Jerry Kill Retiring

When he said; "this news has shaken me" he was talking about a seizure.

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Absolutely not too soon. He retired, he didn't die. If that was the case I would have waited until at least Friday.
I personally do not find that comment to anything less than disrespectful, insensitive, and just down right rude. Just because he did not die does not mean that this situation is not tragic and/or life changing for himself, his players, friends, and family. To me there are hundreds of players and people who will never have the opportunity to be impacted by this man and for that reason it is tragic. This generation and the generations to follow need people like Jerry Kill in their lives and I hope he can find another outlet to be able to impact young men. There are many of us who unfortunately define our lives on our careers, especially if you are doing what you are passionate about. To have that passion/identity taken away from you too soon is not something to joke about on a message board or anywhere else for that matter.
I personally do not find that comment to anything less than disrespectful, insensitive, and just down right rude. Just because he did not die does not mean that this situation is not tragic and/or life changing for himself, his players, friends, and family. To me there are hundreds of players and people who will never have the opportunity to be impacted by this man and for that reason it is tragic. This generation and the generations to follow need people like Jerry Kill in their lives and I hope he can find another outlet to be able to impact young men. There are many of us who unfortunately define our lives on our careers, especially if you are doing what you are passionate about. To have that passion/identity taken away from you too soon is not something to joke about on a message board or anywhere else for that matter.

I wasn't aware that his seizures were happening more frequently. Best wishes to coach Kill. Football is losing a man of integrity.
So sad watching that press conference. Said he doesn't know what he'll do. Football is all he's known. Good coach and seems like a good guy. Hope he has a happy retirement and good health
Hard not to like Jerry Kill, IMO. Old school all the way, and a pretty damn good track record wherever he went. He has multiple assistants that he's carried with him for 21 years or so I believe. That's a good man that can get people to do that. I wish him nothing but the best. The world could use a lot more Jerry Kill's, just without the health issues. Sad day indeed.
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Seems like a great guy, and obviously a great coach. I, too, wish him and his family the best.
There was some suggestion now, after the fact(by JK in his presser) that Kill had dropped some of his Epillesy medications and was sleeping about 3 hours a night as the stress of a failed season set in. Kill made references in the past to concerns that his medications made him feel "not right' and not ready to coach. For me, that would have suggested delegating more and staying on the medications, but in reality I probably would have been stubborn and driven off the cliff, just like Jerry did.

It may have not been the case, but if true, the setbacks this year may have not agreed with Kill and he may have made some poor decisions that reversed the progress last year(and late 2013), when he had no seizures and had regained his ability to drive his truck.

Regardless, JK has made enough money where he can move to his "lake" house in Illinois, take walks with his wife, and generally unwind, or take a lower stress job at the U of M and continue to raise money with AD, as he did in an effective way recently when the 170M training facility came to fruition. (groundbreaking/ approval by Regents)
Three days before he coached his first game at TCF Bank Stadium, Kill shared a quiet moment talking about why he asked that 10-year-old girl to lead his team onto the field.

“If I can help somebody here on this Earth, that’s what I’m here for,” he said. “I couldn’t tell you my won-loss record right now if you ask me. I don’t care. God doesn’t care how many games we win. He doesn’t care who wins on Saturday. But he does care how we treat people.”

Job well done, Jerry.

This was the final paragraph on a story from Chip Scroggins from the Star Trib.
Jerry Kill was true class. The kind of coach I would want for the Hawks. This man has his priorties straight in a world that has lost sense of itself. Well done indeed Jerry. You will be missed
Minny can't catch a break. Even when they do something incredibly smart (like hiring Kill), it doesn't work out.

Best of luck to Coach Kill - he is going to find something to do with his passion to help other people and this will turn out to be a blessing in disguise for them.

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