Something I missed about Walz til now

I find it very strange (weird?) that conservatives think it is "weird" for a son to love and be proud of his father. Is that not something that happens in conservative families?
I don't know, but this Onion article immediately came to mind when I read your post.

Conservative Boycotting Bud Light Forced To Drink 6 Cans Of Something Else Before Hitting Kids​


April 7, 2023

SIOUX FALLS, SD—After he vowed not to patronize the Anheuser-Busch company because of its marketing partnership with a transgender TikTok star, sources reported Friday that a local conservative man boycotting Bud Light was forced to drink six cans of something else before hitting his kids. “Tonight I’d love nothing more than to enjoy my usual six-pack and start terrorizing my family, but now that Bud Light is woke, I guess I’ll have to switch to Miller Lite or Twisted Tea or something else,” said Dennis Chase, 46, who added that if the brand of beer he had been loyal to for decades supported groomers, he could not in good conscience drink it to excess, grow angry, and then throw the empty can at his son’s head. “You won’t see me drinking from some gay rainbow can while I whip my daughter with an extension cord or threaten to beat our crying toddler who won’t shut the hell up. No, I’m not gonna let some depraved company force their homosexual agenda down my kids’ throats as I’m choking the life out of them.” At press time, sources confirmed Chase was working on his second six-pack and had moved on to the next part of his regular nightly routine, googling trans porn.
As Walz himself makes couch references. Get the F out of here with your high ground act.
Exhibit A: The cruelty is the point for cult members. When Trump mocks a disabled reporter there is an excuse. When Trump mocks the war dead of America there is an excuse or a deflection. When Trump is misogynistic towards a female reporter, well, she's a nasty woman. When Trump is a racist, there is an excuse.
I find it very strange (weird?) that conservatives think it is "weird" for a son to love and be proud of his father. Is that not something that happens in conservative families?
All of Trump's kids are proud when dad beats a criminal charge.
To the magas it is weird for families to love each other. The alpha trumps that barely have any relationship, that’s tough guy shit.
Every greeting and goodbye with one of my kids involves a hug. With the alpha Trumps of the world, and HBOT, you can tell their upbringing was a scene from The Great Santini.
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In 2015 Trump mocked a disabled reporter, and that was unforgivable. There was a certain point in time where you either realized he was a disgusting human being and wanted to be nothing like him, and not affiliated with MAGA, or you were willing to accept all of the cruelty and act cruel yourself.

This election has the chance to destroy that.
In 2015 Trump mocked a disabled reporter, and that was unforgivable. There was a certain point in time where you either realized he was a disgusting human being and wanted to be nothing like him, and not affiliated with MAGA, or you were willing to accept all of the cruelty and act cruel yourself.

This election has the chance to destroy that.
Just the tip of the iceberg with Trump.

Besides being an absolute piece of shit, the biggest problem with Trump is he doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to be president. He’s a child. And putting a child in charge of the free world is insane.

I don’t care how weird or cringy Kamala’s laugh is or how many guys any MAGAt surmises she banged to “advance her career.” Donald Trump is not fit to be commander in chief. Frankly, at this point, anyone who thinks he is I sincerely hope dies a miserable death before the election.
Just the tip of the iceberg with Trump.

Besides being an absolute piece of shit, the biggest problem with Trump is he doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to be president. He’s a child. And putting a child in charge of the free world is insane.

I don’t care how weird or cringy Kamala’s laugh is or how many guys any MAGAt surmises she banged to “advance her career.” Donald Trump is not fit to be commander in chief. Frankly, at this point, anyone who thinks he is I sincerely hope dies a miserable death before the election.


By some, I mean a lot. Sadly a majority of men in this country.

@Tom Paris is right, it's up to the women to save us from this madness. Quite frankly it's making me question my social conservatism in ways. I really think it's best for the world that people get married, stay married and have children. But if the majority of choices in terms of men are people who love Trump or at the very least make excuses for him, quite frankly I can't blame the straight women for not getting married.

Whatever has to be going through your head to back or excuse his crap does not for a great long term partner make.

Men in this country need to grow up and learn that childish cruelty doesn't make you a real man.

By some, I mean a lot. Sadly a majority of men in this country.

@Tom Paris is right, it's up to the women to save us from this madness. Quite frankly it's making me question my social conservatism in ways. I really think it's best for the world that people get married, stay married and have children. But if the majority of choices in terms of men are people who love Trump or at the very least make excuses for him, quite frankly I can't blame the straight women for not getting married.

