Justice Scalia

LOL, Srinivasan sailed through his hearing on an 18-0 vote and was confirmed by the Senate 97-0...less than three years ago. Good luck selling the idea he's unfit for the SC.
It would be fascinating to see the tortured explanations and ideological gymnastics by Republicans to explain voting no.
LOL, Srinivasan sailed through his hearing on an 18-0 vote and was confirmed by the Senate 97-0...less than three years ago. Good luck selling the idea he's unfit for the SC.
Just use the same arguments the Democrats used against Alioto, Thomas, et al.
I certainly hope so. Obama shouldn't even try to replace him.

Because if Ginsburg died at the end of a Republican president's term, they wouldn't dream of replacing her until after an election..
Judge Srinivasan was unanimously approved by the senate a few years ago. Would be strange if they didn't now.
No, it wouldn't. There's a long history on both sides of justices being considered acceptable for appellate courts but not the SCOTUS.
Denny Chin was confirmed by a 98–0 vote in 2010 too.
Diane wood was confirmed by a unanimous vote too.
Because if Ginsburg died at the end of a Republican president's term, they wouldn't dream of replacing her until after an election..
It would depend upon the makeup of he Senate, just like it does now. The president can make this a political football, or he can act responsibly.
Yes, he should. Can't take a chance on the next one being nominated by a nut like Trump or Cruz.
It would depend upon the makeup of he Senate, just like it does now. The president can make this a political football, or he can act responsibly.

He should make it a political football. If the GOP wants to block a nomination that is qualified for the job, that is their own problem. They can deal with the consequences.
Hmmm, she's always claimed to be half-Jewish and half-Catholic. If you disagree, you're gonna have to take this up with her.

Also, she's denounced being 'African-American.' She says she's 'Black.'

Whatever her heritage, from a religious perspective she's certainly not atheist.

So, in other words, she's really confused.
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Chin and Wood are both over 60 -- i.e., too old. Srinivasan is the only possible nominee out of that threesome.
The world is over as we know it. I honestly want to know what the liberals think the end game will be? A world of full unemployment, entitlements, and a printing press? Get ready for some really crazy stuff from both extremes in the coming weeks...
I am rethinking my position on Grassley in all this. Any nomination by Obama would have to go through him, right? He's gone loony right in the past few years, but he is an institutionalist and part of me thinks he will take his job seriously enough to give a hearing to an Obama nominee.
He should make it a political football. If the GOP wants to block a nomination that is qualified for the job, that is their own problem. They can deal with the consequences.
That's really silly. Look at recent history of the judicial appointments of lame duck presidents, regardless of party. And that's all judicial appointments, not the Big Kahuna. A nominee is not going to be confirmed. Period. That's a fact of life. The question is how Obama deals with it.
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Both Graham and McConnell have said elections have consequences and the PEOPLE would be best served if the replacement was nominated after the election.
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