It’s time to fully, 100%, without caveat, get behind Biden’s re-election

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Agree with a caveat. I still want an alternative other than Joe and Kamala.
Trump is a no go.

You can want something else til the end of the world. Our next President is going to be Biden or Trump.

The Democratic Party is loyal to a fault to their “good soldier” who do their duty and wait their turn. The GOP’s base has gone insane. That is the world we live in.
I didn't value life at that time. So you don't think people can change? Then you must hate Biden and Obama and Hillary for their anti gay marriage stances. Biden doesn't want his kids in a racial jungle right? Or do you think people grow?
I had a relative ruin their life because of meth. I respect you for changing and being a better man. Screw the people attacking you and judging you. Respect.
Anybody that votes for Donald Trump and anybody that aligns themselves with him is voting for people that truly want to destroy everything that this country has stood for ever since its inception.

It truly is that simple. It is stunning that their followers cannot see that.
I had a relative ruin their life because of meth. I respect you for changing and being a better man. Screw the people attacking you and judging you. Respect.
I just dont want to hear the people who sold your real life, existing on earth relative meth get on a soap box about valuing life, especially when talking about embryos
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No, I’m not thrilled to have to give my full support to an 82-year-old, but, as I said in another thread, if Biden ends up in a wheelchair drooling into a bib while soiling his Depends, and Kamala Harris is the one running shit, that outcome is still a gizzillion times preferable to the ****ing self-absorbed, narcissistic, anti-American, pro-Putin fascist, sexually assaulting, US-military-insulting, draft-dodging-bone-spurring, MAGAt-infested shit stain on humanity.

It’s time, folks. If you care about America and our allies around the world, it’s time. It’s time to not only support the Biden/Harris campaign, but to offer 100% approval for their re-election bid to anyone who will listen. False equivalencies and “yeah, but Joe is slow and has a speech impediment” rebuffs ended with “Mr. Haley is a sucker and loser” and “Russia can do whatever the hell they want.”

Goddamn you, Donald.
Best post of the year.
Sure people can change.

Of course hillary and obama switched stances because it was politically convenient. And infacepalmed hard at Biden with his “you aint black if you dont vote for me” comment.

EDIT TO ADD: it is one thing if those individuals said all the inclusive stuff while actions in the past underminded the stuff that they said. /ETA

With that said, i don’t want a lecture from somebody about valuing life when it refers to embryos, when that somebody sold drugs to real life, already on earth people.
Good thing I'm not lecturing you. You can **** all the way off as far as I care.
No, I’m not thrilled to have to give my full support to an 82-year-old, but, as I said in another thread, if Biden ends up in a wheelchair drooling into a bib while soiling his Depends, and Kamala Harris is the one running shit, that outcome is still a gizzillion times preferable to the ****ing self-absorbed, narcissistic, anti-American, pro-Putin fascist, sexually assaulting, US-military-insulting, draft-dodging-bone-spurring, MAGAt-infested shit stain on humanity.

It’s time, folks. If you care about America and our allies around the world, it’s time. It’s time to not only support the Biden/Harris campaign, but to offer 100% approval for their re-election bid to anyone who will listen. False equivalencies and “yeah, but Joe is slow and has a speech impediment” rebuffs ended with “Mr. Haley is a sucker and loser” and “Russia can do whatever the hell they want.”

Goddamn you, Donald.
I also take solace in the understanding that joe put people in the administration based on qualification not how good they look on TV or how loyal they are to him.
Unfortunately, Joe is no longer viable after the Hur report. He is less than 50/50 now and every gaffe for the next 9 months will be focused on. For whatever reason, Garland screwed him and ended his chances.
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I just dont want to hear the people who sold your real life, existing on earth relative meth get on a soap box about valuing life, especially when talking about embryos
Okay, well, people can change. Even if you disagree with his stance, attack that, not him.
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This is just beyond stupid.

It is beyond stupid, but alas, these are the times we live in. Here, just enjoy how smart and well spoken sleepy joe is and then get back to me, Ragnar. Seriously. Watch this 2 minute clip and defend your position on voting for this invalid:

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It is beyond stupid, but alas, these are the times we live in. Here, just enjoy how smart and well spoken sleepy joe is and then get back to me, Ragnar. Seriously. Watch this 2 minute clip and defend your position on voting for this invalid:

Read my OP. Biden is not a traitor or an insurrectionist. He is infinitely better than Trump even with 3/4 of his brain tied behind his back.

