Liberals are arming themselves

Interesting report in the WSJ today. I guess I fall into this category, as I proudly own a .20 gauge Browning.

Non paywall link:

Yeah, I've always enjoyed the narrative that all Dems are weakling, soy boys that are terrified of guns. My super democrat Aunt and Uncle love their collection and go to the range often.

I think the difference is that many Dems don't have cosplay dreams about using their guns against others like some on the right, including one of our resident nutters @Here_4_a_Day
Domestic politics have grown increasingly acrimonious,” says Ciemnoczolowski, 43.

Holy mouth full.
( Dude got himself a Springfield 1911 in 9 by the looks if the ejection port. Nice. I'm a tradionalist but it's a nice firearm)

"potential end of democracy, and two assassination plots against Trump.

Neo-Nazi groups have recently been more active nationwide, according to the Anti-Defamation League. Violent threats aren’t limited to progressives or minorities; conservative and pro-gun rallies have also been targeted. "

That's a hell of a transition especially since the "neo nazi" is a link to an article about........... how the Trump campaign went after haitians.....

I gotta tell ya, there is a irony to a 1911 owner saying people shouldn't own ARs.....
Like bro, you own the gun when guns were ****ing slug throwers and youre bitching about a 22 caliber bullet because your shit uses a single stack mag.... ooo ok.

All and all I'd say it's a good read and you should have the right to protect yourself. I noted that my wife was part of the stat they gave about female buyers early in covid. I also used to hunt with a lesbian couple named Pam and Tammi from Illinois, in Nebraska, and Tammi told the story of how learning how to shoot bow around her suxked because all the archery ranges kinda snubbed her. I always thought that was dumb, we need to grow the hunting community.

Anyway, shoot straight, practice.

Don't do this:
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Guess i'm ahead of the game, have many deer rifles and shells, for many years.
I imagine in states like Iowa, it is much more prevalent.

Most of my friends lean liberal/progressive and about 75% of them are gun owners. Hell, one works at Rock Island Auction (the largest gun auction firm in the country) and the other is a board member of the local gun range.
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massive crossover taking place. conservatives embrace unions while liberals profess to gun ownership, cons for protectionism and libs weaken title 9. it’s all about market segmentation opportunism and funding, ideology is just for selling
Yeah, I've always enjoyed the narrative that all Dems are weakling, soy boys that are terrified of guns. My super democrat Aunt and Uncle love their collection and go to the range often.

I think the difference is that many Dems don't have cosplay dreams about using their guns against others like some on the right, including one of our resident nutters @Here_4_a_Day
JFC....take your meds and make an appointment with your shrink before you injure yourself............
Oh look, another threat of physical violence from the board's most CTE addled poster.
Have you followed the thread, moron? That's probably considerably harder for you than finding your fat mouth with a doughnut, but go back and give it a try! 🤣
Yeah, I've always enjoyed the narrative that all Dems are weakling, soy boys that are terrified of guns. My super democrat Aunt and Uncle love their collection and go to the range often.

I think the difference is that many Dems don't have cosplay dreams about using their guns against others like some on the right, including one of our resident nutters @Here_4_a_Day

I don't think most have said all liberal men are weak and lack masculinity, just the vast majority. And that's fine, there's no reason to pretend it's not accurate, we all have eyes and brains.
Mind you none of that has anything to do with gun ownership and shouldn't.
Quite a few of my liberal friends and family members ask for firearm buying advice from time to time... though they usually whisper when they do, not sure why. Shame? Guilt?
I'm armed and ammo-stocked for the zombie apocalypse. I'd better not have to waste ammo on political extremists!!!
You’re armed by your own admission with guns you had to take away from your own father due to his issues. I’m glad you have them, BTW.

