Jimmy Carter to begin receiving hospice care

I was thinking of him earlier this week actually. The most Christian President we’ve had in what, 60 years? 75 years? 100? and would get beaten like a red headed stepchild by Trump for Evangelicals’ votes. Like 100%-0. Absolutely f*cking creamed. They’d ride him out on a rail of every mega church in America.
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At 95 years old, he was still volunteering his time for Habitat For Humanity.

Carter was governor when I moved to Atlanta after graduating, and I was lucky enough to get to hear his Law Day speech; after that, I would have done anything I could to get him elected. Such a decent man, whose heart was always in the right place, but how a Commander in the Navy could be so rudderless and lacking in leadership I'll never know.

His Presidency was a disaster, but the balance of his life is something we should all adhere to.
God Bless Him and I hope his final trip to the Gates of Heaven is just a short and easy path.
He and Rosalyn are some of the bestest ever. They have seats awaiting.
They, as a team, are the most Presidential of my life time. Worldly, loving, “big pictured”, consistent, neighborly…
My gosh, they define the best in character.
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Walks the walk. I will think of him more as a great humanitarian than president

Those year 77-81 were pretty formative years for me. 77-79 in particular was like the peaceful post Vietnam post Watergate feel good era. It didn't last with Iran and economic conditions, but the country certainly was looking for a breather.
Good man, worst president in my lifetime.
The first election I was old enough to vote was 1976, and I voted for him.

Once he left office he did a lot of good for mankind.
If you seriously think the guy who lied constantly and turned covid into a political stunt, embraced white nationalists and set race relations back 50 years, then lied to try to overthrow a free and fair election was a better president you are a steaming pile of shit. But everyone is entitled to their opinions I guess
I wouldn't say he was the best President in modern history, but I think he clearly was the best person to be President in modern history. He was incredibly smart. He cared about this country and its people. He put others needs above his own. There were some rough patches with his Presidency, but I think that Carter was and is an honorable man who truly serves the country and its people. I hope that one day again we well have honorable leaders. Unfortunately, I'm skeptical that it will ever happen again.
Yep. The narrative is that he was a terrible president, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Truth. The waters he successfully piloted us thru were more hazardous than most in this day realize.
His Presidency in the aftermath of Nixon’s debacle, the continued results of the ‘73 Oil Crises, the end of the Nam War, unreal inflation, the continuation of the fight for Civil Rights for all in our land, etc… was one of a steady hand.
President Carter's work following the Three Mile Island almost disaster was admirable and showed great leadership. People seem to have forgotten how impressive he was during that debacle.

He had expertise and experience in that field, which came in very handy.
People may not be aware that he was a brilliant student at the USNA,
I had the fortunate opportunity to meet him twice. He stopped in Burlington while on his Mississippi River boat cruise. That was the first day of school my junior year. Nearly 20 years later I trained him as an election observer in Haiti. When I only somewhat jokingly asked if he remembered me, he apologized and said he did not. Felt like an ass for asking. Very humble. Very compassionate. A great human.
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I had the fortunate opportunity to meet him twice. He stopped in Burlington while on his Mississippi River boat cruise. That was the first day of school my senior year. Nearly 20 years later I trained him as an election observer in Haiti. When I only somewhat jokingly asked if he remembered me, he apologized and said he did not. Felt like an ass for asking. Very humble. Very compassionate. A great human.
To me, President Carter is the definition of, what my daughter refers to in her work as a “servant leader”. One who will feed the hungry, give clothing to the naked, teach others to fish and cook, stand up to bullies using words that cause them to join the forces of good, train the next generation of leadership, laugh , joke, and sing while doing the tough work…