Magic mushroom gummies

I am interested in any preparation of shrooms that doesn't taste like shrooms and start my trip with an upset tummy (bad vibes to start) and where the psilocybin content has been tested/measured so you can dose properly. A strong bag of shrooms turns me real Catholic again in a hurry (not like with being into the church but apologizing to Jesus for turning my back on him and expressing gratitude for dying for my many sins).
I should record myself playing guitar while on shrooms, Next day I can listen and decide if I was expanding horizons or I played Neil Youngs southern man solo for two hours
On LSD once, I wrote a hit just switching between the two notes on the big E string on the blues scale. It was like a Pixies thing. Slow and quiet then loud and fast. In 4/4 which was all I could handle under the circumstances
Reddit thread on them. Seem to be legal. I'll have to read up more later on active ingredients. Not convinced one way or another.

Edits: people do seem to be having positive experiences

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  • Tapioca Syrup
  • Cane Sugar
  • Pectin
  • Sodium Citrate
  • Distilled Water
  • Natural Flavor
  • Proprietary Mushroom Blend
  • Natural Colors
  • Citric Acid Solution

I take it the "Proprietary Mushroom Blend" contains psilocybin ?
It doesn't. Or the other popular psychoactive mushroom. Look under FAQs. Drug nerds on reddit claiming it contains the "RC" (research chemical... lab stuff like LSD) 4 aco DMT. What psilocybin breaks down into, I believe.

Haven't independently verified. My read is that it probably won't harm you, but, may also not do much. Plenty of people claim to have tripped on these, however. Whether or not these are exploiting a legal loophole is unclear. Would research more. Or if you're a bit of a (minor) risk taker, order some.
Awesome. Are you in a state where they're legal?
4-AcO-DMT was the most commonly used tryptamine by participants, and this compound also appears to be among the most prevalent novel tryptamines in recent years (Palamar & Le, 2019; Palma-Conesa et al., 2017). Although some participants felt the effects are comparable with those of DMT in high doses, the effects of more common (lower) doses were commonly compared with psilocybin. In fact, 4-AcO-DMT has been described as a chemically modified psilocin precursor (Geiger, Wurst, & Daniels, 2018). 4-AcO-DMT is often described as having a faster onset of action than psilocybin with a high of shorter duration, and as many of our participants noted, use allows them to avoid the nausea commonly associated mushroom ingestion (Geiger et al., 2018). Despite 4-AcO-DMT being among the most prevalent tryptamines, and having been discovered in the 1950s, little academic research has focused on recreational use of this compound.
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I should record myself playing guitar while on shrooms, Next day I can listen and decide if I was expanding horizons or I played Neil Youngs southern man solo for two hours

One time in the early 90's a buddy and I 'shroomed at my cabin. It was middle of the summer, and a big line of storms rolled in just as things began kicking into high gear. My cabin has a pavilion roof over it which protects everything from the elements, so we can stand outside on the deck and enjoy the show.

I happened to have my Kramer Focus and amp there at the time, and given the crash/boom aspect of the storm, I evidently felt it was appropriate to add the Kramer to the mix. I cranked the amp as high as it would go, and pretty much used only the volume pot, harmonics, and the tremelo only - letting feedback do most all the work...not really playing any notes or songs in particular, just making noise nonsensically.

All I had to do is stand close to the amp and the damn rig would just begin to howl. One time during all this I evidently got distracted and put the guitar on the stand and walked started feeding back and just sat there screaming in pain for about 15 minutes before I even noticed.

I can only imagine what we would have looked like if a neighbor had been there and drove by. Two mushroomin' freaks crawling around the place during a thunderstorm with an unattended guitar howling uncontrollably.

From what my buddy tells me about this day, this went on for a full hour or so and the volume was obnoxiously loud. There's a picture he took during this when he snapped it exactly as a lightning bolt came down nearby to light things up much like a flash bulb. The look on my face can only be described as "tortuous".

