This is why Democrats are going to lose more elections. If your summation of Thomas Jefferson consists of "a guy that had good ideas, but wasn't exactly a good person"... you deserve to lose to Republicans. You take things too far. And, for what? To feign some kind of moral superiority? It comes off as smug and exactly why the left is cast as "hating America." Benjamin Franklin was a misogynist and a philanderer, too. Should we remove his image from everything? Does John Adams meet all your criteria? These men lived over 250 years ago.
Thomas Jefferson, like any human being, was loaded with shortcomings, but, the man did help to author some of the most LIBERAL (especially for the times), and progressive ideas for civilized society to self-govern. The woman he allegedly "raped" was supposedly at his side when he died. So, I don't think either of us know their true relationship.
When people who represent the left insist that the men responsible for our founding ideals and documents were "mostly bad people", don't be surprised when you lose more government offices to radical republicans.