It's Official. ISIS Claims Responsibility for Dallas Attack


HR Legend
Nov 23, 2008
Garland (United States) (AFP) - The Islamic State group on Tuesday claimed responsibility for its first attack on US soil in which two gunmen were killed after opening fire at an event in Texas showcasing cartoons mocking the Prophet Mohammed.

"Two of the soldiers of the caliphate executed an attack on an art exhibit in Garland, Texas, and this exhibit was portraying negative pictures of the Prophet Mohammed," the jihadist group said.

"We tell America that what is coming will be even bigger and more bitter, and that you will see the soldiers of the Islamic State do terrible things," the group announced.

It marked the first time the extremist group, which has captured swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq, claimed to have carried out an attack in the US.

Police said two men drove up to the conference centre Sunday in Garland, where the right-wing American Freedom Defense Initiative was organising the controversial cartoon contest, and began shooting at a security guard, who was wounded in the ankle.

Garland police officers then shot and killed both men.

A Garland Police outside of the Curtis Culwell Center (AFP Photo/Ben Torres)
According to US media reports, the two suspected jihadists were Elton Simpson, 31, and Nadir Soofi, 34, who shared an apartment in Phoenix, Arizona.

Simpson was being investigated by the FBI over alleged plans to travel to Somalia to wage holy war, court records show.

Many Muslims find drawings of the prophet to be disrespectful or outright blasphemous, and such cartoons have been cited by Islamists as motivation in previous attacks.

According to court records seen by AFP, Simpson was sentenced to three years' probation in 2011 after FBI agents presented a court with taped conversations between him and an informant discussing travelling to Somalia to join "their brothers" in war.

The prosecution was unable to prove that Simpson had committed a terror-related offense, but did establish he had lied to investigators when he denied having discussed going to Somalia.

The Islamic State jihadist group claimed the Texas attack as its first attack on US soil, and warned …
The White House said that President Barack Obama had been briefed on the investigation, which Texas police said was ongoing.

"There is no form of expression that justifies an act of violence," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.

The American Freedom Defense Initiative, a group listed by civil rights watchdog the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-Muslim hate group, had organized the event, which drew about 200 people.

At the event, attended by Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders and AFDI co-founder Pamela Geller, supporters held an exhibition of entries to a competition to draw caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

Members of a US SWAT team posing for a photo with Geert Wilders (C) prior to the US Mohammed Art Exh …
AFDI had offered a $10,000 prize for the winner of the contest, billed a "free speech" event.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the winning entry showed a scowling Mohamed wearing a turban and saying "You can't draw me!"

Under the cartoon was the caption, "That's why I draw you."

The paper identified the winner as Bosch Fawstin, a New York native born to Albanian Muslim immigrants.

Commentators were quick to draw parallels to the January mass shooting at the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris that killed 12 people and wounded 11 more.

Members of the FBI Evidence Response Team investigate the crime scene outside of the Curtis Culwell …
But the magazine's film critic, Jean-Baptiste Thoret, who only avoided the attack because he had been late for work said "there is absolutely no comparison."

On Twitter, jihadist Abu Hussain Al-Britani, who extremist monitoring group SITE identified as British IS fighter Junaid Hussain, described the gunmen as "two of our brothers."

Wilders told AFP in an e-mail that he was concerned he may have been targeted because he, like one of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists killed in January, is on a hit list circulated by Al-Qaeda supporters.

"I am shocked. I just spoke for half an hour about the cartoons, Islam and freedom of speech and I had just left the premises," he said.

"This is an attack on the liberties of all of us."
So, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center...if you aren't a self hating white, with tons of white are probably hateful.
Never understood why we wait for terrorists to claim responsibility. Because they're so honest?
Exactly! I found the coverage yesterday puzzling. I always check the 3 major news networks to piece together the story for myself. MSNBC always has a left-skewed view, FoxNews to the right, and CNN center to left. Both CNN and FoxNews yesterday were pretty clear they believed it was a terrorist act, and both quoted the Twitter messages believed to be sent out and/or recommended by the attacker. MSNBC made no mention of the Twitter messages, which to me were the most damning piece of evidence there was yesterday.

I read MSNBC's update this morning, and now that ISIS has claimed responsibility, they mention the twitter message generally, without giving specifics of what the tweets said. It's very odd to me that MSNBC has chosen this 'hey lets not be too quick to point to terrorism' approach. They did, however, spend more time than the other 2 networks making sure you knew the group holding the exhibition was a hate group. All three networks did mention that the Southern Poverty Law group did classify them as a hate group. However, had anyone ever heard of the Southern Poverty Law group before yesterday? I hadn't.

