KF Signs Contract Extension. $7 Million/year, through 2029. Deal was signed on Dec 31.

I have not made any such comments on the sports forums

perhaps you should get your facts straight.
I’m not going to search for it but I recall a disparaging comment about democrats made by you. I thought it was on the fb board. Perhaps it was on another board.
I’m not going to search for it but I recall a disparaging comment about democrats made by you. I thought it was on the fb board. Perhaps it was on another board.

wow. if you are going to make an accusation, at least be able to back it up.

i don't talk politics on the sports forums. other posters on here? that's another story. many threads on here have suddenly gone political, especially when the topic involves covid and games getting canceled because of covid.
wow. if you are going to make an accusation, at least be able to back it up.

i don't talk politics on the sports forums. other posters on here? that's another story. many threads on here have suddenly gone political, especially when the topic involves covid and games getting canceled because of covid.
Would one of your kids have possibly done it?
I'm getting tired of the pathetic offense and,unlike many here, I can see we finished 4-5 to end the season. However Barta had 2 xhoice, extend him or can him. He should have been extended 2 years though!

Why? His other contract expired in 2025 I believe.
What's the buy out? If Iowa goes 6-6 next year and ranks somewhere in the bottom 10 for offense again, there is going to be a lot of yelping from the gallery.
The big money folk don’t care. They love Kirk. And tv money doesn’t dip. Kind of like revenue sharing in the NFL. See perennial sucky teams like the Jets. The money keeps flowing in. Losing year after losing year.