Kamala Harris is NOT a moderate, she is in fact a HARD leftist

She's taking Bombs and hasn't even been given the "California democrat" title yet, which she is.

It isn't about Kamala though, a vote for Kamala is a vote to keep the Elites safe. Nobody wants Kamala in charge, it's a matter if you would rather protect the establishment or the guy they are all working against.
For the third time your party has nominated a silver spoon Manhattanite who has lived his life in an ivory (Trump) tower and whose main political objective is giving tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans

Nothing "keeps the Elites safe" like a vote for Trump and arguing otherwise is downright delusional
For the third time your party has nominated a silver spoon Manhattanite who has lived his life in an ivory tower and whose main political objective is giving tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans

Nothing "keeps the Elites safe" like a vote for Trump and arguing otherwise is downright delusional
Trump may have been born in Manhatten but he is hated by those people.
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Because MANY of us want a different choice somewhere between the convicted felon and Karl Marx. With Joe stepping aside many people were looking for a Trump alternative we could hold our noses and vote for. She ain't it.

Her administration would be better than Trump’s crew of morons. Some of you are too blind to see that. His actions/tweets are an embarrassment to American society but given how some of you live, I guess that doesn’t exactly register with some of you.
Kammie had stellar start yesterday. Ignores her duties welcoming a foreign dignitary and rallies the Hamas troops in DC instead. She's not liberal, she is a radical extremist with zero private sector employment to her name. But her daddy was a marxist economist and Brown's Town is named after her slave owning relatives. Bloodlines baby!
Trump is a complete shithead, I don't think that's debatable. Factually, he's a felon, and IMO morally broke. He's certainly an opportunist, tried to be Christian for a bit, and may or may not be a narcissist (having one of those in my life for real, I'm not so sure on him but it can't be ruled out). I've heard the line about white nationalists, but haven't seen him jump on board with them. He has acknowledged they vote for him, not condoned them (he certainly hasn't paid to bail them out of jail after a riot, so he's one up on Kamala on that one).

I just don't really see any right wing in his positions:
Abortion, he doesn't support a ban but does support the states choosing what they want to do (i.e. if they want to allow them for 9 months, that's their choice, or if they want to ban them altogether, that's their choice). That's not a right wing position.

Guns: he never makes strong statements here, telling me he doesn't want to offend the 2A no restrictions crowd but doesn't want to take their stand either when it comes to putting restrictions.

He over the weekend spoke out against project 2025, calling it "really far right," and "extreme."

I just don't see "right wing" positions out of him. If he's a narcissist, he probably isn't going to be swayed from those positions unless there's a trade off to his benefit. When it comes to getting things passed through the house and senate, he's not going to win by compromising further right.

Kamala on the other hand has taken much more extreme positions, but to the left:
Supported bailing out BLM rioters
Allowed the border crisis to get worse despite being assigned to fix it.
Supported defund the police.
Supported Reparations.
Tax rates up to 80%

Those are pretty left wing positions. I think she'll try to distance herself from those as much as possible as all are turnoffs for moderates.

I've said before and continue to believe she'll win due to the fact that Trump isn't going to attract anyone who didn't vote for him before, but I've not seen any really good example of trump being right wing either. As a former Democrat, he just hasn't moved that far right that I can see.
Hey, an actual response that isn't completely steeped in team jersey politics. I'll take it.

Let's break it down:

Fact vs. Fiction Breakdown​

It's no secret I agree with you regarding Trump, although I'm probably a little more convinced he's a narcissist. The evidence, for me, is overwhelming. So, let's break down the felon's other accusations then head on over to Harris:

White Nationalists and Trump: Technically you're correct, he has not explicitly endorsed them. In fact, he's disavowed white nationalism on various occasions, though his statements and actions have left a lot to interpretation (maybe that's the goal).

