Jeb on pace for a 4th/5th place finish in SC

Mar 14, 2003
I wonder how he will react and what Lindsey Graham will say/do? Will Jeb drop out like he should or stay in it until Florida? I see he is polling 1% in the latest Nevada poll as well.
Why would anyone drop out? Super Tuesday is just a week and a half away. Why not hang on until then, and see what happens?

I really believe that Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich are in it until March. Especially with Kasich's efforts in Michigan. Carson? Who knows what he will do. I can/do see Jeb in it until Florida.

I actually see Trump, Cruz, & Rubio dragging out into April/May even
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I really believe that Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich are in it until March. Especially with Kasich's efforts in Michigan. Carson? Who knows what he will do. I can/do see Jeb in it until Florida.

I actually see Trump, Cruz, & Rubio dragging out into April/May even
Everybody's got to be in it until March. 25% of all the delegates will be awarded then. Why would anyone drop out when it's so close?
So it would be Jeb with Mama Barbara and you squeezed into the same voting booth?......that's quite funny.

Jeb Bush is on pace in this Presidential primary season
to be a footnote to the Bush Dynasty. George H. W. Bush
rode the coat tails of Ronald Reagan when he won his one
term as President. George W. Bush rode the coat-tails of
Ronald Reagan's friend Jim Baker who got him the victory
over Al Gore in the Florida Run-off.

Bottom Line: Jeb thought he could ride the coat-tails of his
father and brother into the White House. But the American
primary voters are tired of the Bush Dynasty.
He will drop out. He is out of money. He knows the field needs to get smaller in order to take out Trump and Cruz. It is obvious that the Republican establishment is lining up behind Rubio. Kasich will probably hang in there until Michigan and Ohio. He is finally getting noticed. I think it will be a Rubio/Kasich ticket come November.
Never understood Jeb getting in this time. He was not even really mentioned as a possibility going into 2015. Yet it was somehow assumed that he was some kind of shoo in to win. He missed his chance by four years.
He will drop out. He is out of money. He knows the field needs to get smaller in order to take out Trump and Cruz. It is obvious that the Republican establishment is lining up behind Rubio. Kasich will probably hang in there until Michigan and Ohio. He is finally getting noticed. I think it will be a Rubio/Kasich ticket come November.
Rubio/Kasich is a strong ticket in the general election. Makes FL and OH very winnable
Hillary better get that cough cleared up. She sounds like she has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.
Why would anyone drop out? Super Tuesday is just a week and a half away. Why not hang on until then, and see what happens?

I agree completely Huey but I continue to be curious about Jeb's money people. Both my wife and I think he comes off as a total dork who eats Gerber's baby food with a small spoon for breakfast. It is so obvious he's got no prayer that we are always asking ourselves why they've left him hanging out there. I don't get it. To me he looks like a wounded deer that's bee struck by a car and just wants to go home.

Further, I think most people agree that if the field is not reduced quickly King Trump will be the run away victor. While Jeb offers the other little in the way of his supporters, it would only hurt Trump if he fell on the sword now.

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