Knights Templar busted in California?????


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Here is one you don't see every day....

CA Attorney General Kamala Harris’ aide busted over ‘3,000-year-old’ Knights Templar police force

One of California Attorney Gen. Kamala Harris’ staffers has been arrested in connection to a bizarre “Masonic” police force that was apparently operating as a rogue department — and claims to have existed for thousands of years.

On April 29, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department served arrest warrants to three people “on suspicion of impersonating police officers,” a local CBS affiliate reports. Officers arrested Brandon Kiel, David Henry, and Tonette Hayes, all members of the “Masonic Fraternal Police Department.”

Kiel is the deputy director of community affairs at California’s Justice Department and an aide to Harris, according to the LA Times. He held the title of chief deputy director with the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.

Police became aware of the rogue police force after the MFPD sent letters to various police departments throughout the state of California to ask for meetings. In late January, the organization sent letters to police chiefs in Southern California asserting its legal authority and announcing changes in its leadership.

Officers who met with the group quickly became suspicious after their members failed to answer basic questions about the Masonic police department.

“Detectives conducted a thorough investigation in collaboration with several law enforcement agencies and determined MFPD was not a legitimate police agency,” Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department said.

Police obtained badges, identification cards, weapons, uniforms and police-type vehicles after searching the suspects’ homes.

According to the suspects’ website:

“The Masonic Fraternal Police Department (M.F.P.D.) provides services to Masonic Sovereign Grand Masters and their Masonic Jurisdictions, as well as other Fraternities, Sororities and Greek Organizations. Masonic Fraternal Police Department will be located in 33 other states, including Mexico City. We support all law enforcement agencies. Our mission is to preserve the integrity, honor and legacy of our Founding Fathers, Masonic Organizations, all Grand Masters and their Constitution /By Laws. We will uphold our sworn obligation to protect Sovereign Grand Masters and their jurisdictions. God Bless the United States of America!!!!!”

Further: “We are not ‘Sovereign Citizens’ nor do we condone terrorist activity, sovereign citizens or clandestine!”

The rogue cops’ official oath: “I Am Fraternally Obligated. I Most Solemnly & Sincerely Promise & Swear to Protect & Serve & Uphold The Constitution & By-Laws of That Grandmaster & That Sovereign Jurisdiction So Help Me God Amen, Amen, Amen Fraternally Faithful, Absolute Supreme Sovereign Grandmaster Henry 32° 33° X°.”

“The Masonic Fraternal Organization is the oldest and most respected organization in the ‘World,'” the MFPD’s website asserts. Further, the force says it’s descended from the “first Police Department,” founded by the “‘Knights Templar’s’ back in 1100 B.C.”

The Knights Templar was formed by Christian fighters after the First Crusade. The religious military order became deeply involved in banking, but was dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312 A.D. However, some conspiracy theorists believe the Knights Templar persisted as a secret society long after it formally disbanded.

How does the MFPD differ from other, officially recognized, law enforcement agencies? The MFPD explains: “The answer is simple for us. We were here first! We are born into this Organization our bloodlines go deeper then an application. This is more then a job it is an obligation.”
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A minister, an aide to the attorney general of California and a purported Emmy winner could face up to a year in county jail, after they were arrested in late April for posing as members of a fictional police department supposedly tied to the Knights Templar.

Reverend Tonette Hayes, 56, Brandon Kiel, 36, and 46-year-old David Henry, Kiel’s father-in-law, claimed to be members of the Masonic Fraternal Police Department (MFPD). On its website, the group says it has existed for more than 3,000 years and has legal jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico.

Authorities disagree.

Police charged Kiel with six misdemeanor counts of impersonating a police officer and misuse of government identification. Henry was booked for perjury under oath and impersonating an officer, and Hayes was charged with four counts of impersonating an officer.

Reached by phone, Hayes declined to comment.

While none had legitimate law enforcement credentials, all three of those charged did apparently have strong ties to secretive societies with Masonic appearances. According to a 2014 story in the LA Watts Times , Henry and Kiel were members of Sir Brileys Knights of Luxor Knights Templars Grand Lodge AASR.

In their letter to police chiefs, the trio claimed 5,686 lodges were affiliated with their organization.

Henry, who was known as the Supreme Sovereign Grand Master David Henry X°, appeared in photos on the group’s Facebook page in flamboyant Masonic gear including a top hat, burgundy and gold cuffs and a traditional Masonic apron covered in symbols.

