LIKING the COLORS hopefully it is a sign of things to come!!!

Part of the reason I left my last position was due to racism against white people. The head of the agency is white and apparently feels a ton of guilt for the sins of our ancestors. They still doesn’t make it right or acceptable. Discriminating against someone due to skin color or ethnicity is racism.
Two points, my BIL is black and a high end executive at an aerospace company. He was a fight pilot in the Navy and got very disgusted when they started changing standards back in the 80s to allow for women pilots. In his flight training there was no room for error, they washed you out for a minor mistake. When the ladies started to get integrated in the program do overs became quite common.

Now they are attempting to increase the amount of fighter pilots based on race. This will not end well, do overs are one thing and I can see an argument about improving training being made to counter criticism against the change. Because they are still training them up to standard.

Also, my wife left her husband app 30 years ago and wanted to go to school and to get a grant she had to take a state approved raise your female self esteem course. She described the teachers as nutty man haters. they wanted all the ladies to become welders or truck drivers, my wife wanted to study cosmetology. They hated that. According to their testing their program , as rigged as what it probably was, lowered her "self esteem".

The only benefit to these programs is the bottom line of those who sell these seminars and programs. The discrimination is more than evil because it's not really done in a failed attempt to elevate marginalized people( still wrong of course), it's all about their income stream.
You guys should all listen to some very wise Black men like Todd Bolwes and others that believe we need to stop using the term racism and judge people on merit and experience not skin color. He and many others have fired back at the stupid corrupt media for bringing such things up ! How about we just treat people as individuals and not by the way the look.
Wrestling for the most part leaves race color, creed, size, and look out of the picture, which is another reason why its the greatest sport/family on earth!
YEP, many on here just have NO CLUE at all! I believe you all might even be racist because you do not see a "man" you see a "black man. or a chinese man etc......" Nothing can end, till that view ends!!! When I coached kids, trained kids, I never looked at it as, "well I am sending out my Jewish 112 pounder now. or I have my Polish RB in the game. Hey bill put in a white player was never a line etc.... "

Was just another kid who was judged on his own merit. Now you can not do that by making BS rules for or against others!!! Just look at the FIELD in the NFL!!! If we said, well gee wiz, 75% of players are black or whatever it is. We need X amount of white, X amount of hispanic, HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! what about women!!?!?!?

Have female REFs, why stop there????? Need 50% female players on the field at all times!!!!

YOU all are crazier then I thought if you think this is a positive rule!
YEP, many on here just have NO CLUE at all! I believe you all might even be racist because you do not see a "man" you see a "black man. or a chinese man etc......" Nothing can end, till that view ends!!! When I coached kids, trained kids, I never looked at it as, "well I am sending out my Jewish 112 pounder now. or I have my Polish RB in the game. Hey bill put in a white player was never a line etc.... "

Was just another kid who was judged on his own merit. Now you can not do that by making BS rules for or against others!!! Just look at the FIELD in the NFL!!! If we said, well gee wiz, 75% of players are black or whatever it is. We need X amount of white, X amount of hispanic, HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! what about women!!?!?!?

Have female REFs, why stop there????? Need 50% female players on the field at all times!!!!

YOU all are crazier then I thought if you think this is a positive rule!
Was it just in the last decade that black football players were smart enough to play QB, or was it in the last decade that NFL quit thinking they weren't?
That is a league that really needs/needed the Rooney rule.
Because the people that push these programs don't won't diversity and inclusion, they want a leg up, an advantage. Don't look at what it's called, look at the internals ( the program materials), who is making money from it, and what they actually want to accomplish.
I looked at it from the inside when they were instituted in federal government agencies. Then I witnessed the president at that time's backlash via executive order, because of his and his constituents' fear of the notion of systemic racism / institutional racism (at the time of George Floyd's death and renewed "discussion" of critical race theory, perhaps amongst other things as well)---even as this had little to do with the diversity and inclusion programs themselves.

