Lets get this out of the way... What are the reasons you have the opinion of Harris that you do? Looking for specifics not generalizations

I was turned off when Biden picked her just because she was a black woman. I don't like identity politics.

It sealed the deal that she is dumb when she was named the border czar and then they opened the border to illegals. And she is an idiot when she talks.

I enjoyed her and tulsi debating, tulsi schooled her.
She is an attorney and will destroy Trump in a debate. I can’t wait.
Good luck with that. She got knee-capped by Tulsi Gabbard and then she muddled her way to a split decision over Mike Pence. The fly that kept landing on his head did more damage than she did.
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I was turned off when Biden picked her just because she was a black woman. I don't like identity politics.

It sealed the deal that she is dumb when she was named the border czar and then they opened the border to illegals. And she is an idiot when she talks.

I enjoyed her and tulsi debating, tulsi schooled her.
If Tulsi schooled her, then why is Tulsi on lunatic shows instead of having a real job?
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I believe she has advanced beyond her capabilities and has a terrible case of imposter syndrome. That is a lot of the reason she laughs way too much - to try to use humor to defuse her insecurities. Same reason she can’t say what she wants to say but has to go on and on, saying nothing.

We’ve all known and worked with people like this.
I believe she has advanced beyond her capabilities and has a terrible case of imposter syndrome. That is a lot of the reason she laughs way too much - to try to use humor to defuse her insecurities. Same reason she can’t say what she wants to say but has to go on and on, saying nothing.

We’ve all known and worked with people like this.

You're describing the Peter Principle.
I believe she has advanced beyond her capabilities and has a terrible case of imposter syndrome. That is a lot of the reason she laughs way too much - to try to use humor to defuse her insecurities. Same reason she can’t say what she wants to say but has to go on and on, saying nothing.

We’ve all known and worked with people like this.
Post turtles.
I knew nothing about her until the Dem Debate in 2019 and she turned to Biden and said his policies were hurtful or something like that. She played the victim card. I can't stand that.

Did FDR play the victim card after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

I want a leader who will lead.

Having said all that, I would be happy to hear her out on what she thinks are the top 3 issues and how she would address them?

I will vote for either her or the Libertarian.
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If Tulsi schooled her, then why is Tulsi on lunatic shows instead of having a real job?
Because Democrats didn’t want her either. Surely you’re aware that this is all a matter of recorded history.

In the first Democratic debates in June 2019, Harris went after Biden over his past opposition to school integration and told her “that little girl was me” story. Overnight she rocketed from about 8% in the polls to about 17% and donations started pouring in.

Then a month later at the second debate, Biden and Gabbard attacked her record as Attorney General of California, specifically her opposition to cash bail reform and jailing African-Americans for non-violent marijuana crimes.

Harris immediately sunk to about 3% and never recovered. She languished there for about four months until she ended her campaign in early December, before a single primary had been held.
Because Democrats didn’t want her either. Surely you’re aware that this is all a matter of recorded history.

In the first Democratic debates in June 2019, Harris went after Biden over his past opposition to school integration and told her “that little girl was me” story. Overnight she rocketed from about 8% in the polls to about 17% and donations started pouring in.

Then a month later at the second debate, Biden and Gabbard attacked her record as Attorney General of California, specifically her opposition to cash bail reform and jailing African-Americans for non-violent marijuana crimes.

Harris immediately sunk to about 3% and never recovered. She languished there for about four months until she ended her campaign in early December, before a single primary had been held.
Yes, I am aware that Tulsi is a stooge. It's been well recorded in history. Honestly, I like you, but if you are fishing around that Tulsi makes sense, that's plain goofy.
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I knew nothing about her until the Dem Debate in 2019 and she turned to Biden and said his policies were hurtful or something like that. She played the victim card. I can't stand that.

Did FDR play the victim card after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

I want a leader who will lead.

Having said all that, I would be happy to hear her out on what she thinks are the top 3 issues and how she would address them?

I will vote for either her or the Libertarian.
Please stop using the word “leader” loosely.
Biden appointed her to be in charge of the border. She did nothing that we’ve been made aware of to improve the illegal immigration, and subsequently became invisible in that capacity. She had one job.
I said a few weeks ago that she could win. I believe that and will not be disappointed if she beats Trump. I would vote for Manchin but Harris/Trump are deal-breakers for me.
Yes, I am aware that Tulsi is a stooge. It's been well recorded in history. Honestly, I like you, but if you are fishing around that Tulsi makes sense, that's plain goofy.
Are you under the impression that I’m suggesting Tulsi for VP?
I think you just look at the reasons the Dems shitted on her in 2019 and why she had low support and dropped out before the first primary. Then you look at how the DNC screwed Bernie over for a second time then made everyone fall in line behind Joe on Super Tuesday then Joe picked her as a DEI VP over more qualified individuals that more individuals liked.

