Kamala Harris is NOT a moderate, she is in fact a HARD leftist


HB Legend
Jul 3, 2003
Link to Fact Check

Verdict: True

This claim is true. GovTrack ranked Harris as the most liberal senator in 2019.

Fact Check:

Harris held her first rally since former President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy for President and endorsed her, according to Associated Press. The vice president has also received several more key Democrats’ support, including House Democrat leader Hakeem Jefferies, and her campaign has received more than $100 million in donations, the outlet reported.

A post from Waltz claims GovTrack ranked Harris as the most liberal senator. He also compared Harris to other popular Democrats.

“Reminder: Kamala Harris is ranked the MOST LIBERAL left wing Senator by non-partisan GovTrack,” the post reads. “She’s to the left of Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. She is the Squadron Commander for the Squad!”

This claim is accurate. An archived version of the GovTrack Report Card for 2019 ranked then-California Sen. Harris as the “most politically left.” In 2020, she was ranked second most politically left behind Democratic Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. (RELATED: No, Video Does Not Show First Kamala Harris Presidential Ad)

Joshua Tauberer, founder of GovTrack, told Check Your Fact that GovTrack used to publish legislator “report cards” based on a single calendar year at the end of the first year of a two-year Congress.
“The statistic that Rep. Waltz is referring to was based on a single calendar year,” Tauberer said. “Several years ago we discontinued creating new single-calendar-year ‘report cards’: We determined that the limited data available in a single year was not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators, particularly given the ebbs and flows of the legislative calendar, and therefore did not serve as a useful tool to our users and the American public.”

Tauberer referred Check Your Fact to Harris’ page on the site, which he said is the “most reliable co-sponsorship ideology analysis relevant” to the topic, as well as a page for “biennial report cards based on complete two-year data for each Congressional session.” The graph, titled “Ideology-Leadership chart” showed Harris as one of the top-10 most left-leaning scorers on the chart between 2017 and 2022.

Attacks against the incumbent vice president have intensified shortly after she was endorsed by Biden. Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance correctly claimed Harris and Biden suspended deportations and halted construction of the border wall on the first day of the administration.
Yep, and if the Republicans had chosen a moderate and not a far right rapey old felon I would most likely vote that way.

Alas I am reluctantly going to vote for Kamala assuming she is the nominee. You made your Trump bed, go lie in it.
Not sure you should go blaming republicans for this mess. They had a primary and voted in a nominee, it's not their fault Kamala was installed not elected. When the democratic process was allowed to play out, she got 3.5% of the vote... and as VP she has a TERRIBLE approval rating at 39%. You can but Trump this all you like, but here we are.
Not sure you should go blaming republicans for this mess. They had a primary and voted in a nominee, it's not their fault Kamala was installed not elected.
First I’m no dem so i have no right to say how their party runs things. Plus I think Biden should have stepped down and that would naturally lead to a path like this.

Second, I’m not blaming per se. I’m pointing out that the choice to me is obvious. I’m a million billion times more likely to vote for Kamala than Trump. If Republicans had put forth a Romney, Kasich, Kinzinger type then I would be a thousand times more likely to vote for that person than Kamala.

This mess is created because we have all collectively weaponized politics, demonized those with different beliefs and allowed the motivated extremes to control party direction. In that we are all complicit for this mess.
First I’m no dem so i have no right to say how their party runs things. Plus I think Biden should have stepped down and that would naturally lead to a path like this.

Second, I’m not blaming per se. I’m pointing out that the choice to me is obvious. I’m a million billion times more likely to vote for Kamala than Trump. If Republicans had put forth a Romney, Kasich, Kinzinger type then I would be a thousand times more likely to vote for that person than Kamala.

This mess is created because we have all collectively weaponized politics, demonized those with different beliefs and allowed the motivated extremes to control party direction. In that we are all complicit for this mess.
I completely agree with this. I'm not a fan of your "republican" picks but that's just personal preference. I don't prefer Trump either. It's a hot damn mess we've put ourselves in with the choices we are being presented with.
Yep, and if the Republicans had chosen a moderate and not a far right rapey old felon I would most likely vote that way.

Alas I am reluctantly going to vote for Kamala assuming she is the nominee. You made your Trump bed, go lie in it.
Are you voting for a homecoming king? I don’t much care for Trump and the circus he creates. I wish he would keep his mouth shut half the time and show more class.
Kamala and here California liberal policies will hurt this country. It’s four more years of the same but on steroids, open border, free healthcare for illegals, fewer police, weak on crime, pro-Palestine, higher taxes, did I mention open border? I’ll take a few stupid comments and great policy over the alternative. She was voted the most liberal senator for a reason, think about that. She also polled as the worst VP in history.
Yep, and if the Republicans had chosen a moderate and not a far right rapey old felon I would most likely vote that way.

Alas I am reluctantly going to vote for Kamala assuming she is the nominee. You made your Trump bed, go lie in it.
Chef’s kiss. Yes, she is more liberal than Joe. But she is up against truly a guy who wants to be a fascist dictator. You can’t get any further right than MAGA, so their pearl clutching is hilarious.

