Love to hate Flo? Clark 7th, Brock Wins. Love OSU much?

Alex Meyer's path to AA. On this one I do agree with Spey. I think the path for Meyer to AA is harder then the path for Topher at 141. (I don't see either of them AA if they continue on their current trend) Meyer had a great run on the backside last year and to do it again he has to beat some guys that have been wrestling better then him. The Hall match was great, but is the exception not the rule. In order for Alex to do something he has to change his first period and go for big moves rather then wrestling not to lose. Easier said then done as I expect this is what he has been being told for some time but can not pull the trigger for whatever reason.
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Very typical flo response! Oh, and since you evidently never took any advanced english/debate/speech courses, rationalizing means trying to find a way to make a statement you made seem true or logical. Debate, would mean using facts to actually prove a point.

got it. so debate = facts.

i look forward to the next time you 'debate' that flo is bias.

Dude, just ignore him/her. ... don't make me go back to hating you again:)
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