Just got done watching both matches...a question WDM: How did you see the matches? On Flo? Hehe. Anyways, Danny Vega is no slouch and it was like Lee said, "Here, hold my beer." Same with Hall. I've said it before and I think there is a seismic shift coming in USA wrestling's talent. Just when you think that nobody can be better than a Marstellar, a guy like Hall comes along. Even a guy like Logan Massa beats Nolf without ever having stepped on a college mat. He beat him on pure TDs. Massa sure doesn't have his brother's gas tank problems...he was able to hang with Nolf who I am also very excited about unfortunately. Jason is going to be a great college wrestler...top 4 his first year and multiple championships if he can stay at 157. Too much chain wrestling for his opponents and he is a beast on top.
While some of this is bad news for my Hawks, its good news for freestyle. The reason I think there is a huge difference in talent, even from four to five years ago is because a Lee, Hall, Valencias etc all LOVE what they do...you can tell. I believe this is key because there is a difference between being good at what you do, and doing it because...well that's what you've always done. Those guys, like a Marstellar, tend to take a step back in college with a little freedom. A Hall or a Lee will not. Same with Nolf. Anyways, enough with my nonsensical rambling. The future is very bright for our sport.