The cosmic universe has a way of coming back with interesting story endings. You see it a lot in sports. The rise of MAGA with its roots directly traceable to the folks (birthers and Tea Party) across the US who were greatly horrified to have a black man elected president to have a story arc that ends with the election of a black female president could be one of those endings.
Yep, and if the Republicans had chosen a moderate and not a far right rapey old felon I would most likely vote that way.

Alas I am reluctantly going to vote for Kamala assuming she is the nominee. You made your Trump bed, go lie in it.
I understand felon, that's just a fact. But what makes trump right wing?
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hawkeyetraveler says "I'm no dem" as he's about to cast a vote for the most extreme leftwing senator of that session.

Did that sound cherry picked when you said it? I'm pretty sure Sanders was in the Senate in 2019 too so they must be using some weird metric. Plus the Democrats were totally handcuffed in 2019 so the votes were pretty moot.
Did that sound cherry picked when you said it? I'm pretty sure Sanders was in the Senate in 2019 too so they must be using some weird metric. Plus the Democrats were totally handcuffed in 2019 so the votes were pretty moot.

A weird metric?

Govtrack is an entity that tracks voting records.

She was ranked as being more liberal than nutty Bernie. Let's that sink in Moral.
The problem for Harris is she said a lot of stupid shit during the 2020 campaign that R's will use endlessly in their campaign ads. Basically why she flamed out in 2020.

She gave them endless campaign ad fodder.
My man Both Sides Bins at it again.

You're supporting a guy who is the king of saying dumb shit. I'm sure it's easy to dismiss since you're a Trump supporter, but you look kind of foolish when you come to an open forum talking about the Dem's saying stupid shit.
My man Both Sides Bins at it again.

You're supporting a guy who is the king of saying dumb shit. I'm sure it's easy to dismiss since you're a Trump supporter, but you look kind of foolish when you come to an open forum talking about the Dem's saying stupid shit.
I'm not supporting Trump...just pointing out an obvious Harris weakness.

She said a lot of stuff in her 2020 presidential campaign that will come back to haunt her. Basically the reason she flamed out...with Democrats.

It is what it is.

If you see stating that as "supporting Trump" so be it.
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A weird metric?

Govtrack is an entity that tracks voting records.

She was ranked as being more liberal than nutty Bernie. Let's that sink in Moral.

I covered that in the last sentence. How did she rank when Democrats actually had the power to pass legislation? I could look, but I know with certainty she isn't isn't the most liberal person around. I would rank her near a Corey Booker, and there is a good gap between Booker/Harris and Sanders who falls more into the democratic socialist area.
Did that sound cherry picked when you said it? I'm pretty sure Sanders was in the Senate in 2019 too so they must be using some weird metric. Plus the Democrats were totally handcuffed in 2019 so the votes were pretty moot.
CNN asked Sanders last night if she is more left than her and he got a big laugh out of that. Said it is a ludicrous claim and not even close to true, like much of what Don spewed during his rally. No idea how that group came up with that, but it makes no sense.
I covered that in the last sentence. How did she rank when Democrats actually had the power to pass legislation? I could look, but I know with certainty she isn't isn't the most liberal person around. I would rank her near a Corey Booker, and there is a good gap between Booker/Harris and Sanders who falls more into the democratic socialist area.

Such a cop out.
CNN asked Sanders last night if she is more left than her and he got a big laugh out of that. Said it is a ludicrous claim and not even close to true, like much of what Don spewed during his rally. No idea how that group came up with that, but it makes no sense.

You have no idea how they came up with that? It's called congressional voting records.
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She's taking Bombs and hasn't even been given the "California democrat" title yet, which she is.

It isn't about Kamala though, a vote for Kamala is a vote to keep the Elites safe. Nobody wants Kamala in charge, it's a matter if you would rather protect the establishment or the guy they are all working against.
You have no idea how they came up with that? It's called congressional voting records.
It's hard to claim right wing talking points when there's an actual record of how she voted on things. If a right wing senator voted to end all abortions with no exceptions and penalty of death, it doesn't matter that has 0 chances of passing, that would drum would be banged relentlessly in any future election.
I understand felon, that's just a fact. But what makes trump right wing?
It’s a fair point you make. I don’t think he has an ethos at all. He is a narcissistic opportunist that exploited far right beliefs on abortion, Christianity, white nationalism and more. I don’t think that makes him any better. It might make him worse.

To paraphrase one of my favorite movies…say what you want about the far right MAGA types, at least it’s an ethos.
Lol. Biden was deemed too far left by you guys. They could put up Mitt Romney and you’d deem him a radical leftist.
She would undoubtedly be the most far left President in history. The fact she is so far left is one of the reason she won zero delegates in her 2020 run in addition to the fact she is a terrible communicator and people don’t like to work for her. The Dems had much better choices than this.

A weird metric?

Govtrack is an entity that tracks voting records.

She was ranked as being more liberal than nutty Bernie. Let's that sink in Moral.
Link to Fact Check

Verdict: True

This claim is true. GovTrack ranked Harris as the most liberal senator in 2019.

