Looks like "The Donald" just picked up a huge endorsement

Jakeleg Jake

Sep 27, 2004
That's Pat Robertson, right?

Edit: That is him. He's a douche bag of Biblical proportions, literally. Still, after Jerry Fallwell Jr. endorsed Trump and this guy followed suit, Cruz is going to fold like a cheap lawn chair.
Given what we've seen from CrookedCruz lately, I'm guessing he leaves in a blaze of glory, or unglory, if you will.

Trump has been able to throw most of his rivals off their game. Cruz has a dilemma. How do you try and take down both RubioBot and Trump as you leave the race?
Trump has coveted the support of Evangelicals as the Great Ronald W. Reagan did...and like the Great Communicator he will use them to rebuild America...
I may, why do you think I want Obama to nominate a liberal justice?
Yes and I have no problem with that so don't chastise me if I happen to disagree with isn't personal against you it just happens to fall into what I believe.
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Yes and I have no problem with that so don't chastize me if I happen to disagree with isn't personal against you it just happens to fall into what I believe.
I'm not motivated to do so tonight, the Hawks just lost. But chastising beliefs is what we do around here and this topic is up for arguments like any other.
Trump has coveted the support of Evangelicals as the Great Ronald W. Reagan did...and like the Great Communicator he will use them to rebuild America...
I think, no I know... you forgot to use a whole big bunch of :eek::eek::mad::mad::p:p:D:D with that post.

We expected sarcasm and you delivered. Well done, son!
Notice how that photo is only showing the two guys from the waist up?

By the looks of it, ole Pat is waiting for someone to hand him a tube of lube.