Jaws remake announced

If it's going to be as good as what I've heard about the Midway remake, they need to just leave it alone and stop now.

Why on earth would anyone think this needs to be done? The issues with Bruce the shark on the original production ended up making Jaws a nearly perfect movie.
If it's going to be as good as what I've heard about the Midway remake, they need to just leave it alone and stop now.

Why on earth would anyone think this needs to be done? The issues with Bruce the shark on the original production ended up making Jaws a nearly perfect movie.

Dude, the new shark will be all CGI, no problems there. Will probably go all Air Jaws!
I like how the article features a picture of a sand tiger shark, which almost never attack humans and have never caused a documented fatality.

And Robert Shaw was absolutely perfect as Quint. One of the most iconic performances in movie history. It’s senseless to try to reboot it.
Actors in the 70s were ugly. Just look at Brody's wife. Woof.
If Jesse Eisenberg plays Hooper, I swear to Christ I will burn down the studio.

Good Gawd! What was that creative meeting like?

"Hey...remember that perfect movie that everyone loved and genuinely had them scared to pieces with some of the greatest characters ever on film? Remember that? Well...let's do it again...but with THOR! And then we can do Good, Bad and Ugly and have Ant Man play Tuco! Awesome!"
I hate you all with these suggestions. My hurts.
Rumors on Twitter say it will be reset in South Africa and there will be an apartheid twist to the plot.
Jaws is a good flick. Better to remake this than another shitty superhero movie. Nothing will beat Jaws 4 though.
Probably be a female playing the lead.
As it should be. If we’re going to remake a classic then let’s make it fully woke.

Chief Brody will be played by Leslie Jones. The iconic line “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” will be replaced by “Aw, hellll no!”

Constance Wu as Hooper, the Asian-American climate scientist who deduces that rising ocean temperatures have decimated the shark’s normal food sources and forced it into shallow waters.

Caitlyn Jenner as Quint, the transgendered shark hunter. Instead of recounting the harrowing tale of the crew of the USS Indianapolis, Quint will deliver a five-minute dissertation on the challenges facing the LGBTQ community in 2020.

Instead of being killed by an exploding SCUBA tank, the great beast succumbs to floating ocean trash when plastic debris becomes lodged in its gills.
No ... no ... no ... Don't f*&k with Jaws.

Selfies with a green screen shark made to be the size of a blue whale (i.e. think the newer Hulk movies)
A female Quint
A tricked out yacht

No ... leave Jaws alone ...
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As it should be. If we’re going to remake a classic then let’s make it fully woke.

Chief Brody will be played by Leslie Jones. The iconic line “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” will be replaced by “Aw, hellll no!”

Constance Wu as Hooper, the Asian-American climate scientist who deduces that rising ocean temperatures have decimated the shark’s normal food sources and forced it into shallow waters.

Caitlyn Jenner as Quint, the transgendered shark hunter. Instead of recounting the harrowing tale of the crew of the USS Indianapolis, Quint will deliver a five-minute dissertation on the challenges facing the LGBTQ community in 2020.

Instead of being killed by an exploding SCUBA tank, the great beast succumbs to floating ocean trash when plastic debris becomes lodged in its gills.
Okay this entire post made me laugh ... And sadly, you are spot on ...
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