Kennedy to endorse Trump?????

Yeah. Main thing really is how does it impact in swing states. Not sure if there is a lot of recent swing state data on T v H v R and just T v H to see how it changes. The numbers are still moving and in flux anyway for Kamala’s 29 day old campaign.

I read somewhere yesterday they think biggest risk would be costing a close PA.
I don't think he is on the ballot in Penna. yet, His name is being contested i believe, not enough signatures.
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Notice how it’s Scruddy and @DeangeloVickers carrying the most water for RFKJr. He was a nonstarter as a Dem this whole time. He deserves everything the Dems have done to his campaign.
he tried to secure the democrat party nomination away from an incumbent president...shockingly the democrat party wasn't really into that idea

then he left the democrat party and began campaigning as an independent and criticizing the democrat party...shockingly the democrat party wasn't really into that either

if you want to be the guy who tries to change the system, stop trying to use the system apparatus to do that and then whining and saying everything is unfair to you when that system fights you
If Kennedy was near 10% he wouldn't be dropping out. If he was at 5% he wouldn't be dropping out. Whatever amount he's actually getting, it's got to be small. Small enough that he doesn't want to embarrass himself by staying in.
We know he was never a serious option and I would not be surprised to learn that the Trump campaign might have encouraged him or perhaps even help fund his startup.
The reasoning being as a Dem family, Kennedy could pull votes from Biden. Once Harris became the nominee, age no longer became a selling point and actually started to hurt Trump and pull votes from the Donald.
We will never know how much collusion there might have been, but the Trump campaign must now feel they need whatever Kennedy can give them in terms of votes and $$$.

The Cabinet position Trump might give him is a mystery to me. Is there a Secretary of Stupid?
And we’ve known he was a kook who appealed to wingnuts over mainstream democrats and liberals this whole time.

It’s not “sabotage” for the Democrats to take one look at a bona fide conspiracy nut MAGAtard and tell him to pound sand.
It is sabotage when they try to prevent ballot access.

Don't claim to care about democracy and turn around and try to prevent candidacies.
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what if you actually read what RFK jr has on his website

then you'd realize this is utter nonsense

his economic proposals include:
- nationwide $15 minimum wage
- expanded free childcare
- restrict energy exports
- reduce military spending
He obviously doesn't agree with Trump on everything, but he's also not a far left socialist like Kamala. She's trying to keep that under wraps for the election for the low info voter, but RFK is aware. He's probably the most aware candidate in this election.
This is really amusing within the same thread - and minutes apart - from the zero hedge guy:

Zero doubts that the shadowy unnamed Democrats have been doing all sorts of nefarious things, yet chastises other posters for falling for planted, unsourced stories and accusing others of being played.

BTW, do you doubt for even a moment that she’s stating the truth here:

Ms Shanahan said the Democrats "have banned us, shadow-banned us, kept us off stage, manipulated polls, sued us in every possible state," and "planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it".

you gotta love how people fall for these planted stories that have no source.

Are you “sharp and focused” enough to realize when you’re being played?
Notice how it’s Scruddy and @DeangeloVickers carrying the most water for RFKJr. He was a nonstarter as a Dem this whole time. He deserves everything the Dems have done to his campaign.
Hey, now there's the good little facist we all know and love! You'd fit great in Venezuela, Russia, etc...
We don't like a candidates positions or worry they might effect our odds of winning, let's infiltrate their campaign and break laws! Or better yet, let's sue them into oblivion in every state to keep them off ballots!
How very democratic!
The dnc, clear choice pac and anyone who supports them are pukes, end of story.
let's infiltrate their campaign and break laws! Or better yet, let's sue them into oblivion in every state to keep them off ballots!

What are the details? Who infiltrated their campaign? What was their motive and what did they do? What laws were broken and by whom? What lawsuits and where?

Or is this supposed to be more of a gut feeling - imagination based - sort of accusation that doesn't really need to have these sorts of underlying details?
I don't understand the logic thinking Kennedy will be a noticeable factor as his support has dropped significantly since KH became the nominee?

Is it more wishful thinking? Before Biden exited...sure.
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What are the details? Who infiltrated their campaign? What was their motive and what did they do? What laws were broken and by whom? What lawsuits and where?

Or is this supposed to be more of a gut feeling - imagination based - sort of accusation that doesn't really need to have these sorts of underlying details?
There's a longer version of the interview available, and RFK jr had done dozens more where he discussed it in detail, if you really care to know any of this. The lawsuits have been public knowledge, though not widely covered. Do you think it's just all made up?
There's a longer version of the interview available, and RFK jr had done dozens more where he discussed it in detail, if you really care to know any of this. The lawsuits have been public knowledge, though not widely covered. Do you think it's just all made up?

Would it matter to you if it were made up? It didn't occur to you to at least identify who the infiltrators were? or at least which laws were broken? It could have been dozens of felonies, wouldn't that mean something?

Did you really not care to know any of this before leveling the accusations as if they were founded? As you said, there's dozens of of interviews, with detail, and yet you can't recall the 'meat' of your accusations.

It's my impression that most people who make sort of wild yet generalized allegations don't actually mean that something literally happened, more so it's the idea of it happening, that has them troubled. Is that more so what you had meant?
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Part of Kennedy's calculation to exit the race and look for a position with a Trump regime is his $$$ might be drying up.

Just read that Tim Mellon, the billionaire that gave $15M to Kennedy's campaign startup, has now shifted his donations wholeheartedly to Trump SuperPacs. As of today, following a recent $50M given to Trump, Mellon has donated >$75M in total for DJT.

I guess those promised tax cuts to the wealthiest Mericans really do have an effect.
He obviously doesn't agree with Trump on everything, but he's also not a far left socialist like Kamala. She's trying to keep that under wraps for the election for the low info voter, but RFK is aware. He's probably the most aware candidate in this election.
the only thing keeping him from being a "far left socialist" is the nomination of, or even general association with, the democrats
Maybe in your warped mind it is.
I don't believe in the idea of corrupt political parties having all the power and we the people having basically none.
So if I’m pro-trans, anti 2A, pro abortion and pro DEI and I say I’m running as a Republican, I should get the whole Republican war chest, voter information, and resources behind me? Lifelong republicans who’ve put in their time and whose beliefs align way more closely with the party platform need to step aside?

How’s the weather there in fantasy land?
Was he ever on them?
How dare you question the superior intellect of Harvard man! Every time that he graces us with his vast knowledge I always feel like...
take a bow GIF by Music Choice
RFK is polling around 5%. If 1% break towards Harris, 2% don’t vote, and 2% vote for Trump that is VERY bad news for the good guys.

This is a very big deal, and not in a good way. RFK is a friggin idiot who hates liberals. Who do you think his follower’s second choice is going to be?
3rd party candidates like Kennedy never end up with vote percentages that are close to what they were polling. I would bet he would have gotten 3% of the popular vote at an absolute maximum, probably less than that.
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. attempted to reach out to Vice President Harris about a Cabinet position if she wins in November, a Democratic official confirmed to The Hill.

I mean, if an unnamed Democratic official says it, it must be true, right?

Are you “sharp and focused” enough to realize when you’re being played?
The Hill isn't some sham news organization. They likely confirmed their source before publishing. But it was published in thousands of other sources too. Yet no one except the person who doesn't want the news to be released is saying it didn't happen. Huh.
The Hill isn't some sham news organization. They likely confirmed their source before publishing. But it was published in thousands of other sources too. Yet no one except the person who doesn't want the news to be released is saying it didn't happen. Huh.

They ‘confirmed’ that an anonymous Democrat said something intended to make you like RFK Jr less.
And you eat it up.