Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

It’s all just a reality show. That whole act was for the audience of one. Inside the WH Don was spanking it as he watched that performance.
A real president would be working. Don sits in front of a TV for hours thinking of branding and messaging, and the optics of TV on everything.
Oh, this can't be good

Who thinks that this is a good idea? The original birther, who refused to let black people live in his buildings, or golf at his clubs, is now going to give a single speech to calm the nation?
He has no credibility. He is not a sincere person when it comes to race relations. His political career has been supported by whipping up racial divisions.
If he does this it will as half assed as all of his other ideas. He'll give one speech. He will declare it the best speech ever, and declare that all racial division In America has been wiped away.
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Oh, so we're still on the "Trump is an idiot" bandwagon I see.
Yes. It is well documented he is an idiot. Smart people don't have to have their father pay Penn a million dollars to purchase a college degree for you.
Trump also has been thoroughly corrupted by Russian money. You don't launder hundreds of millions of dollars for Russian oligarchs and not have them pull your strings.


Cut off Pompeo's travel budget 100%.
Eliminate any payment for his security detail 100%.

Testify, and you get them back. Until then.......'Shelter In Place' I guess, bro! Good luck w/ that!

That's assault.

Throw that former officer in the pokey for 5-10. Give him 4 for good behavior.
Make sure it's in a mostly-minority prison, and they know he's a former cop. Wish him well.
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Yep....seems as though this is a phrase the Troll Farms pushed out to the hard-libs to repeat over and over. And the needle is stuck now.
thousands of police killings of people of color .

What time frame is this guy looking at? The yearly numbers don't support his claim.
'Member? Trump's bank accounts were "out of scope".

Won't be the case when he's out of office, and they we can learn one way or the other!

I don't think he will return for the "I was wrong" part. He will probably say the records were faked.

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