In any case, while I wouldn't have gone near an event like the one they held, I'm glad they were prepared and killed two terrorists before they could hurt anyone else.
Or rednecks gonna redneck. Seems like they needlessly picked a fight that totally could have been avoided. No sympathy for the jihadists here, but less for the idiots who started it.

I agree. A lot of gun holding hot heads that are waiting for a fight. Why do they REALLY want to have a Mohammed cartoon convention when they KNOW that Muslims will be really mad? I do not ok the terrorists, but I think this did not have to happen.
Or rednecks gonna redneck. Seems like they needlessly picked a fight that totally could have been avoided. No sympathy for the jihadists here, but less for the idiots who started it.

What if it was because of a cartoon in the New Yorker instead? Redneck has nothing to do with it, you don't shoot people over pics.
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Maybe it was inspired by in a warped way, but I doubt this was an ISIS run attack. Too disorganized.
So some of you have less sympathy for the Americans targeted than you do for ISIS members trying to kill said Americans? Wow.
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America is the safest it's ever been. It's true.

I read it on HROT just this morning.
[QIfOTE="Thomas Barnes, post: 254130, member: 16446"]I agree. A lot of gun holding hot heads that are waiting for a fight. Why do they REALLY want to have a Mohammed cartoon convention when they KNOW that Muslims will be really mad? I do not ok the terrorists, but I think this did not have to happen.[/QUOTE]
right... and I'm sure if there wouldn't have been this cartoon fest these poor guys would have carried on being law abiding good citizens forever. that's the same kind of bull crap "If we'd just leave them alone none of this would ever happen" mentality most naive lefties preach regarding terrorism. It's all our fault.
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These aren't everyday Americans going about their day to day life - working in the World Trade Center, catching a flight, etc. who had nothing to do with their attackers. They had a million opportunities to think "yeah, this is stupid, pointless, and aggressive" and repeatedly exercised idiotic judgement. You'll have that with idiots.

They're not learned journalists making nuanced points with the well placed pithy cartoon. They're Steve Irwin f*cking with dangerous animals for giggles. Not surprised that dangerous animals acted like dangerous animals, and I have no sympathy that aggressive stupid people were the victims of their own aggressive stupidity. These people aren't heroes and they're certainly not to be pitied.

These aren't everyday Americans going about their day to day life - working in the World Trade Center, catching a flight, etc. who had nothing to do with their attackers. They had a million opportunities to think "yeah, this is stupid, pointless, and aggressive" and repeatedly exercised idiotic judgement. You'll have that with idiots.

They're not learned journalists making nuanced points with the well placed pithy cartoon. They're Steve Irwin f*cking with dangerous animals for giggles. Not surprised that dangerous animals acted like dangerous animals, and I have no sympathy that aggressive stupid people were the victims of their own aggressive stupidity. These people aren't heroes and they're certainly not to be pitied.
I guess you could say the same who talk shit about Christians then? They are idiots as well?
I agree. A lot of gun holding hot heads that are waiting for a fight. Why do they REALLY want to have a Mohammed cartoon convention when they KNOW that Muslims will be really mad? I do not ok the terrorists, but I think this did not have to happen.

Boys, thats some serious good old fashioned liberal reasoning right there. Well done!
[QIfOTE="Thomas Barnes, post: 254130, member: 16446"]I agree. A lot of gun holding hot heads that are waiting for a fight. Why do they REALLY want to have a Mohammed cartoon convention when they KNOW that Muslims will be really mad? I do not ok the terrorists, but I think this did not have to happen.
right... and I'm sure if there wouldn't have been this cartoon fest these poor guys would have carried on being law abiding good citizens forever. that's the same kind of bull crap "If we'd just leave them alone none of this would ever happen" mentality most naive lefties preach regarding terrorism. It's all our fault.[/QUOTE]

Wow, you just had the dumbest post of the day! We would then have to assume that all gun owners are a time bomb ready to go off when messed with, right? This is why I do not leave gun owners alone when they say not to worry because they are safe and have rights. Yeah right!!!
right... and I'm sure if there wouldn't have been this cartoon fest these poor guys would have carried on being law abiding good citizens forever. that's the same kind of bull crap "If we'd just leave them alone none of this would ever happen" mentality most naive lefties preach regarding terrorism. It's all our fault.

Wow, you just had the dumbest post of the day! We would then have to assume that all gun owners are a time bomb ready to go off when messed with, right? This is why I do not leave gun owners alone when they say not to worry because they are safe and have rights. Yeah right!!![/QUOTE]
It's crazy people fanatical Muslims, extreme anti's the lunatic left, the lunatic right, and just plain crazy effers that you have to look out for.
I guess you could say the same who talk shit about Christians then? They are idiots as well?

