Kendrick Lamar/Drake beef

My understanding is Tupac's greater project was a lot more political (focused on raising class consciousness in black community having come from background of radical* leftist black activists) and Thug Life branding was basically the way to grow his audience for that project and talk more about class issues than other rappers at the time since you couldn't go around calling yourself a radical in the 90s.

*Not using radical pejoratively here

If you consider the Black Panthers radical…..I’m a bit torn on it honestly. The Panthers were about building the black community. Tupac’s mother was a huge influence on his life as she was a Black Panther and his father was absent.

The reason I say he was an actor is because that’s how he grew up, participating in the performing arts. I don’t recall him having lots of issues with law enforcement early in his life. I don’t believe that all happened until he got into the rap game. Also, I honestly believe the real Tupac was the guy that rapped about Brenda and her baby, feeding children in the community, educating our kids, building black owned businesses.

I think the whole “Westside” thing was an act. He wasn’t from the West coast. He was from like Baltimore. Unfortunately he got caught up in some real gangster shit with people that actually lived that life. I’m not completely sold that he wasn’t set up by his own folks to sell records.
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