Kiel, who served as the RW Grand High Priest for the Lodge, also appeared in full regalia in a YouTube video of a Lodge event – in which Henry introduces Kiel by saying he will run for the US Senate in 2016.

Hayes is described as a member of both the Lady Jewel of the Nile Grand Chapter and the Order of the Eastern Stars, the latter a women’s group associated with Masons. Both of the two branches of Eastern Stars operating in California – the Grand Chapter and the Golden State Chapter – said Hayes was not a member.

Shirley Broadnax, grand secretary of the Golden State Eastern Stars, was skeptical that the Lady Jewel was a legitimate group.

“I know just about everything from coast to coast, and I ain’t never heard of that,” she said.

Both the Masons of California, the umbrella group for 60,000 masons in the state, and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge Masons, an offshoot organization of predominately African American men headquartered in Los Angeles, said that Henry and his group were unrelated to their organizations.

“Where they came from and where they are going, we have no idea,” said Prince Hall grand secretary Billy Harrington. “There is no such [police] order anywhere in the Prince Hall family.”

UCLA professor Margaret Jacob, an expert on Freemasonry, said by email that she had never heard of either Sir Brileys Knights or Lady Jewel of the Nile and “doubt[ed] very much they are part of established and recognized freemasonry”.

She added: “There have been these sorts of hoax groups, or rogue forms of freemasonry in many places and times.”

She gave the example of the Propaganda Due, commonly called P2, scandal in Italy in the 1970s, when a pseudo-Masonic lodge with well-connected members was accused of crimes and political corruption.

While the lore surrounding Freemasonry is deep and full of conspiracy theories, experts say that there have never been any rumors of a police force existing within it.

“I can’t imagine there is anything of the sort,” said Steve Bolluck, a professor of history at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts and the author of Revolutionary Brotherhood, a history of early Free Masons in America.

“It’s really bizarre.”
‘Badges, ID cards, weapons, uniforms…’

Prior to their arrests, none of the three had had run-ins with the law in Los Angeles, other than a drunk driving conviction for Kiel in 2007. In late January, the trio began sending letters to heads of local law enforcement agencies in southern California, announcing that Henry had been elected as Chief of the MFPD.

Soon after, Kiel began follow-up calls to those agencies, identifying himself as “chief deputy director” of the department and requesting meetings to offer information on how the agencies could potentially work together.

One of those meetings, with captain Roosevelt Johnson of the Santa Clarita Valley sheriff’s station, raised red flags for real law enforcement. Henry and his cohorts were unable to answer “basic questions about MFPD’s jurisdiction and overall department mission”, according to a release from the sheriff’s department. Kiel used his department of justice business card at the meeting.

Multiple law enforcement agencies began investigating, eventually raiding two houses associated with the group in Santa Clarita. According to the sheriff’s department, they found “badges, identification cards, weapons, uniforms, police type vehicles and other law enforcement equipment”.

Kiel has served as a deputy director of community affairs at the California department of justice since July 2013, working as a low-level liaison for Kamala Harris, who is currently running for US Senate . He has been placed on administrative leave.

A YouTube video posted by Henry purportedly shows him winning a local Emmy award in 2002 for producing a broadcast news story for Fox11 in Los Angeles. During that video, he thanks Geraldo Rivera and Ice-T for being “behind my career”. Other sources identify Henry as a private investigator and a security guard.

Hayes founded and ran the Political and Clergy Council Organization (PCC), dedicated to “holding ministers and politicians accountable for their actions”, according to her Twitter site.

“The church, politicians and the lawmakers have let the people down, the communities feel they are not being heard, so I consider this organization as an order from God given only to me,” Hayes told the LA Sentinel in 2013.

“God has taken away any fear, given me the necessary tools, opened doors that are shut to others and given me the authority and power to move forward … Until He says it is over, it is not over. Amen!”

She also claims to serve as a minister at the Israel Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles. Church staff did not recognize the name. © Guardian News and Media 2015
Sure the Knights Templar today are just old dudes wearing funny hats and driving scooters but the history of the Knights Templar is pretty incredible.
It isn't just the corrupt and over-armed local, state and federal police forces we have to worry about. It's also the private and religious police. And when we are talking about private we also have to be aware of distinctions - private militias, corporate "security," and mercenaries like Blackwater and its offspring.

Which raises these tricky questions: which one(s) should have the most power, and how much power should they have?

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