Were these people simply "talking shit about" Muslims? No. False equivalency.

If they were pointing out that some Muslim countries have terrible human rights records and imprison almost as many people as the United States, that they're repressive toward their women and deny them the most basic and innocuous rights, and that their views toward science and progress in general are skewed and don't help the world at large (which I assume is what you mean by "talking shit about," since these are usually the complaints I and people critical of Christians vocalize), then it would be one thing.

Getting together to mock their God simply for the sake of mocking and antagonizing them isn't smart, helpful, and, productive. It's aggressive and divisive. What these Texas numbskulls (which is redundant, I know) did is the equivalent of getting a bunch of agnostics and atheists together and burning bibles. It's stupid and pointless. It's certainly not conducive to dialogue with Christians for the sake of finding commonality. Not sure this is a thing that's happened, but if it has, I have the same criticism for said bible burners. They deserve what's coming to them.
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Were these people simply "talking shit about" Muslims? No. False equivalency.

If they were pointing out that some Muslim countries have terrible human rights records and imprison almost as many people as the United States, that they're repressive toward their women and deny them the most basic and innocuous rights, and that their views toward science and progress in general are skewed and don't help the world at large (which I assume is what you mean by "talking shit about," since these are usually the complaints I and people critical of Christians vocalize), then it would be one thing.

Getting together to mock their God simply for the sake of mocking and antagonizing them isn't smart, helpful, and, productive. It's aggressive and divisive. What these Texas numbskulls (which is redundant, I know) did is the equivalent of getting a bunch of agnostics and atheists together and burning bibles. It's stupid and pointless. It's certainly not conducive to dialogue with Christians for the sake of finding commonality. Not sure this is a thing that's happened, but if it has, I have the same criticism for said bible burners. They deserve what's coming to them.
bro, first of all, they were making cartoons of their prophet, not their god. second, there are people who make reference to Christ being gay, use art to mock christ, etc, yet Christians don't seem to have a barbaric reaction. If you don't like free speech, it's all starting to make sense to me. You only like your views being free to espouse, or the enemy of your enemy is your friend. I think it's funny that you are hammering the organizers of this event. More people should have balls enough to do this to point out just how effed up these people are.
Why wouldn't ISIL claim responsibility? Hellsbells, at worst it might be the truth and at best, it is free advertising. They'll be claiming responsibility for deadly tornadoes and floods in the US next. Death and mayhem embellish their brand in the US...and remember, their business is "terror." That's why they are a terrorist organization.
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Let's not be so quick to rush. The real action is in the re-action. The source for this 'claim of responsibility' is the highly controversial Rita Katz and her Site Intelligence Group.

From Memory Hole:

By James F. Tracy

Since mid-August 2014 major news organizations have conveyed videos allegedly found online by the SITE Intelligence Group. Unsurprisingly the same media have failed to closely interrogate what the private company actually is and whether the material it promotes should be accepted as genuine.

[Image Credit:]

The Search for International Terrorist Entities Intelligence Group was co-founded by Rita Katz in 2001. Katz is an Iraqi-born Jew. Her father, an Israeli spy, was executed by Iraqis as a result of his intelligence activities.

In 2003 Katz authored a book, Terrorist Hunter: The Extraordinary Story of a Woman Who Went Undercover to Infiltrate the Radical Islamic Groups Operating in America, which she published using the pseudonym, “Anonymous.”

In the book Katz explains how she took on the trappings of a Muslim woman to infiltrate the meetings of radical Muslim terrorists. The plot is unlikely, especially when one considers that such secret fundamentalist gatherings are almost always segregated along gender lines and no woman, however elaborate her costume, would be granted entry without her identity being firmly established.

SITE Intelligence Group consists of Katz and two “senior advisers,” one of whom is Bruce Hoffman, the Corporate Chair in Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency at the RAND Corporation and former director of the RAND’s Washington DC office.

The SITE Intelligence Group “constantly monitors the Internet and traditional media for material and propaganda released by jihadist groups and their supporters,” the company’s website announces. “Once obtained, SITE immediately translates the material and provides the intelligence along with a contextual analysis explaining the source of the material and its importance to our subscribers.”[1]

In 2003 and 2004, though claiming to be a 501c3 non-profit, SITE received more than $500,000 from the US government. Also in the early 2000s Katz received $150,000 from the FBI for consulting services.[2] A Guidestar search for nonprofits yields no recent records for SITE, suggesting how it has abandoned its non-profit status and now relies on corporate and individual subscriptions for revenue. In 2005 the private mercenary contractor Blackwater hailed SITE as “an invaluable resource.”[3]

Click link for balance.