Do you know what Trump was found guilty of?

This concept of letting the legal process play out first seems to be a new policy for you. As recently as a year ago, all it took was an indictment for you to demand someone’s removal.

What changed your mind?
I am just reminding you TJ that the rules run BOTH ways…..I believe the Dems did take a couple of committee memberships and maybe even a committee chairmanship away from Menendez when the story broke several months ago.
I am just reminding you TJ that the rules run BOTH ways…..
No, that’s not what you’re doing. What you’re doing is shining a spotlight on your own partisan hypocrisy. Last year you called for Santos to be removed from office on the day he was indicted. Now you’re saying that similar calls for Menendez to be removed from office are presumptuous because ‘let’s wait for the legal process to play out’.

That’s pretty much the polar opposite of saying the rules run BOTH ways.
I believe the Dems did take a couple of committee memberships and maybe even a committee chairmanship away from Menendez when the story broke several months ago.
That’s because they had no choice. Senate bylaws require anyone charged with a felony to be removed from their committee assignments.
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No, that’s not what you’re doing. What you’re doing is shining a spotlight on your own partisan hypocrisy. Last year you called for Santos to be removed from office on the day he was indicted. Now you’re saying that similar calls for Menendez to be removed from office are presumptuous because ‘let’s wait for the legal process to play out’.

That’s pretty much the polar opposite of saying the rules run BOTH ways.

That’s because they had no choice. Senate bylaws require anyone charged with a felony to be removed from their committee assignments.
Well, they did it, TJ.
The Dems went “rogue” by going along with demanding the Senator from Minnesota be replaced….but they saw it through.
TJ, this is probably more of an issue you have with that damn pesky Constitution….the document that says all are entitled to “due process” and allows that all are “innocent until proven guilty”……I believe the Senator from NJ will get his…it just takes time……..just like it takes time to get the Orange Turd….but sooner or later, guilt will be proven.
Well, they did it, TJ.
The Dems went “rogue” by going along with demanding the Senator from Minnesota be replaced….but they saw it through.
TJ, this is probably more of an issue you have with that damn pesky Constitution….the document that says all are entitled to “due process” and allows that all are “innocent until proven guilty”……I believe the Senator from NJ will get his…it just takes time……..just like it takes time to get the Orange Turd….but sooner or later, guilt will be proven.
The only thing they proved in the Franken case is that they’re perfectly willing to “do the right thing” if it costs the party absolutely nothing. But the Charlie Rangel case and now Bob Menendez makes it quite clear that integrity rides in the back seat when there are any consequences at stake.
The only thing they proved in the Franken case is that they’re perfectly willing to “do the right thing” if it costs the party absolutely nothing. But the Charlie Rangel case and now Bob Menendez makes it quite clear that integrity rides in the back seat when there are any consequences at stake.
Again….Menendez gets his day in Court. Just like Trump….
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But not Santos. You called for his removal on the day he was indicted. Because fvck that guy.
He got his….in time. Guilty as hell. Again….he demanded “due process” and it was given. And yes….phuque that guy, ….but then, phuque that Menendez guy, too. Crooks are crooks……doing stupid shit is forgivable….breaking the law, not so much.
Did you notice that not one Iowa Republican had anything negative to say about Trump and his conviction? The Governor and the AG damned ther legal system as crooked, calling the trial a sham…..Iowas 4 GOP Congressmen defended the Orange Wonder….as did Ms. Joni and good ol’ Chuck? All choosing to defend a CONVICTED felon and damning our countries justice system?
Tell me, with leadership like this, we as a nation are not phuqued.
That's been Lying Donnie Sexual Abusers life. Financial malfeasance and screwing around on his wife as much as he can. And if with a porn prostitute, even better. His MO.
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Maybe then he knows he violated House ethic rules?
He didn’t leave voluntarily. He denied the charges and refused to leave. He was then forced to leave because the House, including 105 Republicans, voted to expel him.

There has been no similar vote on whether to expel Menendez from the Senate because Chuck Schumer won’t even allow one.
Let’s not be obtuse here TJ….the phuqued lied from Day #1 damn near about everything……and he got caught!
We’re not being obtuse here. You’re being obtuse here. You’re the one demanding due process for a Democrat while denying due process for a Republican. And then inexplicably claiming that Republican got due process before his case has even gone to trial.

Before we go any further with this discussion it might help if you took a few minutes to familiarize yourself with some of the facts in these cases.
He didn’t leave voluntarily. He denied the charges and refused to leave. He was then forced to leave because the House, including 105 Republicans, voted to expel him.

There has been no similar vote on whether to expel Menendez from the Senate because Chuck Schumer won’t even allow one.

We’re not being obtuse here. You’re being obtuse here. You’re the one demanding due process for a Democrat while denying due process for a Republican. And then inexplicably claiming that Republican got due process before his case has even gone to trial.

Before we go any further with this discussion it might help if you took a few minutes to familiarize yourself with some of the facts in these cases.
You are a tool, TJ…..There were “ethics” charges validated by The House almost from Day #1…..and now there are criminal charges against him…..Manendez, the original charges were “criminal” in nature….and when they are settled, I am sure the Senate will deal with the ethics of his case…..Botrh guys are finished, I would think……but to sit there and say “your guy” was treated unfairly is just obtuse thinking. He NEVER should have been seated in the House in the first place…..
You are a tool, TJ…..There were “ethics” charges validated by The House almost from Day #1…..and now there are criminal charges against him…..Manendez, the original charges were “criminal” in nature….and when they are settled, I am sure the Senate will deal with the ethics of his case…..Botrh guys are finished, I would think……but to sit there and say “your guy” was treated unfairly is just obtuse thinking. He NEVER should have been seated in the House in the first place…..
Jesus, your brain is a mess.