I am not armed and I’m a Republican. Guns scare the 💩out of me.
I don't think most have said all liberal men are weak and lack masculinity, just the vast majority. And that's fine, there's no reason to pretend it's not accurate, we all have eyes and brains.
Mind you none of that has anything to do with gun ownership and shouldn't.
Quite a few of my liberal friends and family members ask for firearm buying advice from time to time... though they usually whisper when they do, not sure why. Shame? Guilt?
It's a rather long bridge from owning a weapon that is rusting in your drawer/closet and even knowing how to use it much less know how to shoot and scoot and be willing to take fire and give it a non-stationary, non-paper "target." But yes, run down to your local Scheel's and buy them dry!! 🤣 Make sure you buy something in 5.56, 7.62 or 9 MM, so when you "donate" it to my side, we can but it to good use!!
It's a rather long bridge from owning a weapon that is rusting in your drawer/closet and even knowing how to use it much less know how to shoot and scoot and be willing to take fire and give it a non-stationary, non-paper "target." But yes, run down to your local Scheel's and buy them dry!! 🤣 Make sure you buy something in 5.56, 7.62 or 9 MM, so when you "donate" it to my side, we can but it to good use!!
There's the tough guy talk I knew I could bring out of you. You're such a simp.
Show Off Watch Out GIF
You’re armed by your own admission with guns you had to take away from your own father due to his issues. I’m glad you have them, BTW.

I am not armed and I’m a Republican. Guns scare the 💩out of me.
Yes, those Air Force techies can lay down fire like the ****ing Devil himself!! 🤣
I don't think most have said all liberal men are weak and lack masculinity, just the vast majority. And that's fine, there's no reason to pretend it's not accurate, we all have eyes and brains.
Mind you none of that has anything to do with gun ownership and shouldn't.
Quite a few of my liberal friends and family members ask for firearm buying advice from time to time... though they usually whisper when they do, not sure why. Shame? Guilt?
Those liberal pussies would be tougher if they constantly cried about the media and how unfair it is to them. They just need to cry more, preferably six times a day, then they'll be alphas like you.
Three shotguns, including a fairly expensive Benelli left to me by my father-in-law. I also have an antique Stevens .410 pistol passed down from my grandfather to dad to me. It's pretty cool...looks like the pic:

That is cool. My two brothers and I all learned how to shoot and hunt with a 410 hunting squirrels and rabbits in the grove outside our town. Your pistol has to have a real kick for a handgun…I own 2 twelve gauges and a 22 semi auto rifle. Not a liberal, but certainly not an R at this point….
Season 1 Starz GIF by Now Apocalypse

Who you gonna try to line up your next street fight with this time? 🤣
My boxers are completely dry, ftr.

Again, you're a simp that's so easy to goad into your tough guy act, it's quite pathetic.
You're starting to go broken record now like @Hawki97 , so I'll leave you with this:
I own a Remington 870 12 gauge and Remington 870 20 guage. I've probably shot and killed more animals (game birds only) than anyone here. If our country were ever invaded by pheasants, those sons-a-bitches would be in big trouble. I'll shoot em. Hens too.
500+ roosters?
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Yeah, I've always enjoyed the narrative that all Dems are weakling, soy boys that are terrified of guns. My super democrat Aunt and Uncle love their collection and go to the range often.

I think the difference is that many Dems don't have cosplay dreams about using their guns against others like some on the right, including one of our resident nutters @Here_4_a_Day

I think it's odd that owning a gun is what makes one masculine. I own 3. . . don't really tie my masculinity to any of them.

In fact one of the reasons I own them is because if someone broke into my house I'm not feeling all that super confident I could win a fist fight or a knife fight with them. I'd rather just shoot them.
I think it's odd that owning a gun is what makes one masculine. I own 3. . . don't really tie my masculinity to any of them.

In fact one of the reasons I own them is because if someone broke into my house I'm not feeling all that super confident I could win a fist fight or a knife fight with them. I'd rather just shoot them.
And if their gun is bigger?
You're starting to go broken record now like @Hawki97 , so I'll leave you with this:
Excited Feed Me GIF by Faja Lobi

The next time you OWN anyone on this site, will be the first time. There is a reason that your post to reaction ratio is SO BAD! How you seemingly have zero self awareness is simply amazing to the rest of us. It's like you are a message board masochist.
Why Do I Do This To Myself Kenan Thompson GIF by Saturday Night Live