Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

Please don't be wrong, Claude......

He wasn't sure whether they were search or arrest warrants, but given that he's been told 2 Grand Jury investigations have recently completed (with a 3rd just beginning), I'd tend to go with the latter.
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Why not just work out of the White House?
You know....that location that we already pay for and already have security set up for?

That'd save even MORE money!! (Or is this too "business complex" to understand here?)

Once the CBO score comes out on this and puts up the numbers, this is going to be a pretty easy political point to push in Red States where loads of people are the ones who would lose their healthcare....
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There's just no way this admin can be this stupid. This is a game, to distract media time and investigations away from things that actually matter:
Emoluments/Conflicts of Interest

EDIT: sounds like it's blown out of proportion, or left-winger propaganda

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Although, it IS the same source that was pushing the SQL communications earlier. So, if that was fake, this is, too.

However, if that turned out to be legit and factual, then this is merely the beginning....
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Reactions: SchmittyHawks32 Sally going to "fall down the stairs" on her way into the building and end up in a "coma"?