Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

BOOYAH!!! Verge:

I see a toolbox, toolchest, ladder and some other stuff in the 2019 photo




Yeah, but, but, but, but.....Solyndra!
My God, it's what he's actually doing. How the hell does anyone support him? This is embarrassing for Joe Nobody sitting in their living room watching TV and drinking their 6th Miller Lite. There's no description bad enough to describe POTUS doing this.

The entire Conservative movement is about giving themselves ribbons even though deep down they know their movement is a lie. The whole thing is a psychological exercise in self-delusion. It is truly remarkable.
I don't know or care about her other policies, but this is what national level leadership should sound like when dealing with COVID-19. Unfortunately, we have none of this at the federal level in the US, and none of the supporters of that "leadership" would recognize what actual leadership looks like. A LOT of people are going to die as a result.

Merkel has a great handle on the issues, the causes, the ramifications and the mitigation required.

There are a LOT of people in a LOT of areas that NEED to apply this thought process to their lives, and to their family/subordinates lives.

For example, "I had to work 2 jobs to pay off my student loans so every college grad following me should have to do the same" mentality.

I don't know or care about her other policies, but this is what national level leadership should sound like when dealing with COVID-19. Unfortunately, we have none of this at the federal level in the US, and none of the supporters of that "leadership" would recognize what actual leadership looks like. A LOT of people are going to die as a result.

Merkel has a great handle on the issues, the causes, the ramifications and the mitigation required.

Merkel has an actual science degree and science background.
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That’s fake, right? It has to be fake, right?
Someone needs to put a bullet in that guys head and I don’t care who hears me saying that.

The bigger problem, like with Trump, isn't that Oz said it or believes it, it's that a LOT of people agree with him.

I am not for Government babysitting us or providing for our every need on a daily basis. However we, as a society, need to demand that the government be there to provide the ability for all to have access, to have opportunity and to have safety. As we currently sit, this country sucks. Way too many people only care about themselves, their family, their investment portfolio, their health and don't give two craps about anyone else. As I've said before, this isn't on Trump, he's only the beneficiary of 30 years of one particular set of people continually railing against another set, lying about them, claiming moral and ethical superiority over them all while ignoring and reshaping reality to fit their insane viewpoint. We currently don't even come close to resembling the country I signed up to represent and defend.

The 50's through 80's weren't perfect by any stretch, but at least we were point in the right direction and starting to move. The last 30 years, we slowed down (90's), slammed on the brakes (early 2000's), hit reverse, early 2010's, the did a J-turn and floored it in the other direction (Jan 20, 2017). And it pisses me off to the point I will violate my rule in voting, which is never vote against someone, always for who you consider the best candidate. Screw that. I am voting against Trump and every one of his sycophants that I will ever have the opportunity to vote against.

To quote, probably a bit inaccurately, something I read once...this country needs an enema.

/end rant
Anyone who agrees with this should never be allowed to vote again.

Just a note on this...

if you contain it only to school children, not the rest of society, we currently have roughly 50 mil school aged children in the US. Just amongst school kids, this would be 1 - 1.5 mil deaths.

If anyone made decisions in this country that resulted in the deaths of even 100 school kids, they should be brought up on charges and thrown in prison for the rest of their lives. Allowing 1 - 1.5 mil to die would be about 100 miles past the line that would get me to believe the death sentence is in order. And, as far as I'm concerned, every single person who applauds those decisions can join them.

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