Kennedy to endorse Trump?????

Can you feel the seething desperation?! Kennedy being a big Bitcoin guy and Trump being a big Bitcoin guy, have forced cackles to one again FLIP! 🤣 >

This was by far the most predictable outcome for him. Whenever the board MAGAs talk about how a non-republican candidate has "good policies" or "some smart ideas" or say "I might actually vote for him even if he was a Dem" or some bullshit like that, you can just GUARANTEE that the candidate is a piece of shit with no back bone that will bow to the ring of Dear Leader.

The guy was a Republican, but they all said the same shit about the little biotch Vivek. He never stood a chance, and he is exactly like all other MAGAs but they attempt to tell you he's not.
It's amusing to see most if not all of the leftists in this thread upset and having a spaz attack over the thought of RFK Jr, giving his support to Donald Trump.

We're more amused that Trump is desperate enough to have to bend over for Kennedy.

DJT knows he's in trouble and this is proof.

But keep spinning this as some negative for the future Madame President.
I believe Nicole Shanahan confirmed in a podcast that Kennedy reached out to the Harris campaign and they wouldn't even take his call.
What's not clear is if Kennedy called Trump first or Harris first?

He'll certainly fit in with the Weird Ones!
He hates the ‘liberals’ newfound love for war in the 21st century.
He hates letting pharma control the FDA.
He’s so hateful.

BTW, do you doubt for even a moment that she’s stating the truth here:

Ms Shanahan said the Democrats "have banned us, shadow-banned us, kept us off stage, manipulated polls, sued us in every possible state," and "planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it".

The people who claim to love democracy and want to save it damn sure don’t like voters having choices.
Yeah. That’s what it is..

He obviously doesn't agree with Trump on everything, but he's also not a far left socialist like Kamala. She's trying to keep that under wraps for the election for the low info voter, but RFK is aware. He's probably the most aware candidate in this election.
LMAO, ask his WHOLE family how aware he is, , they will tell you hes crazy, just like Filthy CRAZY Don and you can mix in a lot of stupidity.
Sure they did.

Hmm. Dozens and dozens of respected news agencies say something happened but seminole97 on the internet says that didn't happen. Well, I guess that's settled then.

Do you still respect the news agencies that repeated Democratic officials saying Biden was "sharp" and "focused"?
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Do you still respect the news agencies that repeated Democratic officials saying Biden was "sharp" and "focused"?
I remember a lot of news agencies calling for him to step down. It was friendly talking heads and allies in the government saying how sharp and focused he was. Also, he isn't as bad as he was at the debate but you won't acknowledge that either.
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I remember a lot of news agencies calling for him to step down. It was friendly talking heads and allies in the government saying how sharp and focused he was. Also, he isn't as bad as he was at the debate but you won't acknowledge that either.

Now they repeat something sourced anonymously, yet confirmed a Democrat, and you accept it as gospel.

Why should anyone do that?

You don't think bullshit is planted in the press to manipulate your feelings and how you look at things?

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Now they repeat something sourced anonymously, yet confirmed a Democrat, and you accept it as gospel.

Why should anyone do that?

You don't think bullshit is planted in the press to manipulate your feelings and how you look at things?

Now you're making stuff up. It wasn't the talking heads that were being sourced. But again, multiple news agencies >>>>>>>>> you.

You haven't provided one reason why you have any credibility here other than "I don't want to believe it". If you make decisions like that you end up in jail for invading the Capital building and not understanding why you are getting in trouble for it.
Now you're making stuff up. It wasn't the talking heads that were being sourced. But again, multiple news agencies >>>>>>>>> you.

You haven't provided one reason why you have any credibility here other than "I don't want to believe it". If you make decisions like that you end up in jail for invading the Capital building and not understanding why you are getting in trouble for it.
Who was the source?
Now you're making stuff up.

Hillary Clinton personally approved plan to share Trump-Russia allegation with the press in 2016, campaign manager says​

Hillary Clinton personally approved her campaign’s plans in fall 2016 to share information with a reporter about an uncorroborated alleged server backchannel between Donald Trump and a top Russian bank, her former campaign manager testified Friday in federal court.

Robby Mook said he attended a meeting with other senior campaign officials where they learned about strange cyberactivity that suggested a relationship between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which is based in Moscow. The group decided to share the information with a reporter, and Mook subsequently ran that decision by Clinton herself.

