Your golf course may be flooded. Because we live on a world with a dynamic biosphere, the seas have been rising and falling for hundreds of millions of years. We simply don't know how we're changing the world. But since we know ourselves (all 7 billion of us) we tend to assume whatever we're doing is bad for the world. Here's where it gets tricky.
When you're sick your body has a way to fix things thru self-correcting biology (sometimes your immune system can't do this, but quite often it does).
The earth is a LIVING organism, is it not? And in times past the earth has actually had higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere. Why didn't the "Venus-effect" take hold? Two reasons: One, our orbit, or more precisely, our distance from the sun. We occupy the Goldilocks zone in our solar system. The second reason is because the earth (Gaia) is a self-correcting organism in a similar way to TennWaltz1. Example: an all out nuclear war would be bad. But over time life would rebound. That's because when you cut the earth, there is a scar, and eventually it heals.
"What doesn't kill the earth makes it stronger?"
I wouldn't go that far. Yet, in a bizarre way the answer may be yes. That gigantic planetary crash that happened billions of years ago resulting in the creation of the moon could've destroyed the earth. But some scientists now speculate it helped create the world we know today.