God damn you and your kind for putting me in this position. I would gladly vote for just about any Republican over Biden. But no. You stupid boot-licking, dumb cult mother ****ers insist on imposing Donald Trump on the rest of us. So **** you and your cult. You can take you and NorthernHawkeye’s worthless, wife-beating bitch ass and GTFO this thread.
I think the other night was a death knell. It won't get better. His only hope is the status quo. I personally think he is declining and in 9 months I could see him needing to be in a nursing home.
I agree with your post. If you turn out to be correct, then it confirms we are being lied to by the left about Biden's current condition. This is incredibly concerning. I will not vote for Biden/Harris under any circumstances. We need an alternative the Biden/Trump rematch.
Read my OP. Biden is not a traitor or an insurrectionist. He is infinitely better than Trump even with 3/4 of his brain tied behind his back.

God damn you and your kind for putting me in this position. I would gladly vote for just about any Republican over Biden. But no. You stupid boot-licking, dumb cult mother ****ers insist on imposing Donald Trump on the rest of us. So **** you and your cult. You can take you and NorthernHawkeye’s worthless, wife-beating bitch ass and GTFO this thread.
Absolutelt unhinged lol

you pulling a chis and hitting the bottle already, Ragnar? Pace yourself my man, there's football to enjoy today. Don't black out before 10am on me.
I simply cannot wrap my head around the notion that someone could have lived thru the 2016-2020, saw Jan. 6, and seen/heard everything he's said since and still thinks - please sir, can I have some more?

They think he won in 2020 and it was stolen by Biden, liberals, the media, election officials, and the courts. They think that January 6th was not an attempt at a coup and was instead a response to the aforementioned stolen election, therefore patriotically-justified. The 7 or 8 dozen felony charges against him in the last 3 years are a media/political/court-induced attempt to keep him out of office again like they did in 2020.

This is about owning the liberals that they think have stolen the country from them. The ends justify the means in their eyes, no matter what Trump's policies are.
Damn, you superlibs are an angry bunch. Here's the thing....... If you live in Iowa or Florida your personal vote literally doesn't matter. Your state is already decided and what you vote will make absolutely no difference. The electoral college votes of your states are not in doubt.
Why aren't you angry? Trump wants Russia to destroy our allies. You really support that?
Bidens whole economic policy revolves around helping the middle class
Like republicans, Biden spent money we did not have to spend putting our future in jeopardy. He did not increase taxes when D's held control of House and Senate. Always popular to spend. Never popular to cut spending or raise taxes. He did not help the future of the middle class.

At least Trump made efforts to protect our border.
Sure people can change.

Of course hillary and obama switched stances because it was politically convenient. And infacepalmed hard at Biden with his “you aint black if you dont vote for me” comment.

EDIT TO ADD: it is one thing if those individuals said all the inclusive stuff while actions in the past underminded the stuff that they said. /ETA

With that said, i don’t want a lecture from somebody about valuing life when it refers to embryos, when that somebody sold drugs to real life, already on earth people.
Again, you are way out of line.
I think the other night was a death knell. It won't get better. His only hope is the status quo. I personally think he is declining and in 9 months I could see him needing to be in a nursing home.
I think he needs to be in a senior facility right now.
If you have had a parent get to a certain point and were forced to address it you’d recognize it.
The path isn’t the same for everyone and each of us has a road with different lengths on it.
Some are on a short path at 70, 75, or 85.
It’s life.
He seems happy enjoying life at his Delaware house or sitting on the beach. We should thank him for serving America since he was 29 and let him go.
Trump is a vengeful loudmouth jerk who could be beaten by a younger vigorous opponent. Remove Biden and take away his most vicious line of attack.
Ffs. And you believe this because Trump says so. He never lies does he?
Uhh the Whitehouse visitor logs are oublic record my friend. And yes, those charging trump at the state level met with biden multiple times. It's 100% coordinated. Unfortunately for the left, the only people they can get to play along are fani Willis types who are too stupid and corrupt themselves to get away with it.
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Inflation was a global issue due to the pandemic. The US has handled it far better than anyone. Try again.
The US has significant advantages over the rest of the world. Congress recklessly increased M2, which is what caused the inflation.
Why aren't you angry? Trump wants Russia to destroy our allies. You really support that?
I think the point was that he wants our allies to fulfill their NATO financial obligations so that they have the benefits of membership. Then they don't have to worry about not being protected. It doesn't bother me at all. Makes perfect sense, actually. It would bother me if I thought he was actually encouraging Russia to attack anyone.
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Unfortunately, Joe is no longer viable after the Hur report. He is less than 50/50 now and every gaffe for the next 9 months will be focused on. For whatever reason, Garland screwed him and ended his chances.
Your prior Republican self is showing
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I suspect you will be banned. I hope you have a better day from here.
If i am, so be it. Although we will see if i get that warning before the banning as outlined in the pinned post.

If i an banned while some of the right wing trolls are still able to post carte blanche, then its prolly for the best.
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