It’s time to fully, 100%, without caveat, get behind Biden’s re-election

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Ana appeal to logic isn't going to work. Remember the chief reason these hateful pricks voted him into office in the first place was based on a absurd conspiracy theories and the insistence that Hillary Clinton is akin to the devil.

I don't know if anyone has noticed, but she hasn't done sh!t to anyone.

Reason, context, etc is over their heads. Look at that crowd, there’s not an ounce of independent thought amongst them. Most wouldn’t know where to find a book, let alone how to read it.
I know a lot of people that have been personally involved in abortions. I don't hate them. I love several of them. I'm related to at least one of them.
The point is you voted for a terrible person and President personally involved in them you so despise. Biden is the opposite of both on a personal level but you can't vote for that. Hypocrisy
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The point is you voted for a terrible person and President personally involved in them you so despise. Biden is the opposite of both on a personal level but you can't vote for that. Hypocrisy
Well, you would know hypocrisy. You are the poster boy. Or should I say X boy.
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He will tell you no, but like any good “i dont support trump, but”er, he will defend him from any criticism from the libs
Ragnarlothbrok, you and I have interacted several times on this board over the last 6 months or more. Do you think this describes me?
No, I’m not thrilled to have to give my full support to an 82-year-old, but, as I said in another thread, if Biden ends up in a wheelchair drooling into a bib while soiling his Depends, and Kamala Harris is the one running shit, that outcome is still a gizzillion times preferable to the ****ing self-absorbed, narcissistic, anti-American, pro-Putin fascist, sexually assaulting, US-military-insulting, draft-dodging-bone-spurring, MAGAt-infested shit stain on humanity.

It’s time, folks. If you care about America and our allies around the world, it’s time. It’s time to not only support the Biden/Harris campaign, but to offer 100% approval for their re-election bid to anyone who will listen. False equivalencies and “yeah, but Joe is slow and has a speech impediment” rebuffs ended with “Mr. Haley is a sucker and loser” and “Russia can do whatever the hell they want.”

Goddamn you, Donald.
Yeah, after his comments yesterday, he needs shot
Here's the thing. If you can't respect and value innocent human life you are automatically disqualified from leadership in any form. My vote being missing would not help Trump in any way because it was never going to anyone that can't value life.
I have to say, I never expected you to hold such a strong anti-gun stance. I figured you'd be a strong proponent of gun ownership but your statements about valuing life have me convinced. I look forward to your support for new gun regulations to prevent kids from getting firearms and shooting up schools.
Here's the thing. If you can't respect and value innocent human life you are automatically disqualified from leadership in any form. My vote being missing would not help Trump in any way because it was never going to anyone that can't value life.
Did you sell meth or just use?
Such a clever question. I promise you, I hold different views than I did 25 years ago. Do you?
Im just trying to see how much you value life.

You cant claim a moral high ground on valuing life if you sold meth.
Im just trying to see how much you value life.

You cant claim a moral high ground on valuing life if you sold meth.
I didn't value life at that time. So you don't think people can change? Then you must hate Biden and Obama and Hillary for their anti gay marriage stances. Biden doesn't want his kids in a racial jungle right? Or do you think people grow?
Damn, you superlibs are an angry bunch. Here's the thing....... If you live in Iowa or Florida your personal vote literally doesn't matter. Your state is already decided and what you vote will make absolutely no difference. The electoral college votes of your states are not in doubt.
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I want an alternative too, friend. I want a sane conservative to rise up and take down Putin Puppet Boy.

I also want to be on a tropical island right now making out with Megan Fox while getting blown by Angelina Jolie.

Wish in one hand and shit in another…
Well, that took a weird turn.
Trump has already been president so he can hit the ground running day one. And besides nobody I mean nobody wants to listen to Kamala “Nails on a Chalkboard” Harris speak for the next five years.
I would listen to her every second of every day rather than have to hear trump utter one more word. And I'm somebody so turns out like usual your dumbass is wrong.
I’m going RFK, can’t vote for Biden or a Trump presidency/dictatorship. At least RFK sees the middle class as the class that needs to strong for America to be solvent.
He's funded by Trump allies to take votes from Biden, fyi. He's an anti vaxx psycho as well.
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I didn't value life at that time. So you don't think people can change? Then you must hate Biden and Obama and Hillary for their anti gay marriage stances. Biden doesn't want his kids in a racial jungle right? Or do you think people grow?
Sure people can change.

Of course hillary and obama switched stances because it was politically convenient. And infacepalmed hard at Biden with his “you aint black if you dont vote for me” comment.

EDIT TO ADD: it is one thing if those individuals said all the inclusive stuff while actions in the past underminded the stuff that they said. /ETA

With that said, i don’t want a lecture from somebody about valuing life when it refers to embryos, when that somebody sold drugs to real life, already on earth people.
He's funded by Trump allies to take votes from Biden, fyi. He's an anti vaxx psycho as well.
He is not an anti-vax psycho, he advocates for better and safer testing before being released to the public. He is a top notch environmental lawyer.
Also his book absolutely decimates Fauci for the slimy weasel he is. If anything in that book is false why hasn't he got sued yet?
Bidens whole economic policy revolves around helping the middle class
Inflation says otherwise. Also, when in think border security, I think telling the world the border is closed . Let’s sort some shit out here first. Have a joint US Mexican border Authority that houses and vets Central American immigrant want of bees . Buy up old buildings within 20but not closer than 10 miles of the border. The immigrants go there, get care , have back ground check. That would be then only way to get into the US. Anyone sneaking across becomes fair game for firearms. Get the cartel out of it.
Trump has already been president so he can hit the ground running day one. And besides nobody I mean nobody wants to listen to Kamala “Nails on a Chalkboard” Harris speak for the next five years.
I simply cannot wrap my head around the notion that someone could have lived thru the 2016-2020, saw Jan. 6, and seen/heard everything he's said since and still thinks - please sir, can I have some more?
He wanted vaccination choice, not compulsory vaccines. It also doesn’t mean he’s wrong about Wall Street, the world economic forum. Dude also is actually fit and healthy. Lifts weights.
Lol. He's anti vaxx well before Covid. You missed the even bigger disqualifier of my first fact though.
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He is not an anti-vax psycho, he advocates for better and safer testing before being released to the public. He is a top notch environmental lawyer.
Also his book absolutely decimates Fauci for the slimy weasel he is. If anything in that book is false why hasn't he got sued yet?
Lol. See post 79
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