Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

The USFL wasn't in great shape financially before Trump got in there, but they were able to survive. Trump's push to move the league to compete directly with the NFL was the final blow. FTR, I don't know that they would have been able to compete, long term, even staying in the spring. They had a few fairly stable franchises, but a few were hanging on by a thread. There were a lot of stories of players not being paid on time long before Trump became involved.

But Trump wanting to be big man on campus and look more important than he was was the death blow.


It's like no one in the WH could come up with any actual Science and Tech accomplishments, so they threw in a fake "Public Health" one and hoped no one would notice.

“United States Postal Service leadership received a sweeping set of orders from a federal judge on Tuesday, laying out ways the Postal Service must make sure ballots are delivered quickly because of the ongoing election and absentee voting deadlines,” CNN reported Tuesday. “One week ahead of Election Day, Judge Emmet Sullivan of the DC District Court told the Postal Service to inform its employees that late delivery trips are allowed and the delivery of ballots by state elections deadlines is important.”

“The Postal Service also must provide daily updates to the court on mail delivery data and will appear daily before the judge,” CNN noted.

If Kavanaugh cannot uphold basic Constitutional norms, and instead wants to politicize an election, he can be impeached and removed from the Court.

In case you missed it: he argued the OPPOSITE in Bush v Gore.

And he literally cited a source that claimed ALL ballots should be counted and asserted in his filing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HIS CITED REFERENCE STATED.

If I did that on a HS Civics essay, I'd get an "F".

No amount of education can combat the confirmation bias that cable news and social media provide on a daily basis. It doesn't matter how well you learned something in high school. I'm not saying that changing education isn't needed or aren't contributing, but it's going to take a lot more than just a few educational reforms to fix this.
They should make it so there is a disclaimer that states "For entertainment purposes only" at the beginning of every segment.

I've also thought that a rating system could be created based on a few non-partisan fact checking group that has to be displayed on shows, kind of like the TV-MA rating stuff. There needs to be a method to inform people of how reliable the information being provided is.

*Yes, I know there's a million issues with that which is why people who are smarter than me would need to design it.
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If Kavanaugh cannot uphold basic Constitutional norms, and instead wants to politicize an election, he can be impeached and removed from the Court.

In case you missed it: he argued the OPPOSITE in Bush v Gore.

And he literally cited a source that claimed ALL ballots should be counted and asserted in his filing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HIS CITED REFERENCE STATED.

If I did that on a HS Civics essay, I'd get an "F".

Every Trump appointment needs to be considered compromised.
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We're going to have ethics investigations when this is all over, right? Can we? Please? Pretty please?

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We're going to have ethics investigations when this is all over, right? Can we? Please? Pretty please?

Honestly, is the anti conservation movement that large? I find it fascinating that people on Fox have strokes over energy efficient light bulbs or refrigerators. Is it purely industry groups driving this?

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