Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

And I present to you completely average Trump voters

Well, I guess there's enough time for them to catch the disease and recover before November. If they survive that is. It really is an interesting strategy to potentially kill off a large portion of your voting base before an election. I get that the economy needs to start back up, but crap like this just lengthens the amount of time it will take for that to happen.

No shit, Sherlock. But does it really matter? I mean, it worked for them in 2010. Will this somehow change people's votes? Take the focus of how we got here in the first place? It just might. Hopefully there is someone on the left who has figured out a political response to this because calling it out as "fake" sure as hell didn't work in 2010. Then again, it was easier to demonize health care because they could make up whatever horror story they wanted and there was no real way to disprove it to the point to convince people who already wanted to believe the worst that it was wrong. Here, people will keep dying no matter what they tell themselves.
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