She is one of the many reasons I hate politics and the machines that run it. I’m wanting a leader, not someone handpicked by the political machine that divides our nation so much.
She got her start in politics by having an affair with the mayor of San Francisco.

She is not smart, she is not an effective communicator, she's not been very impressive in campaigning and getting votes.

She is a thoroughly unimpressive and unremarkable person, who has benefited by playing the game and having the right ethnic profile in the right city and state where that is all that matters. Her early career, silicon valley tech bros coalesced around her as being what they wanted out of the Democratic party...the right color and gender, socially liberal, but moderate on economics and crime (she was a prosecutor!).

Problem is, that was trying to wish into existence something she just isn't...she is of mediocre abilities, and limited political skill. She's neither as smart and organized as Hillary, nor as politically gifted as the Obamas. She's the worst of all worlds. And she immediately threw in with the hard left to abandon any claim to the moderate space, attacking Biden from the left.

All that said...God be with her. It is very possible the Democrats still win the election in any event, because Trump is as bad as he his, and it is simply unacceptable to have a almost completely non-functional husk of a person as president of the United States. I do not think Kamala is a talented person, or will be a good president (and neither is Trump), but the idea of someone in Biden's condition in the presidency is the worst of all three.
She got her start in politics by having an affair with the mayor of San Francisco.

She is not smart, she is not an effective communicator, she's not been very impressive in campaigning and getting votes.

She is a thoroughly unimpressive and unremarkable person, who has benefited by playing the game and having the right ethnic profile in the right city and state where that is all that matters. Her early career, silicon valley tech bros coalesced around her as being what they wanted out of the Democratic party...the right color and gender, socially liberal, but moderate on economics and crime (she was a prosecutor!).

Problem is, that was trying to wish into existence something she just isn't...she is of mediocre abilities, and limited political skill. She's neither as smart and organized as Hillary, nor as politically gifted as the Obamas. She's the worst of all worlds. And she immediately threw in with the hard left to abandon any claim to the moderate space, attacking Biden from the left.

All that said...God be with her. It is very possible the Democrats still win the election in any event, because Trump is as bad as he his, and it is simply unacceptable to have a almost completely non-functional husk of a person as president of the United States. I do not think Kamala is a talented person, or will be a good president (and neither is Trump), but the idea of someone in Biden's condition in the presidency is the worst of all three.
You are spot on. My other problem with this quick coronation is if she wins against one of the worst candidates ever then she is the nominee in 2028. I guess the focus is on 2024 but she was like the 2nd worst candidate the Dems could have endorsed haha.
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I believe she has advanced beyond her capabilities and has a terrible case of imposter syndrome. That is a lot of the reason she laughs way too much - to try to use humor to defuse her insecurities. Same reason she can’t say what she wants to say but has to go on and on, saying nothing.

We’ve all known and worked with people like this.
You could make the same argument when it comes to other politicians who "grew" as they became older/wiser. Hell, FDR and Winston Churchill could conceivably fit this paradigm (and no, I'm not saying Kamala Harris is FDR or Winston Churchill or will ever be half of what they were), just that FDR and Churchill were considered "empty suits" by many before they rose to the top.

Bill Clinton gave off this vibe in the years before the 92 campaign. Trying too hard, not comfortable in their own skin before the right time came along.

We'll see with Kamala. In any event, she's not-Trump, so that makes her good enough per the 24 election. Her Presidency will determine what happens in 28.
You are spot on. My other problem with this quick coronation is if she wins against one of the worst candidates ever then she is the nominee in 2028. I guess the focus is on 2024 but she was like the 2nd worst candidate the Dems could have endorsed haha.

I do think she's one of the worst candidates they could have.

However, there is no guarantee that Newsome or Shapiro or anyone else would agree to step in. If they do, they have to run against Trump on Biden's record, have an uncomfortable face-off with Kamala now.

Other candidates probably feel like Kamala will lose and be taken off the board for 2028, they can run against Trump's record in four years. 2028 is a LOT more attractive. The Democrats have some potential candidates, but nobody who is like an obvious future star that you could take a chance elevating even if a bit early.

I believe Kamala is the only one that can use the Biden war chest, and in a sketchy scenario of having to replace Biden, it is appropriate that it be her, as she was on the ticket that people voted for. The idea of changing out Biden being "undemocratic" is way overplayed, its a very recent development for the primary votes to definitively decide the nominees, and it may not even be a good one for the country. However, like it or not, as vice president, she is the appropriate standard bearer.

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