Leaders being bada$$es

I'm sure Harris has a plan to achieve what she is proposing, but as we all know to get anything done in the US she must get congressional support. Whether her proposals, Trumps, or an President's become reality will depend on Congress.

The damage Biden-Harris has done to this country via immigration/border policy was done through executive action in the first days alone.
I'm sure Harris has a plan to achieve what she is proposing, but as we all know to get anything done in the US she must get congressional support. Whether her proposals, Trumps, or any President's becomes reality depends on Congress.
So to me it sounds like she was making false claims that she would get these things done. Or you are already making up excuses for her as to why she won’t get the things done that she says she will.
Because the crap she made up wasn’t as outrageous as the stuff he made up? I’d trust both of these people about as far as I could throw them. Both have been president and vice president. Only difference between the two terms is shit cost a lot more today and we have a lot more illegals living in our country. But on the bright side, my retirement funds that are 30 years away look better today than they did before. But who knows what this will look like in 30 years. At this rate a 3 bed 2 bath house will cost a few million so will my retirement fund really look that great?

Your survivorship bias is showing.
I'm asserting that Harris was not President and did not have the power to make executive orders.
But you guys also claim that the president can’t make changes he/she wants to make either because of congress.
Maybe we should start looking for a president that can get along with congress instead of creating such a large divide that nothing ever gets done.
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But you guys also claim that the president can’t make changes he/she wasn’t to make either because of congress.
Maybe we should start looking for a president that can get along with congress instead of creating such a large divide that nothing ever gets done.
The best thing for congress would be Trump leaving politics. His MAGA movement has all but eliminated the ability of the congress to compromise. What happened to the last piece of major legislation that had bipartisan support? Who put a stop to it without having any role in government at the time?
A concept of a plan is good enough for your hero.
Abortion, obama care, and economy is all she should talk about. Being dropped/capped from your healthcare and loss of reproductive rights should be enough to win this election alone.
R's are such idiots. Concept of a plan for something they've tried to kill for over a decade, is just embarrassing.
The best thing for congress would be Trump leaving politics. His MAGA movement has all but eliminated the ability of the congress to compromise. What happened to the last piece of major legislation that had bipartisan support? Who put a stop to it without having any role in government at the time?
I’d agree but we also have a radical liberal running for president. You need someone closer to the middle ground which actually makes up a larger population. They just have a life unlike the MAGA’s and loony liberals.
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The damage Biden-Harris has done to this country via immigration/border policy was done through executive action in the first days alone.
But smart and almighty trump said in the debate "Biden could just sign a bill" and fix the border. It's truly astonishing how little he knows about actual governing.
I’d agree but we also have a radical liberal running for president. You need someone closer to the middle ground which actually makes up a larger population. They just have a life unlike the MAGA’s and loony liberals.
Read her actual policy proposals. Yes, she ran a more liberal campaign in 2020 because the public was demanding action due to Trump's separation of immigrant families and police brutality. She was also running in a primary were candidates on the right and the left focus more on winning their party's nomination. This time she running for President and her stances on issues have moved more to the center.
Read her actual policy proposals. Yes, she ran a more liberal campaign in 2020 because the public was demanding action due to Trump's separation of immigrant families and police brutality. She was also running in a primary were candidates on the right and the left focus more on winning their party's nomination. This time she running for President and her stances on issues have moved more to the center.
She is still just as terrible and has received just as many votes as I have to be in that position. She couldn't even make it to the Iowa caucus'! You are truly being duped
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But you guys also claim that the president can’t make changes he/she wants to make either because of congress.
Maybe we should start looking for a president that can get along with congress instead of creating such a large divide that nothing ever gets done.

The best thing for congress would be Trump leaving politics. His MAGA movement has all but eliminated the ability of the congress to compromise. What happened to the last piece of major legislation that had bipartisan support? Who put a stop to it without having any role in government at the time?
THIS!!! Imagine trying to find a common sense middle ground with MGT, Boebert, Gaetz, Elaine Stefanik, Nancy Mace, Chip Roy, etc. leading your party. MAGA is so out to lunch, and so servile to Trump and his egotistical whims that harm the country at this expense, nothing good will get passed as long as Trump is directing his lapdogs. Biden finally gave up trying to reason with bad faith actors and made the border security an executive action. Trump wanted nothing done so he could have his one fear mongering issue, and it was obvious.
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Maybe we should start looking for a president that can get along with congress instead of creating such a large divide that nothing ever gets done.
Like Joe Biden? His administration worked with Senator Lankford (R-Oklahoma) to negotiate the toughest border bill in our nation’s history, but House MAGAts killed it so Trump could have a hot-button issue on which to campaign.

You simply cannot work with people who won’t take “Yes” for an answer.
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pic of couch?
This? You think this makes Trump a badass? Hell, Obama and George W were killing folks like this on the regular. More people died on Trump’s watch in Afghanistan than Biden’s and both admins f*cked the withdrawal.

If you want a badass leader: this was actually badass…he could have run, but he put his life on the line and rallied his country against overwhelming odds.

That is the most badass thing a leader has done in a long time.

I still have a preference for Napoleon though.

Start at about 1:30 End at about 5:00