It appears as if sanity is creeping back in to the GOP race

Rubio is the establishment candidate and as all the pretenders drop after Nevada, the attention will shift to him (at which point the libs can start attacking him in earnest). That he is polling at 16-18% in Iowa speaks volumes. He won't win Iowa, NH, or SC but he will remain viable. If Cruz doesn't win Iowa and finish top 3 in those next 3 states he is toast. The more Rubio sticks around the more appealing he will become to everyone. Trump is going to stumble at some point, and it is possible that skipping this debate might be the beginning of the end for him.
Rubes will likely lose the first three states and have little to no momentum heading into the rest of the country. Meanwhile, there is nothing saying that Jeb, Kasich, or Christie won't stick around long enough for Trump and Cruz to solidify their places as the two leaders while Rubes flounders in third. Marco hasn't made a move to become the leader yet and there is nothing on the horizon saying he will in the future. I don't think he's in a good spot right now.
Agree with you completely. While he's a bit far to the right for my tastes with respect to many social issues, he's certainly very pragmatic when it comes to his approach. Fiscally, he's very sound-minded and he has experience running a state as well as understanding Congress.
He's actually not very far right on socal issues, at least not the big ones. Thinks it's time to move on from ssm and is okay w abortion up to 20 weeks.
When did I say that? I was simply questioning why Jeb! isn't doing better. Kasich doesn't scare me, though, like most of the other GOP candidates. Heck, even Jeb! doesn't scare me.
Rubes will likely lose the first three states and have little to no momentum heading into the rest of the country. Meanwhile, there is nothing saying that Jeb, Kasich, or Christie won't stick around long enough for Trump and Cruz to solidify their places as the two leaders while Rubes flounders in third. Marco hasn't made a move to become the leader yet and there is nothing on the horizon saying he will in the future. I don't think he's in a good spot right now.

I think Rubio has really hurt himself by going to the darker, more negative attack ads he's been running in Iowa. He has an appealing, upbeat story that comes across very well in his positive ads and shows him in a very favorable light. My opinion of him has really gone downhill after seeing many of his negative ads.
Like another poster said, I can't believe progressives would even CONSIDER another Bush in the WH. I. Don't. Want. Anymore. BUSHES!! Or Clintons.

Kasich is a grumpy old man that pouts when he doesn't get his way. We've had that too, in the WH for the last eight years. No more.

And there lies Jeb Bush's problem. Too many people are so turned off by the last name they won't even consider him. Take the name away from the man and actually listen to what he is saying and he is probably the one palatable candidate in the entire race from both parties. I hope he gets the nomination because I would vote for him over any of the crazies on the right or left. Sadly, the way the fringes have taken control, I don't think we'll have a decent choice this election.
I think Rubio has really hurt himself by going to the darker, more negative attack ads he's been running in Iowa. He has an appealing, upbeat story that comes across very well in his positive ads and shows him in a very favorable light. My opinion of him has really gone downhill after seeing many of his negative ads.
Few GOPers have done poorly in the first few states and gone on to win the nomination. Rubio has his work cut out for him.
Looking at the latest polling, Rubio looks to be on the move up. Trump looks to be stuck in the low 30s in Iowa polls. Cruz is losing some support and Rubio has reached the high teens. With a good debate tonight, I could see Rubio being the big surprise come Monday night.

If Marco reaches the mid 20s or higher and finishes second or a close third, he will be the one people are talking about coming out of Iowa. If Trump's inevitability is punctured, he could drop pretty fast in NH. I have long contended that there is no way the Republicans will nominate Trump. Rubio looks to be the establishment candidate emerging. If this is a two man race between Trump and Rubio after SC, I think we see Rubio win the nomination.