In my experience, it never was about who was making money off the programs. The programs were staffed internally. Participation in the programs remained voluntary.

What they actually wanted to accomplish was nothing less than a reduction in effects of any remnant of institutional racism but more so raise awareness of implicit bias in the workplace to increase sensitivity among those who may have benefited from both, many of whom holding leadership positions.
Just look at the FIELD in the NFL!!! If we said, well gee wiz, 75% of players are black or whatever it is. We need X amount of white, X amount of hispanic, HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! what about women!!?!?!?
I am sensing a goal post move here (since your talking about football).

Rooney Rule is about diversity and inclusion to address implicit bias. It was a modest step.

You (and maybe others) seem to me to have somewhat pivoted to quotas and perhaps some perverted form of affirmative action. The diversity and inclusion I am most familiar with works based on the following premise:

When there are candidates of equal qualifications, and one is of some persuasion (be it race, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity) that is far under represented in the workplace, then hire the under represented individual.​

The Rooney Rule didn't even go that far.
I am not even sure YOU ^^^^^ know what you are trying to say? It really becomes very simple. You all seem to be on board with this new generation of stupid ass woke people! Here is a alert for you, IT DOES NOT WORK!!!

Just like the bleeding hearts who are dumb enough to think our leaders are trying to help all these illegals!

BEST man in, NO gimmies, that is the way it should be. You want to establish how many minorities have to be hired? then also establish how many in the majority have to be hired too. Then it is all equal, and give everyone a trophy while you are at it!!!
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I am not even sure YOU ^^^^^ know what you are trying to say? It really becomes very simple. You all seem to be on board with this new generation of stupid ass woke people! Here is a alert for you, IT DOES NOT WORK!!!

Just like the bleeding hearts who are dumb enough to think our leaders are trying to help all these illegals!

BEST man in, NO gimmies, that is the way it should be. You want to establish how many minorities have to be hired? then also establish how many in the majority have to be hired too. Then it is all equal, and give everyone a trophy while you are at it!!!
My brother in law is black. He got hired as a med clinic administrator in small town NW Iowa back in the day. Three people applied for the job. Two had college degrees. My bil was the only one with a degree in business administration. My grandpa still claimed that he got that job because of his skin color. (That was the only fight I had with my grandpa in my life.)
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I am not even sure YOU ^^^^^ know what you are trying to say? It really becomes very simple. You all seem to be on board with this new generation of stupid ass woke people! Here is a alert for you, IT DOES NOT WORK!!!

Just like the bleeding hearts who are dumb enough to think our leaders are trying to help all these illegals!

BEST man in, NO gimmies, that is the way it should be. You want to establish how many minorities have to be hired? then also establish how many in the majority have to be hired too. Then it is all equal, and give everyone a trophy while you are at it!!!
If it were "best man in", you'd be unemployed. We're talking about an interview. Just an interview. Jeez you are paranoid.
Part of the reason I left my last position was due to racism against white people. The head of the agency is white and apparently feels a ton of guilt for the sins of our ancestors. That still doesn’t make it right or acceptable. Discriminating against someone due to skin color or ethnicity is racism.
That's true, and I've seen some of that too. More often though, I've seen the lack of support for Black and Native kids, while leadership falls over themselves for a few token achievers. We're talking opportunities, not guaranteed success.

If you want to see who has power, look at the board rooms and private clubs. If you want to see who lacks power, look at the food pantries and homeless encampments.
You guys should all listen to some very wise Black men like Todd Bolwes and others that believe we need to stop using the term racism and judge people on merit and experience not skin color. He and many others have fired back at the stupid corrupt media for bringing such things up ! How about we just treat people as individuals and not by the way the look.
Wrestling for the most part leaves race color, creed, size, and look out of the picture, which is another reason why its the greatest sport/family on earth!
Wouldn’t it be nice if racism wasn’t a thing? But it is. And some folks now feel embolden to say the quiet parts out loud.
Yeah, its hard to accept, but you're right. We change this one person at a time.
I fought with my step-dad after he disowned his daughter for marrying a black man. He finally came around. And I never told my sister about either incident, as I didn’t want to strain their relationships any further than they were already at that point in time.
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You new around these parts? It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Learn to pace your incredulity. He can say five things more offensive than that in a single rant. Now you’re gonna set him off and prolly see first hand. Lol

All this time I assumed he was a well-meaning fool. Now I realize he’s a foolish d-bag.
I am sensing a goal post move here (since your talking about football).