Trump’s Positions on Policy Issues:
  • Abortion: He has expressed support for state-level decisions on abortion, aligning with a federalist approach. Many of us with some libertarian views have said similarly.
  • Guns: From what I've seen, his positions on gun control have generally been cautious and aligned with maintaining the Second Amendment, without pushing for significant restrictions. I'd like to see him give much greater detail here, but he won't since it's a big sect of his base. (As a gun owner, I'm for gun reform similar to what Canada has in place)
  • Project 2025: What you posted is pretty much a fact (from what I can find). Trump has criticized Project 202, labeling it as too extreme.
Kamala Harris’s Positions (that you brought up):
  • Supported bailing out BLM rioters: Yes, she supported a bail fund that was used to assist individuals arrested during protests, but not exclusively for rioters. So I'll give you a half truth.
  • Border crisis: This will be the Trump campaign's biggest area for negative campaigning. She's not done squat, but her supporters will spend most of their time simply defending the vernacular of the phrase "Border Czar" rather than the implications of the assigned role itself.
  • "Supported defund the police": From what I can find, Harris has not supported the "defund the police" movement in its entirety but has supported reforms and changes to policing practices.
  • "Supported Reparations." While it's true Harris has expressed support for the concept of reparations, she has not detailed specific policies. (These politicians are usually very non-committal. They'll say just enough to get the support they want--see Trump with guns)
  • "Tax rates up to 80%": This one's total fiction. She has not supported tax rates anywhere near 80%. Her proposed tax reforms aim at increasing taxes on high-income earners, but not at such extreme levels.
Lastly, to your statement, "I just don't see 'right wing' positions out of him." Technically, you're not wrong, but I'd phrase it as "far right wing". Trump's positions have varied across the political spectrum. While he has taken conservative stances on many issues, his approach has sometimes diverged from traditional right-wing positions. His policy positions and political rhetoric have certainly evolved since his transition from a Democrat to a Republican. It's probably easier to look at things that have actually been done during his Presidency, then try to decipher his often unhinged, hard to follow, blabbering from the pulpit.

If we could move past the team jersey's, we could actually have more rational discussions on some of this here on HBOT.

(don't read into the facial expressions...I was limited in my photo op choices, you get the point, though)

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Not sure you should go blaming republicans for this mess. They had a primary and voted in a nominee, it's not their fault Kamala was installed not elected. When the democratic process was allowed to play out, she got 3.5% of the vote... and as VP she has a TERRIBLE approval rating at 39%. You can but Trump this all you like, but here we are.
If they voted for a felon, then they are really corrupt, really stupid, fascist, or all of the previously mentioned. I'm just tickled pink I'm no longer a part of that party.
Are you voting for a homecoming king? I don’t much care for Trump and the circus he creates. I wish he would keep his mouth shut half the time and show more class.
Kamala and here California liberal policies will hurt this country. It’s four more years of the same but on steroids, open border, free healthcare for illegals, fewer police, weak on crime, pro-Palestine, higher taxes, did I mention open border? I’ll take a few stupid comments and great policy over the alternative. She was voted the most liberal senator for a reason, think about that. She also polled as the worst VP in history.
Is Kamala weak on crime? Really? I'd challenge you to name those California liberal policies that would hurt us but you won't be able to name them. Most of what you listed is pure BS.
I understand felon, that's just a fact. But what makes trump right wing?
I agree, Trump is a lot of things, but right wing is not one of them. When did secure the border, arrest criminals and allowing a union president to speak at the national convention become extreme right wing policies?
, I think the left does a better job of keeping its crazy to the fringes where the Right has become a circus.
What makes you think that specifically?

Leading Dems, including the Kamala Harris boycotted the Israeli PMs speech yesterday, while anti-israel protesters in DC burnt flags, defaced monuments and ran amuck yesterday, some getting in physical altercations with police. Has anyone on the left condemned those actions yet? Has Kamala? I'm watching her speech right now and she's not mentioned it.