“We discussed it with Hillary,” Mook said, later adding that “she agreed with the decision.”
A campaign staffer later passed the information to a reporter from Slate magazine, which the campaign hoped the reporter would “vet it out, and write what they believe is true,” Mook said.

Slate published a story on October 31, 2016, raising questions about the odd Trump-Alfa cyber links. After that story came out, Clinton tweeted about it, and posted a news release that said, “This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump’s ties to Russia.”

Whole thing was fraud, just intended to create negative headlines and an FBI investigation of Trump her campaign could point to in order to distract from her FBI investigation.

How many people believed it?
Four Kennedy voters our family knows:

Couple family friends of my parents, both former professors at FSU - voting for Harris now. Angry he is endorsing Trump.

Coworker - not sure but is not voting for Trump or Harris. Also not happy he is endorsing Trump

Son of one of my best friends - not sure but not voting for Trump. May vote Harris or other third party but is voting - his first election. Not voting Trump.

So 0 for 4 Trump voters. 2, maybe 3 gained Kamala voters.
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We know he was never a serious option and I would not be surprised to learn that the Trump campaign might have encouraged him or perhaps even help fund his startup.
The reasoning being as a Dem family, Kennedy could pull votes from Biden. Once Harris became the nominee, age no longer became a selling point and actually started to hurt Trump and pull votes from the Donald.
We will never know how much collusion there might have been, but the Trump campaign must now feel they need whatever Kennedy can give them in terms of votes and $$$.

The Cabinet position Trump might give him is a mystery to me. Is there a Secretary of Stupid?
He's going to be made head of the CIA
Not that I should care, but is Scruddy off his meds????

Asking for a friend.
I'm not a big pharma customer. That's why I'm so healthy actually.
Yesterday was worse than Monday and Monday was bad.

Our Harvard grad has the weight of the entire Republican residence here on his shoulders.
If he wasn't such a Richard, I'd feel sorry for him.
What do you mean? I had a great night :)
Four Kennedy voters our family knows:

Couple family friends of my parents, both former professors at FSU - voting for Harris now. Angry he is endorsing Trump.

Coworker - not sure but is not voting for Trump or Harris. Also not happy he is endorsing Trump

Son of one of my best friends - not sure but not voting for Trump. May vote Harris or other third party but is voting - his first election. Not voting Trump.

So 0 for 4 Trump voters. 2, maybe 3 gained Kamala voters.
I knew 8 would be kennedy voters. 6 of them said they'd vote for Trump hands down now. 2 said they wouldn't vote. So 0 for Coupmala Harris, 6 for Trump and 2 no longer voting.
Robert Kennedy Sr. must be rolling over in his grave.
I agree but honestly what's worse?

A. Endorsing a candidate who if elected will be replaced in 4 years.

Or B. Forcing your daughter to get a lobotomy then throwing her in a mental institution in order to not shame the family then on top of that never visiting her.
Agree. But with the way this election is shaping up, that's a pretty big number. I agree with @noleclone2 that his ultimate impact if he gets on the Trump train might be around 1% or under but in a close election it matters...
He will lock up the lunatics who believe kids get the ghey from fluorinated water for Trump/Vance. I don't think he brings persuadable voters to Trump, or provides a pathway for totally persuadable voters like yourself to vote for Team Normal.
Trump and Kennedy will both be in Arizona tomorrow. The joint press event should be a sight to behold. Two old, confused men fellating each other, then mumbling about vaccines and trans kids.

One of ‘em will sound like this. .

I knew 8 would be kennedy voters. 6 of them said they'd vote for Trump hands down now. 2 said they wouldn't vote. So 0 for Coupmala Harris, 6 for Trump and 2 no longer voting.
You know 8 Kennedy voters? Damn you hang out in some weird circles bro.

I know 1 voter who was considering Kennedy, he is a never Trumper Republican and he now is debating Harris vs. leaving President blank on his ballot. I suspect he goes the blank route.
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Trump and Kennedy will both be in Arizona tomorrow. The joint press event should be a sight to behold. Two old, confused men fellating each other, then mumbling about vaccines and trans kids.
And Kari Lake standing between them.

The Three Stooges, Part 2.
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