Labor Day Weekend Thanks


HB King
May 29, 2001
I don't know why we need a special holiday. We already have Saturday.

God gave us Sunday off (at least in Christian circles) and the Labor Movement gave us Saturday off.

I'm waiting for the next divine improvement that will give us Wednesday off. It's unreasonable to expect anybody to rent themselves out more than 2 days in a row. This needs to happen.
This 3 day Holiday weekend is now part of the American
psyche. It has become the last hurrah of Summer. The
last chance to go boating, have a big cookout blast, play
golf, or do whatever you want.

Bottom Line: Labor Day has nothing to do with the unions.
This 3 day Holiday weekend is now part of the American
psyche. It has become the last hurrah of Summer. The
last chance to go boating, have a big cookout blast, play
golf, or do whatever you want.

Bottom Line: Labor Day has nothing to do with the unions.
This is the correct answer. I'm headed home here in a bit to organize for the trip to Iowa city. Let my 4 1/2 day weekend begin.
I wish they had a Welfare Day. Only the working people would be allowed to take off work cause you know.......the other people aren't working. ;)
This 3 day Holiday weekend is now part of the American
psyche. It has become the last hurrah of Summer. The
last chance to go boating, have a big cookout blast, play
golf, or do whatever you want.

Bottom Line: Labor Day has nothing to do with the unions.
Sad but true.

Probably even Scott Walker and John Kasich and the other GOP candidates who are trying to finish off the moribund labor movement are celebrating Labor Day.
Sad but true.

Probably even Scott Walker and John Kasich and the other GOP candidates who are trying to finish off the moribund labor movement are celebrating Labor Day.

Public labor movements, and you were okay with public unions bankrupting cities and states? The Federal government wasn't okay with it so they did what Walker did about 40 years ago.
Public labor movements, and you were okay with public unions bankrupting cities and states? The Federal government wasn't okay with it so they did what Walker did about 40 years ago.
What I don't understand is how people can continue to blame unions for negotiated contracts and leave out the management side, as if they did not agree to said contracts.
What I don't understand is how people can continue to blame unions for negotiated contracts and leave out the management side, as if they did not agree to said contracts.

Keep in mind, we're talking about the mayor or Governor here since we're talking about the public sector. Walker and others did not go after the unions in the private sector. So politicians allowed the union's threats of a strike (or actual strike) to make them give in to their demands.
They are not bankrupting cities and states, but they do make a nice scapegoat.

They get partial blame. Also, I wonder why Jimmy Carter and the federal government did to the federal unions what walker did to the state unions? Why no outrage to what Carter did? And BTW, what he did in the 70s is still in place today. Why is that?