Ahhhhh, the adventures one has when they're young...
One time in the early 90's a buddy and I 'shroomed at my cabin. It was middle of the summer, and a big line of storms rolled in just as things began kicking into high gear. My cabin has a pavilion roof over it which protects everything from the elements, so we can stand outside on the deck and enjoy the show.

I happened to have my Kramer Focus and amp there at the time, and given the crash/boom aspect of the storm, I evidently felt it was appropriate to add the Kramer to the mix. I cranked the amp as high as it would go, and pretty much used only the volume pot, harmonics, and the tremelo only - letting feedback do most all the work...not really playing any notes or songs in particular, just making noise nonsensically.

All I had to do is stand close to the amp and the damn rig would just begin to howl. One time during all this I evidently got distracted and put the guitar on the stand and walked started feeding back and just sat there screaming in pain for about 15 minutes before I even noticed.

I can only imagine what we would have looked like if a neighbor had been there and drove by. Two mushroomin' freaks crawling around the place during a thunderstorm with an unattended guitar howling uncontrollably.

From what my buddy tells me about this day, this went on for a full hour or so and the volume was obnoxiously loud. There's a picture he took during this when he snapped it exactly as a lightning bolt came down nearby to light things up much like a flash bulb. The look on my face can only be described as "tortuous".

Ahhhhh, the adventures one has when they're young...
post the pic
It doesn't. Or the other popular psychoactive mushroom. Look under FAQs. Drug nerds on reddit claiming it contains the "RC" (research chemical... lab stuff like LSD) 4 aco DMT. What psilocybin breaks down into, I believe.

Haven't independently verified. My read is that it probably won't harm you, but, may also not do much. Plenty of people claim to have tripped on these, however. Whether or not these are exploiting a legal loophole is unclear. Would research more. Or if you're a bit of a (minor) risk taker, order some.

I'll wait for @Chuck C review. I can't risk another bath salt situation. Face does taste way better on bath salts though, I'll give em that.
  • Tapioca Syrup
  • Cane Sugar
  • Pectin
  • Sodium Citrate
  • Distilled Water
  • Natural Flavor
  • Proprietary Mushroom Blend
  • Natural Colors
  • Citric Acid Solution

I take it the "Proprietary Mushroom Blend" contains psilocybin ?
Those flavors would make my usual mushroom overdose puke a little more pleasant. If the world ain’t flippin, you ain’t trippin’.
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The no pic still has some in the freezer a friend gave her during chemo/Rad Ther. NeuSociety is the brand, contains 250 mg psilocybin per serving. She took them at night to help with pain and sleep. Those and weed gummies helped her a lot during her treatment regimen.

I'll try one in the next couple of days and report back.

Back in the day, the no pic and I did some shrooms then hit a house party out on Dodge St by the Hilltop. Took too many as I stood in a corner freaking out so left and laid in someone's yard and watched the night sky swirl. Got my shit together and went back and it turned out the party was a shroom party. We grabbed a friend, filled up the car, bought a 12 pack of beer and went on a left right cruise. Ended up in Conesville not knowing where we were. Good times and CSB.
Interested Saturday Night Live GIF by HULU
The no pic still has some in the freezer a friend gave her during chemo/Rad Ther. NeuSociety is the brand, contains 250 mg psilocybin per serving. She took them at night to help with pain and sleep. Those and weed gummies helped her a lot during her treatment regimen.

I'll try one in the next couple of days and report back.

Back in the day, the no pic and I did some shrooms then hit a house party out on Dodge St by the Hilltop. Took too many as I stood in a corner freaking out so left and laid in someone's yard and watched the night sky swirl. Got my shit together and went back and it turned out the party was a shroom party. We grabbed a friend, filled up the car, bought a 12 pack of beer and went on a left right cruise. Ended up in Conesville not knowing where we were. Good times and CSB.

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