ISU rivalry has ended. Nation saw Cyclones permanently relegated.

ISU has improved from the Rhodes era but I think the big 12 is a lot weaker now as Baylor--TT--K state and W vir all have made coaching changes since then and none are close to what they had before--could add Texas in as well but we will have to see with them...
League has been in a downward spiral for a while now--based upon players going to NFL--TV viewership numbers--recruiting rankings. not hard to see why OU and TU are leaving...
We just played ISU, it's only natural to be talking about them. Considering how much talking they've been doing for the last year...I'd say it's warranted.

Yea I don't get it. All one needs to do is go over to CyFan, or speak with the weird Cyclone fans in your family, and realize this rivalry consumed their entire program for the last 7 years.

The fact is, this game has always benefited Cy a lot more than the Hawks. Now, with the B12 in shambles, it will benefit them by orders of magnitude more than it benefits the Hawks.

If this rivalry gets extended beyond 2025 as a home and home, that is a huge failure for our AD, imo.
My understanding is a "rivalry" is a contested game with the outcome in doubt?

ISU vs Iowa isn't a rivalry. It's a matchup of two in-State teams.

That's why Iowa should be hosting 2 of every 3 games. No need to alternate.

It's clear the Clone fan base doesn't understand football, by and large. After reading the ISU fan site in the last two days, the majority opinion seems to be "ISU would have won without the turnovers".

That view of the game just leaves me thinking WTF?
Just reply with, "Iowa would have won by more if they would have scored more touchdowns."
Yea I don't get it. All one needs to do is go over to CyFan, or speak with the weird Cyclone fans in your family, and realize this rivalry consumed their entire program for the last 7 years.

The fact is, this game has always benefited Cy a lot more than the Hawks. Now, with the B12 in shambles, it will benefit them by orders of magnitude more than it benefits the Hawks.

If this rivalry gets extended beyond 2025 as a home and home, that is a huge failure for our AD, imo.
Barta and Kirk would both do well to embrace more of a killer instinct. When you have your opponent down...crush them. If Barta renews the series on a straight home and home, he's an idiot.
Is this IowaLaw? 😉
Being that I have great disdain for most lawyers in this most litigious and parasitic of legal and economic systems, with a constitution that is no longer even remotely fit for purpose and a political system designed by our rich white founding fathers for domination, dysfunction and marginalization, because it is exactly the lawyers' manipulations that - for generations - continue to perpetuate and exacerbate the existential problems that are close to dismantling Democracy itself, here and globally, and replacing it with a techno-corporate-authoritarian nightmare, I am not sure where that impression came from.

But back to the subject at hand.

In reality, I am the bastard child of every Clone and Nebraska troll who has infected these boards with half-truths and outright lies, a sad parade of quaint but disturbing delusions that leave me in a kind of awe at their persistence.

Reality has silenced them.

So I am not an attorney, but I identify as a Hawkeye Phan and my pronouns are Herk/Hauk/Hok if you are curious. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Since I would never post on another team's board (who has the time?) this is something of a farewell letter to the issues raised in the OP, and all the heated debate over the last several months.

The debate is over.

The rivalry is over because parity is over, or never really was parity because it was based on ISU's parasitic relationship with the Texas's and OU's of the world, as well as other big time programs that left the once B12 in recent years.

We can dismiss and ignore the Clone trolls. Why?

ISU and Iowa are different institutions with vastly disparate resources in conferences that in reality are not even in the same P4 league anymore, and ISU and the new little and indebted b12 are just not that relevant to Iowa anymore going forward.

Full stop.
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JFC, obsess much about Iowa State? Do we have a rivalry anymore with Wisconsin and Penn State? Yeah, we won both games last year but Wisconsin has won 7 of the last 9 games. Penn State has won 6 of the last 7. We're strutting our stuff but it could all come crashing down quickly.
It could, but right now is the time to celebrate those ass kickings. NOBODY celebrate, we could possibly lose later on in the season.

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