Fact Check:

Harris held her first rally since former President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy for President and endorsed her, according to Associated Press. The vice president has also received several more key Democrats’ support, including House Democrat leader Hakeem Jefferies, and her campaign has received more than $100 million in donations, the outlet reported.

A post from Waltz claims GovTrack ranked Harris as the most liberal senator. He also compared Harris to other popular Democrats.

“Reminder: Kamala Harris is ranked the MOST LIBERAL left wing Senator by non-partisan GovTrack,” the post reads. “She’s to the left of Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. She is the Squadron Commander for the Squad!”

This claim is accurate. An archived version of the GovTrack Report Card for 2019 ranked then-California Sen. Harris as the “most politically left.” In 2020, she was ranked second most politically left behind Democratic Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. (RELATED: No, Video Does Not Show First Kamala Harris Presidential Ad)

Joshua Tauberer, founder of GovTrack, told Check Your Fact that GovTrack used to publish legislator “report cards” based on a single calendar year at the end of the first year of a two-year Congress.
“The statistic that Rep. Waltz is referring to was based on a single calendar year,” Tauberer said. “Several years ago we discontinued creating new single-calendar-year ‘report cards’: We determined that the limited data available in a single year was not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators, particularly given the ebbs and flows of the legislative calendar, and therefore did not serve as a useful tool to our users and the American public.”

Tauberer referred Check Your Fact to Harris’ page on the site, which he said is the “most reliable co-sponsorship ideology analysis relevant” to the topic, as well as a page for “biennial report cards based on complete two-year data for each Congressional session.” The graph, titled “Ideology-Leadership chart” showed Harris as one of the top-10 most left-leaning scorers on the chart between 2017 and 2022.

Attacks against the incumbent vice president have intensified shortly after she was endorsed by Biden. Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance correctly claimed Harris and Biden suspended deportations and halted construction of the border wall on the first day of the administration.

Republicans painted her as a raging centrist attorney who was way too tough on nonviolent crime and willing to partner with Biden to ruin Bernie. They did it as a cynical ploy to depress Black and Bernie voter turnout for her and Biden. You made your own beds. so enjoy the sleep.
I covered that in the last sentence. How did she rank when Democrats actually had the power to pass legislation? I could look, but I know with certainty she isn't isn't the most liberal person around. I would rank her near a Corey Booker, and there is a good gap between Booker/Harris and Sanders who falls more into the democratic socialist area.
The problem for Harris is during the 2020 campaign she tried to tack to the left for some odd reason. Crappy campaign staff?

Anyway, itwas one of the reasons she flamed out in that campaign IMO.
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She's taking Bombs and hasn't even been given the "California democrat" title yet, which she is.

It isn't about Kamala though, a vote for Kamala is a vote to keep the Elites safe. Nobody wants Kamala in charge, it's a matter if you would rather protect the establishment or the guy they are all working against.
Trump literally said he was going to make life good for the billionaires giving him money, that this was his priority. You’re really not very good at rational thought. You’re just an emotional actor.
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The problem for Harris is during the 2020 campaign she tried to tack to the left for some odd reason. Crappy campaign staff?

Anyway, itwas one of the reasons she flamed out in that campaign IMO.

Warren and Sanders were in there so she wasn't able to left flank them. There were so many candidates back then that it is almost hard to remember anything about her short lived campaign.
hawkeyetraveler says "I'm no dem" as he's about to cast a vote for the most extreme leftwing senator of that session.
Unlike many, I don’t define the world as a binary left/right choice. I see a spectrum. I have left leaning social views and right leaning fiscal views.

But more to the point I abhor rapists, I abhor conmen, I abhor people who use sham charities to defraud people out of good money, I abhor people who lie to get ahead. I’m anyone but Trump and proud of it.

Make of it what you will, but I truly think we need to excise his type from our political world. He is a divisive cancer that has metastasized. It’s time to put him into retirement or prison. Preferably the latter.
Now find the difference between that and what Menace "literally" said and let's start acknowledging all the bullshit half truths the dems were able to push.

I could see how "we have to make life easier for our smart people" would scare you.
No bullshit from the dems, that is constantly from maga. Trump lies every time he talks. Man you make stuff up all the time. I guess you are embarrassed with yourself, that makes sense.
No bullshit from the dems, that is constantly from maga. Trump lies every time he talks. Man you make stuff up all the time. I guess you are embarrassed at with yourself, that makes sense.
You just tried passing off a completly bullshit quote as a justification for something and can't see the hypocrisy of calling the other guy a liar.

Go look in the mirror man, look at the decisions you're making.
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You just tried passing off a completly bullshit quote as a justification for something and can't see the hypocrisy of calling the other guy a liar.

Go look in the mirror man, look at the decisions you're making.
That is just one quote, there are plenty of others and it proved the case anyway. trump is owned by Elon and putin. In the end, you support a felon and a rapist and a pedo. That should be enough. No need to try to justify trump's lies, his actions are plenty.
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