Libertarians this your time to brag. List your political accomplishments here

As someone who leans that way, I can honestly say there aren't many "accomplishments" of Libertarians.

Because there are like 2-3 involved in all of politics over the last 10 years.

However, they support a lot of the things that you and I have enjoyed over recent years, and the hope is that their ideas are seeping into the mainstream, and are being adopted by the major Parties (which was my main argument a few weeks ago to Huey about why he should vote for ideals and not for electability).

Off the top of my head, (true) libertarians would agree with legalized drugs, legalized SSM (but probably only in the sense that they would be pushing the needle to remove government from marriage in general and turn it into a religious thing with everyone else having access to the contract aspects), curtailing of the patriot act, and the Asia trade agreement.
Legal ghey marriage, legal drugs, influence over the youth and America by educating them. See Ron Pauls influence. The wiser you become the more libertarian you will be.

Your question is a sad one actually. Do you know why?
Off the top of my head, (true) libertarians would agree with legalized drugs, legalized SSM, curtailing of the patriot act, and the Asia trade agreement.

Same goes for real progressives and Green types.

Some Green platform stuff

Civil Liberties:
Support the Bill of Rights. No compromise on civil liberties and due process for "national security," "anti-terrorism," or "the war on drugs." Repeal the 1994 Crime and 1996 Anti-Terrorism bills. End domestic political spying by police, military, and intelligence agencies.

End the "War on Drugs:"
Decriminalize possession of drugs. Regulate and tax drug distribution. Release nonviolent drug war prisoners. Treat drug abuse as a health problem, not a criminal problem. Drug abuse treatment on demand.

Fair Trade:
Withdraw from the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and all other corporate-managed trade agreements that are driving down labor and environmental conditions globally. Establish an internationalist social tariff system that equalizes trade by accounting for the differences among countries in wages, social benefits, environmental conditions, and political rights. Tariff revenues to a democratic, international fund for ecological production and democratic development in poor countries in order to level up social and environmental conditions to a high common standard.
Libertarians by definition want less political garbage and less government, so a list of accomplishments would be set at zero by design. Anything over zero would be totalitarian.
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No, it's not set at "zero"... libertarians aren't anarchists. Libertarians believe that the government should establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. Anything beyond that is coloring outside the lines.
Zero is not anarchy by definition, right? anarchy is action and a form of government, we would want zero of that.
Zero is not anarchy by definition, right? anarchy is action and a form of government, we would want zero of that.

I would argue that the Obama administration has an anarchy form of government: does not respect the constitution nor does he let the other two branches of government have any say unless one of them, the supremes, agrees with him.
Legal ghey marriage, legal drugs.
Oh simmer down girl. I didn't see you at any of the matches. Liberals did all that. Go earn your own victories.
This is an important point. Where are the libertarians who actually advocated for those things? Many libertarians agree - and I don't intend to diminish that agreement - but few act. If asked, they may say they have no problem with same sex marriage or people toking up at home. But pretty much only if asked.
This is an important point. Where are the libertarians who actually advocated for those things? Many libertarians agree - and I don't intend to diminish that agreement - but few act. If asked, they may say they have no problem with same sex marriage or people toking up at home. But pretty much only if asked.
Here is the problem: there should be no license granted in the libertarian world: so no license for the gheys, no license for the straights to marry. no license to work. no license to drive. no license to own pot. no "tax tags". little stickers like you put on your garbage or your booze or cigarettes, that you paid taxes. a license. there should be no marriage licenses period, in the liberatarian world.
Mr. Devil, what have your beliefs wrought? More wars? More corporate welfare? More loses of liberty?

What exactly is your belief system?
God told man not to use his brain (don't eat from the tree of knowledge). Lucifer told him to go ahead and use his brain.

You could argue that all the good produced by humanity throughout history is down to following Lucifer's advice.

Of course you could argue that a lot of the bad has also stemmed from the same source. But lots of the bad has also stemmed from scripture.

Which is to say that all the good and only part of the bad is from Lucifer.

Or at least it would make sense to think that way if you actually believed in God and Lucifer.
This is an important point. Where are the libertarians who actually advocated for those things? Many libertarians agree - and I don't intend to diminish that agreement - but few act. If asked, they may say they have no problem with same sex marriage or people toking up at home. But pretty much only if asked.

I think the same can be said about most libertarian policies.

I don't advocate for any of them. I believe in them, but I don't see the point in spending my energy on something that is so futile, such as advocating for political change. I advocate with my vote (and caucusing, or at least I did when I lived in Iowa), in conversations on here, and in conversations with friends. I don't see me finding anything I care enough about to write letters or carry signs. Perhaps that will change some day, but I don't ever anticipate the government responding in a way that makes that effort worthwhile.

