah, as someone with a "less is more" approach to life, I'd love to fall back into the 50s on the whole housing thing.
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I know a lot of states are utilizing measures like rezoning to make it easier to build new housing. What's Reynolds doing? Especially in cities, we have a big need for more housing.
Kim Jong Reynolds is working hard on housing for multimillionaire Republican donors and doing it quite well.
But you have Runza AND Valentino’s. So at least there is that. And a better drive to Estes Park.
I don't really care for Runza. I think I've had it twice in the few years I've lived here. One of my close friend's father runs a Valentino's franchise location. At her wedding, they brought in like 40 pizzas at 9:30 when we were all drunk and dancing. It was awesome.
I know a lot of states are utilizing measures like rezoning to make it easier to build new housing. What's Reynolds doing? Especially in cities, we have a big need for more housing.
There was a story on NPR recently about Minneapolis simplifying and dropping a lot of previous zoning requirements for new residential construction in particular multi residential buildings and they are expanding housing quicker than most other cities in the country. The result is that rental rates there have been flat for the last five years or so.
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my coworkers rent is a couple hundred dollars than my mortgage and she has 1/3 the space.
This came to me in a dream - have you had the bootstraps talk with your coworker? You could tell her a generation of folks, rather than venting to their coworkers, they went out and got a second job. When that still didn't cover the nut, they got a third job. They lived in a shoddy apartment and used a card table as the kitchen table. They didn't have your fancy smartphones and sports cars and beach trips with the squad, no venti latte's and no winery tours. They persevered and grinded. Let us know how it goes! ;)
This came to me in a dream - have you had the bootstraps talk with your coworker? You could tell her a generation of folks, rather than venting to their coworkers, they went out and got a second job. When that still didn't cover the nut, they got a third job. They lived in a shoddy apartment and used a card table as the kitchen table. They didn't have your fancy smartphones and sports cars and beach trips with the squad, no venti latte's and no winery tours. They persevered and grinded. Let us know how it goes! ;)
I don't think she's doing poorly financially. Just a ridiculous rent for a 2br apartment.
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I bought my house, which is completely remodeled, for 48 grand in a small town in North East Iowa
Housing in northeast Iowa is cheaper but I highly doubt you bought a house completely remodeled for 48 grand. Even if the house was only a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and tiny living room.
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Housing in northeast Iowa is cheaper but I highly doubt you bought a house completely remodeled for 48 grand. Even if the house was only a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and tiny living room.
It has a 2 car garage and 48 grand was normal in a town of 500 people in 2003