Rooney Rule is about diversity and inclusion to address implicit bias. It was a modest step.

You (and maybe others) seem to me to have somewhat pivoted to quotas and perhaps some perverted form of affirmative action. The diversity and inclusion I am most familiar with works based on the following premise:

When there are candidates of equal qualifications, and one is of some persuasion (be it race, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity) that is far under represented in the workplace, then hire the under represented individual.​

The Rooney Rule didn't even go that far.
Should this hold true for the players also?
Two points, my BIL is black and a high end executive at an aerospace company. He was a fight pilot in the Navy and got very disgusted when they started changing standards back in the 80s to allow for women pilots. In his flight training there was no room for error, they washed you out for a minor mistake. When the ladies started to get integrated in the program do overs became quite common.

Now they are attempting to increase the amount of fighter pilots based on race. This will not end well, do overs are one thing and I can see an argument about improving training being made to counter criticism against the change. Because they are still training them up to standard.

Also, my wife left her husband app 30 years ago and wanted to go to school and to get a grant she had to take a state approved raise your female self esteem course. She described the teachers as nutty man haters. they wanted all the ladies to become welders or truck drivers, my wife wanted to study cosmetology. They hated that. According to their testing their program , as rigged as what it probably was, lowered her "self esteem".

The only benefit to these programs is the bottom line of those who sell these seminars and programs. The discrimination is more than evil because it's not really done in a failed attempt to elevate marginalized people( still wrong of course), it's all about their income stream.
Back in 1994, some Navy insiders were saying that Kara Hultgreen's crash was a direct result of a double standard in training.
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My brother in law is black. He got hired as a med clinic administrator in small town NW Iowa back in the day. Three people applied for the job. Two had college degrees. My bil was the only one with a degree in business administration. My grandpa still claimed that he got that job because of his skin color. (That was the only fight I had with my grandpa in my life.)
Bet your grandpa kicked your ass TWOOOOO!!!!
If it were "best man in", you'd be unemployed. We're talking about an interview. Just an interview. Jeez you are paranoid.
You are clueless!
All this time I assumed he was a well-meaning fool. Now I realize he’s a foolish d-bag.
Kiss off!!!
Should this hold true for the players also?
Don't see why not. But in sports "ties" may tend to go to the one with some perceived upside, where "best value" is also a factor in salary-capped leagues.

Perceived upside might consider raw measurables, but then also delve into the more nebulous "intangibles." The latter seems to me to have a greater chance of encountering an implicit bias pitfall.
You guys should all listen to some very wise Black men like Todd Bolwes and others that believe we need to stop using the term racism and judge people on merit and experience not skin color. He and many others have fired back at the stupid corrupt media for bringing such things up ! How about we just treat people as individuals and not by the way the look.
Wrestling for the most part leaves race color, creed, size, and look out of the picture, which is another reason why its the greatest sport/family on earth!

All sports, finally, are almost complete meritocracies - because the stakes are so big bias has been shoved aside. Any Iowa football fan, however, should be very aware that bias is no where near eliminated in the coaching ranks.
I fought with my step-dad after he disowned his daughter for marrying a black man. He finally came around. And I never told my sister about either incident, as I didn’t want to strain their relationships any further than they were already at that point in time.
Similar with my grandmother in the 70s. Raving racist.
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Personal growth can be difficult.
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