If you learn nothing else from this discussion, learn this and commit it to memory - Santos is not “my guy.” He’s garbage who never should have been in Congress in the first place. I’m simply pointing him out as an example of someone who Republican leaders recognized as a serious problem and voted him out of Congress even before his case went to trial. I have zero quarrel with his removal from office. In fact, I applaud it.

Menendez is also garbage and does not belong in the Senate. But Senate Democrats won’t remove him from office. They won’t even hold a vote on it. They refuse to do the right thing because they need his votes.

There is zero defense for Senate Democrats not taking action. And yet here you are, defending them with nonsense about how he deserves due process just like Santos got, even though Santos is long gone and his case still hasn’t gone to trial yet.

You need to do one of two things in order to stop looking like a goddamn idiot here - either educate yourself on the facts or recognize that you have no idea what the fvck you’re talking about and move on to another thread.
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Jesus, your brain is a mess.

If you learn nothing else from this discussion, learn this and commit it to memory - Santos is not “my guy.” He’s garbage who never should have been in Congress in the first place. I’m simply pointing him out as an example of someone who Republican leaders recognized as a serious problem and voted him out of Congress even before his case went to trial. I have zero quarrel with his removal from office. In fact, I applaud it.

Menendez is also garbage and does not belong in the Senate. But Senate Democrats won’t remove him from office. They won’t even hold a vote on it. They refuse to do the right thing because they need his votes.

There is zero defense for Senate Democrats not taking action. And yet here you are, defending them with nonsense about how he deserves due process just like Santos got, even though Santos is long gone and his case still hasn’t gone to trial yet.

You need to do one of two things in order to stop looking like a goddamn idiot here - either educate yourself on the facts or recognize that you have no idea what the fvck you’re talking about and move on to another thread.
They did NOT vote him out of office initially though…The Dems certainly have an “excuse”…it’s called due process in the Constitutional. (Are the Republicans going to find someone else to run for President this November, as their candidate is now a felon….a convicted felon?
TJ, as always it is a pleasure to discuss the issues of the day rationally. My brain, BTW, is fine at the moment but thanks for your concern.
They did NOT vote him out of office initially though…The Dems certainly have an “excuse”…it’s called due process in the Constitutional. (Are the Republicans going to find someone else to run for President this November, as their candidate is now a felon….a convicted felon?
TJ, as always it is a pleasure to discuss the issues of the day rationally. My brain, BTW, is fine at the moment but thanks for your concern.
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They did NOT vote him out of office initially though…
That's because even 31 Democrats refused to vote in favor of expelling him before the House Ethics Committee finished their investigation. The committee submitted their report shortly before the Thanksgiving recess and Santos was expelled the first week after the House reconvened.
The Dems certainly have an “excuse”…it’s called due process in the Constitutional.
Please point out the passage in the Constitution that covers job security. I'm sure it would be of interest to Al Franken, especially since he was expelled despite never even being charged with a crime. Hell, Schumer wouldn't even let him speak to the Senate Ethics Committee to give his side of the story.
(Are the Republicans going to find someone else to run for President this November, as their candidate is now a felon….a convicted felon?
I wish they would, but I doubt it will happen.
TJ, as always it is a pleasure to discuss the issues of the day rationally. My brain, BTW, is fine at the moment but thanks for your concern.
I'm not sure that 'concern' is the correct word here.
There is absolutely nothing Trump can do that will cause him to lose his base, So for me when considering Trumps legal troubles how his base will react is not a consideration, It’s a given.

Maybe we should do the right thing and prosecute people who break the law even if it helps them in some weird way.
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That's been Lying Donnie Sexual Abusers life. Financial malfeasance and screwing around on his wife as much as he can. And if with a porn prostitute, even better. His MO.
Would any of that preclude him from having/implementing good domestic, foreign, and fiscal policies as the president?
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Would any of that preclude him from having/implementing good domestic, foreign, and fiscal policies as the president?
If he gets caught illegally manipulating financial transactions to cover up affairs or other "mistakes", yes.

Beyond that, your underlying point is that character has no bearing on being an effective leader. That's bullshit.
Would any of that preclude him from having/implementing good domestic, foreign, and fiscal policies as the president?
How could such a person have any credibility with anyone but similar personalities? He is not a politician. He never was a politician. He is a crook, now. But I think he was a crook a long time ago….but now he got caught (and convicted).
Would any of that preclude him from having/implementing good domestic, foreign, and fiscal policies as the president?


And he didn't have any of those the first time around.
All of the infrastructure investment, renewables investment and microchips/tech investment going on right now is due to bills that Biden negotiated and got passed through Congress. Every one of them.

I'll vote for more of that 7 days a week and twice on Sundays.
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Trump was found guilty of being a Republican and trying to get elected.

Democrats blood thirst to hold onto power and control everything is going to be the end of them.

Democrats are running the Vladimir Putin playbook on political opponents who you either push out a window, shoot their planes down or manufacture false charges and jail them.

This is just phase one of the Democrats quest to render elections meaningless.
Trump was found guilty of being a Republican and trying to get elected.

Democrats blood thirst to hold onto power and control everything is going to be the end of them.

Democrats are running the Vladimir Putin playbook on political opponents who you either push out a window, shoot their planes down or manufacture false charges and jail them.

This is just phase one of the Democrats quest to render elections meaningless.

You're in a cult, please seek help

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