James Franklin ordered that injured players be cleared

Move along...nothing to see here..I'm sure the folks at Ped U are claiming this just the Big Ten's fault somehow.
according to a former team doctor. He’s now suing Franklin and PSU.
Until Franklin joined the BIG, I always had Dantonio as the most classless, win at all cost coach in the league, but this guy is giving him a serious run for his money. Stuff like this and trying to block a punt on a team that your up by 50 points on, and then even worse trying to justify it when everyone in the media actually called him out after the game, just shows what a total a%% hat this guy is.....:mad:
Interesting that the suit doesn't name specific instances but that could be a HIPPA deal to protect the identity of the students. Obviously if a player cooperated with this case, he might see retribution as well.
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Good. Fire him and make sure that Iowa beats Penn State this time, instead of allowing them to get the better of Iowa after all our fans mock them for their misgivings....................

Just sayin.
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If true, he should absolutely be fired and barred from coaching. And every Penn. St. administrator involved should be fired. And Penn. St. should be suspended from post-season play (at least).
I'm not sure which bothers me more: What Franklin did, or that a Doctor of Medicine didn't have the courage to tell Franklin to FO.
No kidding. It's Sandusky St., if I'm a doc I go screaming it on high if I think the coach is messing with any kids health.
I'm not sure which bothers me more: What Franklin did, or that a Doctor of Medicine didn't have the courage to tell Franklin to FO.

Article says this doctor "resisted" the interference,... I take that as a phuck off to Franklin..
He is probably on top of the list of coaches that I am not surprised to be alleged of doing this.
I'm not sure which bothers me more: What Franklin did, or that a Doctor of Medicine didn't have the courage to tell Franklin to FO.
Obviously he didn’t comply as he was removed as the orthopedic physician for the team and Director of Athletic Medicine for the University.
He definitely pulled a Bud Kilmer with McSorley last season in our game
I have no love loss for James Franklin and after nebby the team I most want to beat is PSU. At this point all this is, is an allegation. The merit of this is yet be determined. For all of you to convict on ONLY one side of the story is completely F'ed up. There is ALWAYs two side to every story.
I have no love loss for James Franklin and after nebby the team I most want to beat is PSU. At this point all this is, is an allegation. The merit of this is yet be determined. For all of you to convict on ONLY one side of the story is completely F'ed up. There is ALWAYs two side to every story.
Yes, but the other side of the story coming from PSU is normally a lie, fabricated, and wrong.
I have no love loss for James Franklin and after nebby the team I most want to beat is PSU. At this point all this is, is an allegation. The merit of this is yet be determined. For all of you to convict on ONLY one side of the story is completely F'ed up. There is ALWAYs two side to every story.

No one has been convicted of anything.

I have seen Franklin's behaviors. I can have whatever opinion I want of this allegation.

I believe it.

You can choose to disbelieve it.
I have no love loss for James Franklin and after nebby the team I most want to beat is PSU. At this point all this is, is an allegation. The merit of this is yet be determined. For all of you to convict on ONLY one side of the story is completely F'ed up. There is ALWAYs two side to every story.
You are correct. But this being said about Franklin is completely believable. I don't think many are astonished by the allegation.
Article says this doctor "resisted" the interference,... I take that as a phuck off to Franklin..
I don't. Doc continuously worked for Franklin for five years, and collected pay checks, yet waited to file his lawsuit until he was fired. Doc should have nipped it in the bud immediately (the same way Paterno failed to do), and not wait a half a decade to identify the problem.

I don't. Doc continuously worked for Franklin for five years, and collected pay checks, yet waited to file his lawsuit until he was fired. Doc should have nipped it in the bud immediately (the same way Paterno failed to do), and not wait a half a decade to identify the problem.

Penn State tends to have a problem with their staff reporting things at the correct time.
I don't. Doc continuously worked for Franklin for five years, and collected pay checks, yet waited to file his lawsuit until he was fired. Doc should have nipped it in the bud immediately (the same way Paterno failed to do), and not wait a half a decade to identify the problem.

Right. It’s not as if Penn State doesn’t have a history of “should have” working against them. Lots of things “should have” been done at Penn State but the culture of protecting the football program remains on that campus.
Did Franklin rush players back into action before they were ready, risking further injury? I have no idea, but it certainly isn’t out of the realm of possibilities. Provided this doctor isn’t a complete moron, he documented every recommendation he had regarding players’ readiness to return to action.
Obviously he didn’t comply as he was removed as the orthopedic physician for the team and Director of Athletic Medicine for the University.
I was going to say...It even says in the article that 'he resisted the alleged interference' and he thinks he was fired for being a whistleblower. It's to be noted, he's only suing for 50K.
I have no love loss for James Franklin and after nebby the team I most want to beat is PSU. At this point all this is, is an allegation. The merit of this is yet be determined. For all of you to convict on ONLY one side of the story is completely F'ed up. There is ALWAYs two side to every story.
have you never seen the dbag on tv? do you think it's a lie?

do you think the doc just wants attention? I believe he is suing for 50k, clearly it is not about money.....

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