Is this Bigfoot?

I've seen something unexplained which I posted. Of all places, in Nevada, Iowa. At night. Black, bipedal, looked like a bear but was running and I don't think bears have that gait. To this date, my brother and I are stumped. No Ames coeds were involved (pretty sure).
Was it running on two legs or four?
I thought I got a quick glance at a possible fishing rod in one of the frames, too.

Combo of rain gear/waders and mosquito net could be in play.
I was thinking of some kind of bag with fishing gear ? Pretty clear it’s a human…
What were you drinking and/or smoking on that day/night?
This is exactly the kind of drivel that makes it hard for honest people to come forward after they have seen something they can't explain. There is always some guy who was not present willing to try to tell you what you must have seen or make wise cracks about drinking or drugs. It's the fear of ridicule by the clueless that keeps others from coming forward.
It's also just too damn large of an animal to not notice. And in the places where it is suppose to be living it should stand out like a sore thumb. Only primates native to those places are other humans.
Send in these guys. They'll find your bigfoot inside of a week, or there's no bigfoot.

I thought I got a quick glance at a possible fishing rod in one of the frames, too.

Combo of rain gear/waders and mosquito net could be in play.
I disagree. Not sure what it is, but I don’t believe that’s a man in waders.
I've seen something unexplained which I posted. Of all places, in Nevada, Iowa. At night. Black, bipedal, looked like a bear but was running and I don't think bears have that gait. To this date, my brother and I are stumped. No Ames coeds were involved (pretty sure).
Remind me to tell you the story about my friend who was on the Harvard Med School faculty. His family saw something one night that has no explanation. Guy never smoked dope either. 🕵️‍♂️
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