Kids Snacks You Still Like

I could down a box of these in a single sitting if I wanted to. Or if I was stoned.


With that said, the "extra toasty" ones can go straight into the damn trash.
So wrong. Extra toasty is A) a genius way to sell burned product and B) absolutely delicious.
Frosted animal crackers
Hot Tomales
And these mo fos

Ice cream and peanut m&m's is the closest I'll get, everything else is home made.

I made a low sodium mustard pretzel recipe this week for the pretzels that you would get in gardetto's, thinking a full bag of pretzels would probably last us a week......and they're gone already. Everybody is blaming the dogs
Maybe I'm the weird one, but I don't really like any of the cheese flavored crackers. Cheese-it's or goldfish. I just eat a slice of extra sharp cheddar with a club cracker (or onion toasteds) .
Fruit Rollups/ fruit by the foot were something my mom would never buy for us- they were a “luxury item”. So I have an affinity for those, and Gushers- but I rarely eat them.
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Yeah, I know - everybody on here makes organic, farm to table healthy snacks by hand for their children to consume and would never think about grabbing those quick snacks off the shelf at HyVee (or Aldi for you poors). But if you did, what snack do you find yourself still eating with the kids all grown?

I for the most part do not like all the processed crap - but god dammit, I love goldfish. Have the no pics wife pick them up at Costco still to this day. What you got?

Slight correction:
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I will sometimes have some Frosted Flakes or Golden Crisp to eat out of the box.
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All of it? I still have too high of a metabolism and struggle gaining any weight. I have consumed nothing but junk forever. I'm trying to make changes but it's hard to do... especially with a 2 and 4 year old. I'm not huge on salty snacks but desserts/ candy? It's over for me.