That said, I am 100% certain that I have advocated on here, repeatedly, for those things (and a few others that would be considered Libertarian).
knowledge obviously does not mean what you think it means: the masons use this type of language
Here is the problem: there should be no license granted in the libertarian world: so no license for the gheys, no license for the straights to marry. no license to work. no license to drive. no license to own pot. no "tax tags". little stickers like you put on your garbage or your booze or cigarettes, that you paid taxes. a license. there should be no marriage licenses period, in the liberatarian world.

Um. No.

In short, no.

I award you no points.

No, it's not set at "zero"... libertarians aren't anarchists. Libertarians believe that the government should establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. Anything beyond that is coloring outside the lines.
Oh no, that's not clear at all. I doubt most libertarians would even agree. Libertarians sure aren't afraid of domestic strife or poor general welfare or unsecured liberty or unenforced justice. In fact they brag about those positions as a badge of courage and toughness
Here is the problem: there should be no license granted in the libertarian world: so no license for the gheys, no license for the straights to marry. no license to work. no license to drive. no license to own pot. no "tax tags". little stickers like you put on your garbage or your booze or cigarettes, that you paid taxes. a license. there should be no marriage licenses period, in the liberatarian world.
Then how do you pay for the government that libertarians agree we should have - the government that protects property, enforces contracts, provides for national defense, fights crime, and so on?

Licenses are both a way to regulate behavior and to raise revenue. In their former capacity, they are part of the way a society clarifies what is and isn't a crime. Unless you are a Hobbesian pseudo-anarchist like shank pretends to be, you do want enough government to deal with crime, don't you?
This is an important point. Where are the libertarians who actually advocated for those things? Many libertarians agree - and I don't intend to diminish that agreement - but few act. If asked, they may say they have no problem with same sex marriage or people toking up at home. But pretty much only if asked.
This is a joke right?

The libertarian party, though small next to the big two disasters is quite active and holds many offices across the country and has led both of those causes before democrats got their heads partway out of their asses.
Um. No.

In short, no.

I award you no points.

I have been involved in the texas libertarian party, if you want to call it that, for over a decade, and yes, the platform is: no license. no license to work. no licenses period. yes.
Then how do you pay for the government that libertarians agree we should have - the government that protects property, enforces contracts, provides for national defense, fights crime, and so on?

Licenses are both a way to regulate behavior and to raise revenue. In their former capacity, they are part of the way a society clarifies what is and isn't a crime. Unless you are a Hobbesian pseudo-anarchist like shank pretends to be, you do want enough government to deal with crime, don't you?
no, the only way "to pay" for government is not by license fees, it's to pay for it by tarrifs on foreign entities. that's the feds. the local governments are supposed to be run by volunteers who have other jobs, silly.
This is a joke right?

The libertarian party, though small next to the big two disasters is quite active and holds many offices across the country and has led both of those causes before democrats got their heads partway out of their asses.
I'm not seeing it. I give libertarians credit for being on the right side of some of these issues (as long as they don't let religion get in the way), but little more.
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I have been involved in the texas libertarian party, if you want to call it that, for over a decade, and yes, the platform is: no license. no license to work. no licenses period. yes.

Because Texas is idiotic.

True Libertarians understand the constraints of modern society and work within those to implement their ideas as best as possible.

But again, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about, as per usual.
Oh no, that's not clear at all. I doubt most libertarians would even agree. Libertarians sure aren't afraid of domestic strife or poor general welfare or unsecured liberty or unenforced justice. In fact they brag about those positions as a badge of courage and toughness
see, that's because you think only the government can grant justice and welfare and liberty. you are thinking outside the lines. the truth is: the creator grants these things and man takes them away with government
Because Texas is idiotic.

True Libertarians understand the constraints of modern society and work within those to implement their ideas as best as possible.

But again, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about, as per usual.
you are describing classic liberals, not libertarians

you are describing Jeffersonian liberalism
This is a joke right?

The libertarian party, though small next to the big two disasters is quite active and holds many offices across the country and has led both of those causes before democrats got their heads partway out of their asses.
So, tell me . . . where do your libertarians stand on immigration? On states rights? On climate change? On abortion? On the death penalty?

I'm being serious. I think there ought to be clear answers to those questions from libertarians, but when I hear self-professed libertarians here talk about such issues, they almost always blow it.
I'm not seeing it. I give libertarians credit for being on the right side of some of these issues (as long as they don't let religion get in the way), but little more.
If not for CATO, pot would still be illegal in every state for any reason. Democrats would have any talking points or arguments on that front, or gay rights, or advocacy for falsely convicted prisoners without Libertarians.
see, that's because you think only the government can grant justice and welfare and liberty. you are thinking outside the lines. the truth is: the creator grants these things and man takes them away with government
Religion has NOTHING to do with libertarianism.

Read some Ayn Rand, for crying out loud.