Is this Bigfoot?

I think it is a time traveling Mohican Indian with his papoose.
Ask @soybean. Hasn't he seen the real thing?
This is probably the 100th HROT thread on bigfoot and I know people like bean actually did see something, I just think it ain't some giant hominid/humanoid/gorillaoid creature which lives close enough to mankind to have allegedly been seen numerous times, but which has not been captured on clear film/video, hit by a car/semi, shot by a hunter, etc.
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This is probably the 100th HROT thread on bigfoot and I know people like bean actually did see something, I just think it ain't some giant hominid/humanoid/gorillaoid creature which lives close enough to mankind to have allegedly been seen numerous times, but which has not been captured on clear film/video, hit by a car/semi, shot by a hunter, etc.
When I think back to that day and knowing now what I didn't know then I would have shot it if I had been armed.
I've seen something unexplained which I posted. Of all places, in Nevada, Iowa. At night. Black, bipedal, looked like a bear but was running and I don't think bears have that gait. To this date, my brother and I are stumped. No Ames coeds were involved (pretty sure).
A lot of the comments on yt make total sense. It's a man crossing the river with waders and a mosquito net on.
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I've seen something unexplained which I posted. Of all places, in Nevada, Iowa. At night. Black, bipedal, looked like a bear but was running and I don't think bears have that gait. To this date, my brother and I are stumped. No Ames coeds were involved (pretty sure).
What were you drinking and/or smoking on that day/night?
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I've seen something unexplained which I posted. Of all places, in Nevada, Iowa. At night. Black, bipedal, looked like a bear but was running and I don't think bears have that gait. To this date, my brother and I are stumped. No Ames coeds were involved (pretty sure).
Sounds like a prank.*

*edited to note I came to the same conclusion 4 months ago
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This is probably the 100th HROT thread on bigfoot and I know people like bean actually did see something, I just think it ain't some giant hominid/humanoid/gorillaoid creature which lives close enough to mankind to have allegedly been seen numerous times, but which has not been captured on clear film/video, hit by a car/semi, shot by a hunter, etc.
Shoot one of them should have died of natural causes and it's corpse should have been found by someone rotting in the woods by now. Or at least it's bones.

Also there is the whole dynamic of a species which is so rare that we've not been able to find solid proof of it's existence in the wilds near human civilizations but is common enough that the species has apparently been able to sexually reproduce and continue on for thousands of years.

We can't find them but they can find each other.
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Shoot one of them should have died of natural causes and it's corpse should have been found by someone rotting in the woods by now. Or at least it's bones.

Also there is the whole dynamic of a species which is so rare that we've not been able to find solid proof of it's existence in the wilds near human civilizations but is common enough that the species has apparently been able to sexually reproduce and continue on for thousands of years.

We can't find them but they can find each other.
Agreed. Species are put on the endangered species list because they are threatened to be extinct at the low numbers which bigfeet must exist. Yet they hum merrily along on the fringes of mankind with nary a carcass to have been discovered.
I’m going with no. I should know too, I came across multiple Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) back in the 90’s


I never was lucky enough to run into one of these though, as much as I wanted to. We were poor and so were my friends.

Agreed. Species are put on the endangered species list because they are threatened to be extinct at the low numbers which bigfeet must exist. Yet they hum merrily along on the fringes of mankind with nary a carcass to have been discovered.

It's also just too damn large of an animal to not notice. And in the places where it is suppose to be living it should stand out like a sore thumb. Only primates native to those places are other humans.
Think it would be awesome if there really is a bigfoot out there but to date I have not seen anything that makes me believe they exist.