I like to record for my prosperity the Iowa games broadcast on 9.2 on Saturday mornings. The smattering of Lute games, the Tom Davis era games that the university has on file predominates - along with Alford era big wins. They don't have much if anything before those eras and it's almost all home games. The "prize recording" has been the Georgetown game so far.
I'd bet the lacking of several memorable games is rights to the games...so many big games are not available.
I steadfastly refuse to record Alford and Lick games. Those "classic wins" were fool's gold. There was nothing really in retrospect to like about those years. I am thankful for each and every player in that era...but as a fan, it was the program going down Titanic-style.
Re-watching that era just plain leaves a very bad taste.
I'm old enough to remember the Dick Schultz era...it really stunk, my formative Hawkeye fan years, and having so much "we have no hope here" permeating when listening to games. I remember listening to a game against Wooden and UCLA and Gonder stating that even the score indicated "only" a 20 or so point win (I think Walton was out) - the game was never, ever in doubt.
Almost like Wooden took it easy on Iowa.
A lot of games like that those 3 years. No hope.
Lick's 2nd year, I started checking out. I never have liked watching train wrecks in any fashion in life. It reminded me of the Schultz era.
So, yeah...I like Fran. Sure, this year we had Virginia and NW this year, lessons being dished out...but Fran's teams usually fight most every game, and he's resuscitated the fan base into actually caring again.
I'm a fan. I'm somewhat puzzled at times, but I'm a fan.