Whatever has to be going through your head to back or excuse his crap does not for a great long term partner make.

Men in this country need to grow up and learn that childish cruelty doesn't make you a real man.
Could not have been said any better,

I’m done being nice about it,
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Just the tip of the iceberg with Trump.

Besides being an absolute piece of shit, the biggest problem with Trump is he doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to be president. He’s a child. And putting a child in charge of the free world is insane.

I don’t care how weird or cringy Kamala’s laugh is or how many guys any MAGAt surmises she banged to “advance her career.” Donald Trump is not fit to be commander in chief. Frankly, at this point, anyone who thinks he is I sincerely hope dies a miserable death before the election.
I get it as jist the tip of the iceberg. More of a that was my inflection point. Not that I'm inclined to vote for him in the first place, but that was truly the most unforgivable thing. And it is borne out now 10 years later with his followers making fun of now a handicapped child.
I want to be nice about it, but there is a line. Given that Trump doesn't think my children are deserving of life that line has clearly been crossed.
He truly doesn't think your kids are valuable to society. Donald's nephew has stated that Donald made derogatory comments about his son, and wondered out loud if the money spent to keep him healthy and alive was worth being spent?
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I get it as jist the tip of the iceberg. More of a that was my inflection point. Not that I'm inclined to vote for him in the first place, but that was truly the most unforgivable thing. And it is borne out now 10 years later with his followers making fun of now a handicapped child.

That was the thing that turned my wife from apathetic person who had never voted even once at age 33 to someone who votes in every general election both presidential and mid term.

At that time at least our first child had been diagnosed with autism and Trump doing that made her see red. Then she's suddenly asking me how she can get registered to vote.
Anyone else remember back in 2016 when the Trumpers hyperventilated about people pointing out that Barron was yawning during Trump's s victory speech? Now they are fully fine with mocking a 17 year old kid, and a family that loves each other.
I don't think even without trump, this problem is going to be over for maybe a very long time unfortunately. I pray I'm wrong.

Some believe it will break, I don't. While Trump is the unquestioned MAGA leader, the MAGA formula can be used by any of them to gain power.
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I'm worried about trump getting back in office and how he and his administration would deal with little immigrants and babies in mother's arms if they would catch them coming across. Oh wait., we've all seen that horror film.
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Some believe it will break, I don't. While Trump is the unquestioned MAGA leader, the MAGA formula can be used by any of them to gain power.
For all of his loathsome qualities, he is charismatic in ways. That is hard to replicate. We saw many try to do it in the primary, or in other races, and it just doesn't work for them. Cults tend to not last once their leader dies.
But wait, I thought Minnesota had fallen. Are there still some areas in far northern Minnesota where it is safe for Magas to go?
Listened to a really dumb MAGA claim today that 60% of MPLS burned down during the George Floyd protests. But of course couldn’t provide proof of any of it. 60%!!! These people are incredibly stupid and they cling to their stupidity like it’s a life raft. It’s astonishing.
For all of his loathsome qualities, he is charismatic in ways. That is hard to replicate. We saw many try to do it in the primary, or in other races, and it just doesn't work for them. Cults tend to not last once their leader dies.

I don't see the charisma. Only thing I see is people who don't want to think too hard about politics just having absolute faith that he's gonna fix everything without even explaining how.
I thought conservatives were against making minor children a political target. Imagine if 1 of JD's kids were made fun of by liberals, MAGA"s heads would explode. Gus seems like a great kid that loves his family. He makes me even prouder to vote for the Harris/Walz ticket!

Being jerks shouldn't be rewarded.
Listened to a really dumb MAGA claim today that 60% of MPLS burned down during the George Floyd protests. But of course couldn’t provide proof of any of it. 60%!!! These people are incredibly stupid and they cling to their stupidity like it’s a life raft. It’s astonishing.
Its hardwired in. The only way to fix this scourge is rendition...all of them
I don't see the charisma. Only thing I see is people who don't want to think too hard about politics just having absolute faith that he's gonna fix everything without even explaining how.
Well, it’s a compliment that you don’t see it. He speaks to their grievances and sense of victimhood. He does so with a rare combination of fact free bluster and confidence that they crave. He validates them. He says the things they would rightly have to talk to HR about if they said the same words at work.

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