Txown, finally a reasonable Iowa football poster, and of course his own label him as an ISU fan fake posing as an Iowa fan. Right on cue.
Picking actual scores in your last 4 bowl games (1st half or full game) is not cherry picking. If you don't like the 1st half scores, OK the full scores were 142-72, and that's with most of those teams letting up or putting in scrubs in the 2nd half.
Why the blow outs? Easy. Iowa plays no one comparable to those teams in the regular season. Your Big 10 games and schedule have been a joke, and everyone knows it.
Just two years ago you lost to ISU (who was the worst team in the Big 12), at HOME! And remember last year ISU had the lead in the middle of the 4th quarter. Don't act like it was some blowout or the talent gap is that much greater. It's obviously not.
Everything I just stated are FACTS, by the way.