Kamala, the presumptive nominee and defacto leader of the Democratic party:
Supported bailing out BLM rioters
Allowed the border crisis to get worse despite being assigned to fix it.
Supported defund the police.
Supported Reparations.
Said she would support tax rates up to 80%
Won't speak against abortions in the 9th month.

These are far left views. How does that jive with Dems keeping their fringes in check? How does trump being more moderate than any Republican represent present a danger?

I totally understand the dislike for Trump the man, I'm right there, but when it comes to policy and what they'd be willing to sign off on, I can't think of anything Trump would sign off on that would be worse than anything I listed that Kamala has voiced support for or actually done.
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You claim Harris is “hard left” based on your opinions….
I claim Trumpf is a convicted criminal, based on FACTS!
I love reading your posts, Seinfeld, Carlin or Newhart can't hold a candle to your comedic talents. 🤣 😆😄😂
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Is Kamala weak on crime? Really? I'd challenge you to name those California liberal policies that would hurt us but you won't be able to name them. Most of what you listed is pure BS.
Just being california would hurt. $10k a month to house a prisoner. Just pay shoplifters $60k a year to stay home, along with health care and dental.

Literally why we have "obstruction of justice" laws, Cletus...
Think about what you just said and instead of immediately responding, think about it, who in your life would you actually lie for? A lie so big it would ruin youe career and family fortune. Those people mean alot to you don't they? Without asking, probably your family and maybe a best friend? You are not doing that for "the guy who runs the state of xxxxxx"

People lie to protect themselves.
Hey, an actual response that isn't completely steeped in team jersey politics. I'll take it.

Let's break it down:

Fact vs. Fiction Breakdown​

Trump’s Positions on Policy Issues:
  • Abortion: He has expressed support for state-level decisions on abortion, aligning with a federalist approach. Many of us with some libertarian views have said similarly.
FALSE. He will allow states to ban travel to get abortions in other states. The people supporting him have stated exactly this, AND are pushing for a nationwide ban. So long as they worship at his feet, he will let them do it.

Hey, an actual response that isn't completely steeped in team jersey politics. I'll take it.

Let's break it down:

Fact vs. Fiction Breakdown​

Trump’s Positions on Policy Issues:

  • Guns: From what I've seen, his positions on gun control have generally been cautious and aligned with maintaining the Second Amendment, without pushing for significant restrictions. I'd like to see him give much greater detail here, but he won't since it's a big sect of his base. (As a gun owner, I'm for gun reform similar to what Canada has in place)

He will only allow gun access for his right-wing militia buddies; anyone else will not matter. This is how his "transactional mind" works.
Recognize it.

Hey, an actual response that isn't completely steeped in team jersey politics. I'll take it.

Let's break it down:

Fact vs. Fiction Breakdown​

Trump’s Positions on Policy Issues:

  • Project 2025: What you posted is pretty much a fact (from what I can find). Trump has criticized Project 202, labeling it as too extreme.

Trump is simply playing you here. His own VP pick wrote a Forward for a book by the architect of Project 2025.
His own campaign staffers are up to their eyeballs in it. So long as they praise him, he will run right along with it.
It isn't a legal question.
You're right, it was a question of hypocrisy. One side wants convicted felons, murderers, and rapists to have voting rights, the other wants them eligible to run for office... You can't make this up in 2024 America where we don't know what a woman is, can't afford groceries, can't pay our mortgages, cars are being repossessed at alarming rates... but man this economy is GOOD.
You're right, it was a question of hypocrisy. One side wants convicted felons, murderers, and rapists to have voting rights, the other wants them eligible to run for office... You can't make this up in 2024 America where we don't know what a woman is, can't afford groceries, can't pay our mortgages, cars are being repossessed at alarming rates... but man this economy is GOOD.
No - you are wrong again. No one is saying a felon can't run for office. Many, many of us say it's idiotic and dangerous to vote for one.

You, being part of the cult, don't understand that.

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