And a lake that Hormel and the city dumped so much waste into that it was completely void of any fish for years!
You'd have some decent high school hockey again in the State. Hard to believe that Iowa is down to five communities (Des Moines, Ames, Sioux City, Waterloo and Dubuque) supporting high school hockey teams.
Cedar Rapids, Mason City, and the Quad Cities play in the Midwest Hockey League, unless you’re talking about something else?
First, what is with this stupid trend of buying/annexing/acquiring new territory? Just dumb. This nonsense is what you get when your party is led by an unserious buffoon.

Second, this is not the Iowa way. We wait for a natural river shift to create an oxbow lake then steal the exclave territory from our neighbors in an original action before SCOTUS over riparian rights. Suck it Nebraska!

Third, just in case the Constitution still matters, Art. IV, § 3, cl. 1 has something to say about this:
"New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress."

Fourth, if we're to have war, this isn't the war I want to fight. I want to go to war with Nebraska and after we win, make them take the western third of Iowa as punishment.
Thanks! Looks like I was looking at an old website or something. Good to know that hockey is alive in Iowa!!
Ok, You're doing too much with the exclamation points. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or giddy like a school girl. Either way, those are the communities that I would expect to have hockey teams in Iowa.
This Bousselot clown from Ankeny must be a fvcking idiot!

Part of the Republican circus in Mississippi North and apparently dropped on his head as a child.
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Ok, You're doing too much with the exclamation points. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or giddy like a school girl. Either way, those are the communities that I would expect to have hockey teams in Iowa.
Sorry. Not being sarcastic and didn't mean to offend. What can I say, I like hockey. Here is the page that I looked at. In the standings on the right hand side, it only had the communities that I listed, except that I missed the Quad Cities. But I see now that it says "2024 Tournament," so that must be something different than the regular league. I was surprised not to see a Cedar Rapids team when I looked at this. Mystery solved I guess.

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This Bousselot clown from Ankeny must be a fvcking idiot!

Part of the Republican circus in Mississippi North and apparently dropped on his head as a child.
Lol, I didn't even read the article, I knew Mike from Iowa. He self-appointed his nickname "boozealot".
I say "f*** it". Let's claim all 6 bordering states and make them "Iowa"!!!

To hell with Texas. We're about to be the biggest state in the Union.
I like this idea. To hell with Texas is right! The only bigger collection of idiots is in Florida.

****slow day at work, trying to stir something up, I'm a jackass****

*****several of our Noles fans are excluded from the broad brush I just painted with. Especially Goldmom and FAULTY. Those are 2 of my favorites 🙂*****
I can sort of understand the desire to get the counties in Minnesota.

Minnesota is a much more progressive State with more highly educated citizens. Would raise the standard here.

Given the long range, dire financial outlook in Mississippi North, it would increase the tax base/revenue.
But I doubt Minnesota wants to subsidize us!
I can sort of understand the desire to get the counties in Minnesota.

Minnesota is a much more progressive State with more highly educated citizens. Would raise the standard here.

Given the long range, dire financial outlook in Mississippi North, it would increase the tax base/revenue.
But I doubt Minnesota wants to subsidize us!
Iowa > Minnesota
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If it happened there would be a lot of happy Iowa Trump fans who could fish bullheads from both sides of the grade with just an Iowa license.
I grew up on the grade. In the spring me and my dad would go up there and quit around 2 5 Gallon buckets full and take them to Kabeles and get them cleaned. 10cents per Bullhead.
I can sort of understand the desire to get the counties in Minnesota.

Minnesota is a much more progressive State with more highly educated citizens. Would raise the standard here.

Given the long range, dire financial outlook in Mississippi North, it would increase the tax base/revenue.
But I doubt Minnesota wants to subsidize us!
The only part of Minnesota that votes blue are your typical Metropolitan areas that are full of Somalians that might be on there way back to Africa shortly I hope! The rest of Minnesota is just as Red as Iowa!
I grew up on the grade. In the spring me and my dad would go up there and quit around 2 5 Gallon buckets full and take them to Kabeles and get them cleaned. 10cents per Bullhead.
Good time with your dad. Glad you could have good memories. At least in the spring the water would be cooler so the flavor less mucky and the meat more firm.

I was traumatized by bullhead fishing with my dad growing up. He would never be able to find time until middle of summer so the fish would taste like muck and the meat mushy instead of firm. Mom always overcooked everything and would fry these in straight cornmeal rendering them unedible.

I do occasionally slip my kyak into the grade for crappie.....and if I go a little too deep get a bullhead.....which goes right back.
The only part of Minnesota that votes blue are your typical Metropolitan areas that are full of Somalians that might be on there way back to Africa shortly I hope! The rest of Minnesota is just as Red as Iowa!
Look everyone, we found ourselves another White Nationalist!!!!

The economic activity around Minneapolis funds nearly everything in the State. You might want to do a little research to learn more of life around the TCs.
Minnesota is a much more progressive State with more highly educated citizens. Would raise the standard here.
Actually the bottom three layers of counties ( excepting Rochester ) were all carried by Trump to the tune of 65% to 35%. In fact the entire state went Trump save 4 counties and the Indian Territories...
Actually the bottom three layers of counties ( excepting Rochester ) were all carried by Trump to the tune of 65% to 35%. In fact the entire state went Trump save 4 counties and the Indian Territories...
The population of Mpls/St Paul/Rochester amounts to 70% of the total.
What part of my post are you questioning?
Progressive State.
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