How big of a role? Seriously, that has been my question since the begining of all this. I downloaded the budget and searched through the entire thing and, as ghee pointed out, only found $100K used for a "DEI Cafe". The biggest budgetary culprit I found was the overall 2% decrease, after decades of increase, and a 7% PD budget increase. If funding is the gripe, then why not bring up the PD getting 7% increase rather than complaining about .000014% going to some trans homeless shelter?
And honestly, how much does DEI training detract from firefighting preparedness? I have to take DEI training and it has zero negative impact on my job performance, regardless of me personally finding it pointless. If my boss screws up, I don't try to find out if he's a Democrat or Republican, so I can blame some nefarious boogieman.
Lastly, when you read through the LA Fire Chief's bio, what are the red flags in her background that concern you?
Seems to me the mistakes that happened, could have been made by anyone regardless of political party. Taking the resevoir offline for maintence just so happen to bite them in the arse, but needed to be done? Can you calculate when would have been a better time to perform the maintenance?
At the end of the day, though, if you don't live in CA, why do you care so much? Why is this important to you?