Jordan Bohannon Eye Injury

There, fixed it

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I'm guessing a bow from Luka. Would love to hear it was from a Murray or maybe Pat though. Hawks could use a couple more wild bows on their team
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When will the schedule come out for fuks sake?

The eye injury could affect his shooting for some time. Don't expect to see him on the court any time soon....
I'm not a coach, but I'd be surprised if Fran plays him until the swelling go's down, we'll see come Wednesday, won't we......
From the posts looks like the injury was on saturday - would expect him to play Wednesday unless there is injury to the eyeball or fractured orbital

If it is just swelling and stitches he will be out there. He played with a damaged Hip for 1/2 yr 1+ years in the past. Tough Kid
So...massively f-ed up hips didn't stop him but a black eye will?

Quick healer and tough as nails. I guess if Garza can return to a game after getting stiches in his lip, Bohannan wasn't about to miss playing time after getting blasted in the eye....we'll see how effective Jordan is on Wednesday.
Looking forward to seeing PMac, Ulis, Perkins, the Murray twins, and even Ogundele on the floor.
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