Joe declines Super Bowl interview

who gives a sh*t if joe isn't making decisions on which specific interviews he does or doesn't do? maybe if we were less concerned about how well presidents look or talk in front of a camera, we'd have better options available

i don't understand when people decided that presidents needs to SUPERMAN who single handedly makes every decision all by himself with no help or input from anyone else

some people may want an all powerful king, I don't
You are a piece of work sometimes. Joe wasn't stuttering this past week when he claimed he spoke to Mitterand of Germany, um, France recently. Joe wasn't stuttering last week when he told gold star parents he knew how they felt because his son was killed in Iraq.
I dont think the latter was said…he did talk about his experiencing the death of a son……and his “cancer” has been linked to “burn pits” Beau was exposed to as a soldier abroad.
I dont think the latter was said…he did talk about his experiencing the death of a son……and his “cancer” has been linked to “burn pits” Beau was exposed to as a soldier abroad.
Biden believes it, but the cancer happened 6 years later. The point is, there's a difference between dementia and mere stuttering.
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Did you miss the part where it's too late for a new candidate?! He's also the incumbent and has navigated massive world and domestic chaos very effectively while also negotiating and bringing about game changing legislation. If he wasn't an effective President I'd agree with you much more.
It’s not too late. Joe steps down. Insert Michelle Obama and she wins in a landslide.
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See, you, like Joel, are incapable of just watching or reading something about Joe Biden without immediately lining it up against something Trump related. You suffer from "but Trumpism". You guys are the reverse MAGAs. Joe could stand in front of America and give a speech about how he thinks it's 1952 and ramble on about toothpicks and ice-cream cones and you'd just rant on with another "But Trump" justification. What excites you about Biden? Wait...let me guess. He isn't Trump. Guess what. My lawn guy isn't Trump either. Should we elect him?
Said it for a couple years now. Chis is exactly what he claims to hate.

Those idiots that stormed the capital, got super partisan on message boards.

Ya dig?
Alaska……make no mistake about it…it is the Republicans who have made this election all about Trump. Take the recently House refused border deal….the border deal that Senate Dems and Repubbers worked 4 months (taking direction from House Repubber leadership) to craft…..only to have the House Repubbers announce their effort was DOA (per Trump)…..
so buddyboy, make no mistake…until he is placed in jail, this election is all about Donald J Trump.
Did it pass in the Senate? I think the Repubbers there squashed it too?
When did the President chiming in during the Super Bowl become a thing? Obama? It never was. Obviously it was then really used by the Apprentice guy who never should have even been a nominee yet pretend to be President. Pathetic
When 1/3 of the country thinks you are doing an acceptable job it might be an opportunity to display your leadership on the biggest stage.

Come on Chaz think normal for once.
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You wish. He is just not the attention whore Trump needs to be.
You've been hiting the nail on the head in this thread.
Maybe because he did? You dont die overnight from brain cancer……or are you an oncologist now, tool? I know lots of Viet Nam vets who died in their 60’s from Agent Orange exposure they experienced in service in country……
And you say they died of exposure not that they died in Vietnam.

Good job on recognizing the difference.
And you say they died of exposure not that they died in Vietnam.

Good job on recognizing the difference.
Their treatments and benefits are treated as though they were injured in combat though, I believe.
A coal miner may die years later in the desert from the black lung he developed underground in West Virginia. He died from black lung….not desert heat.
Their treatments and benefits are treated as though they were injured in combat though, I believe.
A coal miner may die years later in the desert from the black lung he developed underground in West Virginia. He died from black lung….not desert heat.
Again you are talking about exposure. Biden has more than once directly said his son died IN the war. Even after being corrected he has incorrectly repeated it.
I second that nomination. It infuriates me that we end up with such impaired candidates for the highest office in the land. WTH?
America gets what it demands! We asked for a corrupt dumb motgerohuquer with zero political experience and we got him…. We then decided we wanted ANYONE but the old corrupt motherphuquer in office and we got him too!
Don’t blame the messenger blame the folks who voted! And it didn’t stop with electing Presidents, either. Senators, congressmen, governors, state legislators…school boards…
Good opportunity for Joe to talk to a massive audience. Why decline that?
I agree with you on why. But this isn't 1985, and there are numerous ways to get your message to millions of people a la social media. Plus, it's funny that some are calling it a "tradition". I've honestly never realized it was one.
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Their treatments and benefits are treated as though they were injured in combat though, I believe.
A coal miner may die years later in the desert from the black lung he developed underground in West Virginia. He died from black lung….not desert heat.
He also didn't die in the mine. My grandfather passed away from conditions stemming from combat. Not one of my family members say he died in combat. Stop moving the goalpost.
Unlike his predecessor DJ Trump, President Biden doesn't
feel the need to ”attention whore” from the nation's favorite sports holiday.
Joe understands he doesn’t need to be front and center “24/7”……
No. The super bowl interview is a tradition for presidents. Biden is incapable of a coherent interview, plain and simple. No need to defend it. Just admit it's a wise move for him to stay away from any situation where he has to give a candid answer. Same reason he'll decline all presidential debates.
No. The super bowl interview is a tradition for presidents. Biden is incapable of a coherent interview, plain and simple. No need to defend it. Just admit it's a wise move for him to stay away from any situation where he has to give a candid answer. Same reason he'll decline all presidential debates.
No it isn't. Don't lie.
I didn't say anything incorrect. So you think it would be a GOOD idea for him to do the interview?
I gotta admit, I never knew there was an annual super bowl interview of the president. Looking into it, I guess it's something Obama started, so when you say he's breaking tradition, it's been a tradition for 2 whole presidents.

If Biden wants to do an interview, any interview, great. If he doesn't, it's no different than any other day. Besides, if he does it now he's just going to rip on the R's for bombing on the border bill.
, if he does it now he's just going to rip on the R's for bombing on the border bill.
Good point, and that'll fall flat, everyone sees right through that.

I maintain it's a wise move by him, He can gain nothing by doing it and will only further highlight his mental decline.
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Good point, and that'll fall flat, everyone sees right through that.

I maintain it's a wise move by him, He can gain nothing by doing it and will only further highlight his mental decline.
I don't think Biden has the image problem that Trump and his party has right now.
For those more informed on this is the SB interview an actual live interview or is it a more pre-recorded address or statement type deal?
I gotta admit, I never knew there was an annual super bowl interview of the president. Looking into it, I guess it's something Obama started, so when you say he's breaking tradition, it's been a tradition for 2 whole presidents.

If Biden wants to do an interview, any interview, great. If he doesn't, it's no different than any other day. Besides, if he does it now he's just going to rip on the R's for bombing on the border bill.
He should do it. I would love for him to talk about the border and how it is someone else’s fault
This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

IMO, that's essentially what we'll be doing. We're electing a party, NOT a president. I guess it will have to work. It's mostly working now, but is it really sustainable for another 4 years? Can you imagine the behind the scenes stress that's going on each day to roll out Biden as the leader of the most powerful country on earth. Jill has got to be exhausted too. She's got to be thinking, "We should be retiring and enjoying life."

I hope before I die, we get the real story of what it took to keep the Office of the Presidency going. I often wonder what it was like during Reagan's last years as well. There had to be days where his staff was like, "WTF!?"
Dr. Jill should be charged with elder abuse. All this so she can stay in the WH longer.
I didn't say anything incorrect. So you think it would be a GOOD idea for him to do the interview?

Yes you did, it's not a tradition. I don't care if the President airs an interview during the Superbowl. And, I doubt anyone else does either...including you.